To distract from the news, ask each other tricky questions, the husband always wins.
Recently, I found a new word in the article – “dumskrolling”. Wikipedia writes that it comes from the English doom - "evil rock" and scroll - "scroll, flip." Psychologists define this phenomenon as a painful immersion in the news feed. Because of it, we spend all our free time absorbing negative information. As a result, stress accumulates and depression comes. To distract from the news, our family solves puzzles and various mysteries. They involve children and adults in the gameplay, develop logical thinking and allow you to experience the joy of the solution found.
Different puzzles.
Our funny riddles will help you to spend time with benefit. After all, ingenuity helps to search for unusual, interesting and simple solutions, achieving results not only in the game, but also in real life in the shortest possible way.

Different puzzles.
- I'm a city and I'm a fruit. I'm also a song. Guess who I am?
This puzzle is good because it allows not one, but many answers. And you have to look for them in completely different areas. Here you will need not only knowledge of geography, but also a certain musical erudition. In addition, knowledge of foreign languages will not be superfluous. - What numbers should be replaced with question marks?
- Legacy
One farmer left 17 cows to his three sons. In his will he commanded to give half of the herd to the eldest son, a third to the middle and a ninth to the youngest. How do brothers carry out their father’s last will?
Peels - Mrs. Bishop's Jewels
Mrs Bishop reported the missing jewellery to the police. Arriving at the scene, detectives saw that the house was a mess, the furniture was turned over, and the carpet was in dirty tracks. But there's no sign of a break-in on the door.
One of the windows was broken. Mrs Bishop was soon arrested on fraud charges. What led the detectives to this idea? - Road sign
Find a pattern to replace the question mark with a number.
Washington - 162
Chicago - 54
Richmond - 70
- There are not many answers in Russian. The first one I would call Raisins. This is not only dried grape berries, but also a district center in the Kharkiv region. As for the song, listen to the composition of the rapper Moth with a fruit name.
Finding the next answer is not easy. And only real polymaths can do that. Namely, those who know the famous nickname of New York - "Big Apple". There are so many songs about New York.
There are even more answers in English. For example, the city of Orange in Australia and the song Orange Sunset. Lemon Grove in California and The Lemon Song by legendary British rockers Led Zeppelin. The list can be continued over and over again. I hope you will add it in your comments. - Write in pairs the numbers above and below. Get ?7 27 37 and ?7 57 67. It is clear that all numbers differ by 10. In order not to disturb the sequence, replace the upper question mark with 1stAnd the bottom one is on 4.. It turns out 17 27 37 and 47 57 67.
- There's a catch here. In order to fulfill the terms of the will, you will have to borrow another cow. Then the older brother will get 9 Burenki, an average of 6, and the younger only three. Calculate: 9 + 6 + 3 = 18. The rest of the cow can be safely returned.
- Detectives figured out Mrs Bishop was cheating on them. There were no glass shards inside the house. It could only have been broken from the inside.
- Regularity consists in multiplying the number of vowel letters by the number of consonants and the total number of letters. Boston: 2 vowels, 4 consonants and only 6 letters. From here we get 2 * 4 * 6 = 48.
Our funny riddles will help you to spend time with benefit. After all, ingenuity helps to search for unusual, interesting and simple solutions, achieving results not only in the game, but also in real life in the shortest possible way.
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