Psychic Max Gordeev went on air and gave an urgent prediction for October
Now everyone is talking about one thing: will nuclear weapons be used? Everyone hastens to speak out and share their opinion. Psychic Max Gordeev also gave his forecast for the beginning of October and answered a question that worries everyone. The psychic's urgent prediction clarified everything.
Editorial "Site" What to expect from the second month of autumn.
Due to constant statements and threats from the Russian command, the emotional state of people is very tense. It is something we cannot influence. And all the previous actions of these people show that they are capable of terrible things. Few people can say anything for sure. Except for intelligence that keeps the situation under control.
However, psychics are also not silent and make predictions. They are whispering to some higher power. Max Gordeev went on air to his audience to tell what awaits us. The broadcast focused on the nuclear threat.
The psychic did a tarot fold. The expert asked: “Will there be a nuclear war in Ukraine?” The cards that Max pulled out said unequivocally that all conversations and threats are just intimidation and bluffing. This is the enemy’s whole strategy: bully and retreat. This is done in order to worsen the morale and emotional state of the military and civilians.
No map from the elongated does not hint that a nuclear catastrophe is coming. So you need to listen to less news from the enemy camp. It is better to ignore them altogether. It’s important to take care of your nerves, because we will need them.
Will there be a nuclear war in the world? In the same scenario, the psychic decided to clarify whether nuclear weapons will be used in the world and whether we will suffer from it. The maps again said it wouldn't threaten us. The chance of such events happening in our lifetime is minimal. Almost zero.
This war will take many lives, it is not news. But the nuclear threat has nothing to do with it. Psychic warns that we are being manipulated. All this intimidation is not for nothing, but to catch up with fear. So you don't have to give in to him. We need to think rationally and adequately assess the situation. In addition, Max Gordeev assures that the Ukrainians will be fine.
Whether you believe in the forecast for the beginning of October or not is up to you. However, we still call for a balance between baseless panic and common sense. Find out what to do during a nuclear threat. That's it. Try to focus less on your fears, don’t think about it all the time. If the words of the psychic could calm you down, then read them again. Take care and believe in the best!

Editorial "Site" What to expect from the second month of autumn.
Due to constant statements and threats from the Russian command, the emotional state of people is very tense. It is something we cannot influence. And all the previous actions of these people show that they are capable of terrible things. Few people can say anything for sure. Except for intelligence that keeps the situation under control.
However, psychics are also not silent and make predictions. They are whispering to some higher power. Max Gordeev went on air to his audience to tell what awaits us. The broadcast focused on the nuclear threat.

The psychic did a tarot fold. The expert asked: “Will there be a nuclear war in Ukraine?” The cards that Max pulled out said unequivocally that all conversations and threats are just intimidation and bluffing. This is the enemy’s whole strategy: bully and retreat. This is done in order to worsen the morale and emotional state of the military and civilians.

No map from the elongated does not hint that a nuclear catastrophe is coming. So you need to listen to less news from the enemy camp. It is better to ignore them altogether. It’s important to take care of your nerves, because we will need them.

Will there be a nuclear war in the world? In the same scenario, the psychic decided to clarify whether nuclear weapons will be used in the world and whether we will suffer from it. The maps again said it wouldn't threaten us. The chance of such events happening in our lifetime is minimal. Almost zero.

This war will take many lives, it is not news. But the nuclear threat has nothing to do with it. Psychic warns that we are being manipulated. All this intimidation is not for nothing, but to catch up with fear. So you don't have to give in to him. We need to think rationally and adequately assess the situation. In addition, Max Gordeev assures that the Ukrainians will be fine.

Whether you believe in the forecast for the beginning of October or not is up to you. However, we still call for a balance between baseless panic and common sense. Find out what to do during a nuclear threat. That's it. Try to focus less on your fears, don’t think about it all the time. If the words of the psychic could calm you down, then read them again. Take care and believe in the best!
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