Iranian clairvoyant Mohsen Norouzi's latest prediction of the fate of the world
For the first time, Iranian clairvoyant Mohsen Norouzi felt his power as a child. The older he got, the more his abilities showed. For example, he anticipated the death of his mother. And during the Iran-Iraq war, in which the seer took part, he had many visions. All of them helped the clairvoyant save himself and his comrades at the front.
The psychic subtly feels what is happening in the world. He often predicts future events. Recently, the Iranian has put forward several assumptions related to the fate of Ukraine and Russia. In light of the raging full-scale war, we are curious to know what these predictions are about.
Mohsen Noruzi Mohsen Noruzi has been developing his skills for many years. He soon discovered that he had the gift of healing. In 2010, the clairvoyant took part in the 10th season of “Battle of psychics” and won a confident victory in this show. People trust a visionary because they have become convinced that his abilities are not empty.
Instagram / @mokhsennoruzi Clairvoyant has been practicing for many years and managed to cure many people. To answer the question, the Iranian begins to pray and enters a trance state. He uses beads when praying. Mohsen believes that God protects him. It is thanks to him that a man can see what will happen in the future.
If you are interested in the life of Mohsen Norouzi, I advise you to read the article by my colleague Galina Pashinskaya. In it you will learn a little more information from the biography of the psychic. And we return to the main topic of today - the last predictions of the clairvoyant.
In early February 2022, an Iranian psychic spoke about the most exciting issues. People have long said that the end of the world awaits us. However, Mohsen believes that all the predictions are false. Do not believe the predictions, because only God has such information.
To the question of whether the Third World War will begin, the expert answers unequivocally: it has already begun. And that happened back in 2014. Only modern warfare has a completely different face. It consists in small military conflicts occurring in different parts of the world.
According to the Iranian, the purpose of such conflicts is to subjugate power and seize as much land as possible with its valuable resources. We can say that this is what is happening in Ukraine. However, the clairvoyant believes that very soon the most expensive resource on the planet will be drinking water, not gas and oil.
Peels Psychic commented on the position of the US and the EU in the world community. He believes that the collapse of the domination of these countries is not far off. America's destiny is sealed. It is waiting for a recession of the economy, riots and serious destruction within the country due to natural disasters. The same fate awaits the European Union, which will collapse in the future.
Ukraine and Russia Noruzi’s narrative on the situation in Ukraine is as old as the world. Who hasn’t talked about American domination in Ukraine? The Iranian believes that the war will drag on for a long time until another leader begins to lead the country. In his opinion, the inevitable collapse of Ukraine into 2 parts. And the reason will be not only politics, but also religion.
The Iranians give a more positive forecast to Russia. But what else can you expect from a psychic who lives and earns money in this country? In general, Mohsen says that the Russians are not threatened by global shocks. Military conflicts are not to be feared. That sounds ridiculous, though, because Russian troops have been fighting a full-scale war against Ukraine for 93 days.
Peels was foolish to believe that the Russian invasion of Ukraine will not affect the inhabitants of Russia. It is already clear that the economic crisis cannot be avoided. It costs everything from food to toilets and bathrooms.
It's up to you to believe Mohsen Norouzi's predictions. However, it seems to us that in this situation it is time to take responsibility for your own future, and not rely on the predictions of clairvoyants. What do you say?

The psychic subtly feels what is happening in the world. He often predicts future events. Recently, the Iranian has put forward several assumptions related to the fate of Ukraine and Russia. In light of the raging full-scale war, we are curious to know what these predictions are about.
Mohsen Noruzi Mohsen Noruzi has been developing his skills for many years. He soon discovered that he had the gift of healing. In 2010, the clairvoyant took part in the 10th season of “Battle of psychics” and won a confident victory in this show. People trust a visionary because they have become convinced that his abilities are not empty.

Instagram / @mokhsennoruzi Clairvoyant has been practicing for many years and managed to cure many people. To answer the question, the Iranian begins to pray and enters a trance state. He uses beads when praying. Mohsen believes that God protects him. It is thanks to him that a man can see what will happen in the future.
If you are interested in the life of Mohsen Norouzi, I advise you to read the article by my colleague Galina Pashinskaya. In it you will learn a little more information from the biography of the psychic. And we return to the main topic of today - the last predictions of the clairvoyant.
In early February 2022, an Iranian psychic spoke about the most exciting issues. People have long said that the end of the world awaits us. However, Mohsen believes that all the predictions are false. Do not believe the predictions, because only God has such information.

To the question of whether the Third World War will begin, the expert answers unequivocally: it has already begun. And that happened back in 2014. Only modern warfare has a completely different face. It consists in small military conflicts occurring in different parts of the world.
According to the Iranian, the purpose of such conflicts is to subjugate power and seize as much land as possible with its valuable resources. We can say that this is what is happening in Ukraine. However, the clairvoyant believes that very soon the most expensive resource on the planet will be drinking water, not gas and oil.

Peels Psychic commented on the position of the US and the EU in the world community. He believes that the collapse of the domination of these countries is not far off. America's destiny is sealed. It is waiting for a recession of the economy, riots and serious destruction within the country due to natural disasters. The same fate awaits the European Union, which will collapse in the future.
Ukraine and Russia Noruzi’s narrative on the situation in Ukraine is as old as the world. Who hasn’t talked about American domination in Ukraine? The Iranian believes that the war will drag on for a long time until another leader begins to lead the country. In his opinion, the inevitable collapse of Ukraine into 2 parts. And the reason will be not only politics, but also religion.

The Iranians give a more positive forecast to Russia. But what else can you expect from a psychic who lives and earns money in this country? In general, Mohsen says that the Russians are not threatened by global shocks. Military conflicts are not to be feared. That sounds ridiculous, though, because Russian troops have been fighting a full-scale war against Ukraine for 93 days.

Peels was foolish to believe that the Russian invasion of Ukraine will not affect the inhabitants of Russia. It is already clear that the economic crisis cannot be avoided. It costs everything from food to toilets and bathrooms.
It's up to you to believe Mohsen Norouzi's predictions. However, it seems to us that in this situation it is time to take responsibility for your own future, and not rely on the predictions of clairvoyants. What do you say?
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