Spark your intellect and read the puzzle with letters, units will master the first time
Who doesn’t like letters and numbers? Words in them are encrypted using pictures and different symbols. And to solve these mysterious messages helps us a set of rules. It seems simple: how many commas are after a word, so many letters need to be removed from its end.
The subject is drawn in an inverted form - read its name from right to left. If, for example, the number 7 is drawn inside the letter "O", read "in-o-seven". Wait, but you might as well read it as seven-in-a-o.
That's where things get complicated. Name and combine words and symbols in pictures in dozens of ways. Therefore, to find the right answer, readers will need a sharp eye and remarkable ingenuity!
Rebuses with letters
Answers with explanation
These are simple puzzles, which, we're sure, you easily coped with. But even from such a simple training can be obtained a lot of benefits. Or food for thought that you should work on yourself to solve all the problems next time without looking into the answers.

The subject is drawn in an inverted form - read its name from right to left. If, for example, the number 7 is drawn inside the letter "O", read "in-o-seven". Wait, but you might as well read it as seven-in-a-o.

That's where things get complicated. Name and combine words and symbols in pictures in dozens of ways. Therefore, to find the right answer, readers will need a sharp eye and remarkable ingenuity!
Rebuses with letters
- Let's start with the simplest. It's just "h" and "k", but how do you read it, please?
- It is not surprising to get confused even in two letters.
- Well, we already know the rules. How many commas are in front of a word, how many letters need to be removed. The result is something like an automatic wal-a-tree? I don't understand!
- Even though he hid his eyes behind his glasses, he clearly hints at something. And the face, please note, mocking, like one citizen with the Patriarch.
- Fans of Russian rock, your way out. Can you read the title of a popular song encrypted in the picture?
Answers with explanation
- It is clear that you need to somehow dock the “k” and “h”. But sometimes it's easier said than done. "Ka-i-h," "ka-wh," or "ka-na-h"? You need to have a developed imagination to imagine that the letters "ka" kind of go by "h". We get a "wh" or kidney!
- We have the letter "o" and some bucket with the letter "a". In other words, next to the "o" stands a tank with the letter "a". All you have to do is throw away the extra to get the s-o-buck-a. dog!
- The case when the depicted objects have to look for other names. Someone will say “automatic”, someone – “weapon”, and the most savvy will pronounce only two letters – AK! Same thing with the Christmas tree. But here the logical chain is a little longer: Christmas tree - jewelry - New Year - NG! It is necessary to add one to another to read the word. scuba!
- A man for an "e" or an "e" in front of his feet? We will not bother the reader and immediately give the correct answer. As you can see, the letter to our citizen is exactly on his knees. In other words, knee-deep e. generation!
- I am sure that the fans of DDT responded without hesitation. After all, the picture literally “crying sky on the feet”! about:blank
And the great song from which we got this phrase is called, of course. "What is Autumn?".
These are simple puzzles, which, we're sure, you easily coped with. But even from such a simple training can be obtained a lot of benefits. Or food for thought that you should work on yourself to solve all the problems next time without looking into the answers.
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