Rebus, which in childhood with the go solved only prodigies
Rebuses are interesting puzzles in which words and phrases are encrypted using pictures and symbols. Some of them do not cause any difficulties. Others, such as the rebus with an owl and spruce, became the subject of numerous memes. And there are those whose decisions can only be made by the most intelligent readers. Decipher the puzzle from our article to prove that you are one of them.
Decipher the puzzle Well, let's do the decoding. To do this, you need to find hidden logic where it does not appear at first. So "ko" and "yes" are crossed out. What would that mean?
It is logical to assume that crossing out means denial. Then the beginning of the phrase sounds like “no-no-for”. It makes no sense. What else does the cross mean? When we play naval combat, we put an end to those ships that have dropped out of battle. In other words, they were, but ceased to exist.
Peels And if you read our rebus, how was it? Then what's the point? There's got to be some trick. "Po" is not crossed out. So, according to the same logic, it was not, but is. It turns out that "there was no food." It's almost a meaningful phrase. And if you take it by ear, we get "mare forgot to eat."
Beginning! It remains to be seen what a number of figures are. What can I say about him? First of all, it's definitely not the mysterious code from the Lost series. Secondly, the numbers are in a row, but there are five missing.
So here could be encrypted phrases "without five", "and where five", "five not". Here, I confess, I reached the limit of my logical abilities. But my mother came to help me, who remembers this puzzle since childhood.
According to Peels, all I had to do was read the expression “five nos” differently. And even after a hint, I was tormented for a long time, until I came to the option of "and five not." If you take it by ear, we get “no appetite”. Collect all parts of the puzzle together and read the coded phrase:The mare forgot to eat. No appetite.?
Solving various puzzles is both fascinating and useful. Such a charge for the mind is necessary for every person, regardless of how old he is and what he does for a living. After all, keeping the brain in great shape is no less important than training the muscles of the hands, legs or abs. And today's edition. "Site" It offers several interesting and different tasks.

Decipher the puzzle Well, let's do the decoding. To do this, you need to find hidden logic where it does not appear at first. So "ko" and "yes" are crossed out. What would that mean?

It is logical to assume that crossing out means denial. Then the beginning of the phrase sounds like “no-no-for”. It makes no sense. What else does the cross mean? When we play naval combat, we put an end to those ships that have dropped out of battle. In other words, they were, but ceased to exist.

Peels And if you read our rebus, how was it? Then what's the point? There's got to be some trick. "Po" is not crossed out. So, according to the same logic, it was not, but is. It turns out that "there was no food." It's almost a meaningful phrase. And if you take it by ear, we get "mare forgot to eat."

Beginning! It remains to be seen what a number of figures are. What can I say about him? First of all, it's definitely not the mysterious code from the Lost series. Secondly, the numbers are in a row, but there are five missing.

So here could be encrypted phrases "without five", "and where five", "five not". Here, I confess, I reached the limit of my logical abilities. But my mother came to help me, who remembers this puzzle since childhood.

According to Peels, all I had to do was read the expression “five nos” differently. And even after a hint, I was tormented for a long time, until I came to the option of "and five not." If you take it by ear, we get “no appetite”. Collect all parts of the puzzle together and read the coded phrase:The mare forgot to eat. No appetite.?
Solving various puzzles is both fascinating and useful. Such a charge for the mind is necessary for every person, regardless of how old he is and what he does for a living. After all, keeping the brain in great shape is no less important than training the muscles of the hands, legs or abs. And today's edition. "Site" It offers several interesting and different tasks.
Exposing Rosa Kuleshova, which could “see” with one fingertips
The habit of planting a garden remained, but it became a loss-making affair.