What is mind and who can be called a smart man

The mind — the ability to think, ability to find solutions to life's challenges, the ability to see and predict the consequences of their actions. Opposed to mind — stupidity, lack of mind - dementia.
A smart man is a man who knows how to think, use your head (do not all and not always) and having the necessary materials (subject knowledge). In the everyday sense, a smart man is one who knows a lot. But generally speaking, smart is not the same as well-read or educated. In the society of the stereotype that smart people must know physics, mathematics, and similar disciplines. However, if a person knows a lot, it speaks to his good memory and, perhaps, his desire to know something. Smart correct to call a person who can use their knowledge on the basis of which it can develop its views on various issues, to draw any logical conclusions and make decisions. Inferences can be made as formulaic and trivial, but in most cases lead to a correct result. Smart people see beyond his nose (looks in the future), unlike most people. He is able to analyze events and to distinguish the essential from the nonessential.
People do not always use the mind; in daily life it with varying degrees of success to replace when acquired habits and automatisms, when education, and when people just turn off the head and rely on their emotions and feelings. Specific analysis shows, it seems that most people think is hardly more than 10% of the time. People do dumb things often not because of a lack of intelligence, but for lack of habit to use it. Not all people like to think, it's not always accepted, and at least most women most of the time live, guided not by the mind and the senses. We can say that a smart man — it's tough controlling your consciousness on a high concentrations in a strictly specified point.
The mind is not the same as education. Education enriches and sharpens the mind, but it does not replace, and among highly educated people sometimes can meet people not very smart. The mind is not the same as intelligence, if intelligence is understood as the ability to quickly answer questions, solve logical problems and puzzles. The mind is not only the ability to think(to think), this life experience involving the use of ready-made solutions, it's also cunning, intelligence and other ways of finding the right solution.
It is curious that one thinks not only of the head, in the decision of vital problems the person involved his whole body, once helping him, when something disturbing. An intelligent man from the foolish can be distinguished by the expression of the eyes, the tone and even gait. The mind affects the hormonal situation in the body: increased level of testosterone (male sex hormone) improves intelligence and spatial ability (topographic) thinking.
One of the participants in my training, Faith, was surprisingly smart, with sharp, clear, very logical mind. But her voice was masculine, rough, manners — a little male, and on the upper lip black mustache. It was bad, and went on hormone treatment. Hormone treatment has reduced her levels of male hormones, the skin is smooth, clean and no whiskers, the manners of Faith have become more feminine — but suddenly all noticed how Faith (in comparison with the Belief still) dumb. Became — as all...
Definitely that the mind is not just knowledge of the mind is formed by nature of leading activities of the individual and the surrounding culture in General. So, B. M. Teplov wrote about the peculiarities of the mind of the commander, I. P. Pavlov about the specifics of the Russian mind.
The mind is associated with the psychological characteristics of a person. There is much to know, but with crooked beliefs, inadequate programs and positions to be a fool. In connection with the personal components of the mind can be lazy, evil or fearful. Women in General did no more stupid than men, but in business situations conceptual thinking and responsible decision-making, men are usually smarter, because rarely are conducted on emotions.
The male mind (sometimes referred to as just the mind) is a habit to think, to seek a solution to direct, without evasions and tricks. The female mind is other women when you have a choice often prefer to turn the trick and resolve the issue in a roundabout way, and not breaking your own head. Indeed, why think of the most, if you can make a helpless eyes, trustingly, and ask for help, and I do tell men? You need to take into account the fact that many men do not like too clever women, and understand women once choose to be not too smart to better to marry...
A variation of the mind is the intelligence. Intelligence is different from both the male and female mind finding rare, obscure or detours.
The mind is only the beginning of consciousness, it is the first step. The mind works from zero or in the best case from the first position of perception, he has only one (own) point of view and a problem — here I am and here is what I need. When a person develop the ability and habit of using different positions of perception, thinking not only from the point of view of his point of view, but also from the point of view of other people, as well as from the position of objective review, a systematic approach and the position of the angel, he develops the mind. Mastering perceptual positions, man your mind develops to the level of the mind, and the mind adding to the experience and becomes wise.
By itself, the mind does not guarantee neither happiness nor love or money or career. To get all this, you need to take inventory of their beliefs and values, to develop the will and build the body... — you need to do a lot of things. However, if smart people set themselves such problems, he will succeed faster than others, not such clever. Start working on yourself?
Can we wise up? How to develop your mind?To get smarter, to learn. But what and how? Schools and universities development of the mind helps, but guarantees nothing: smart in the process of studying smarter, stupid only clog his head with unnecessary nonsense. Smart is not so much one who knows and the one who teaches himself is needed and knows where some knowledge of how to apply. The mind develops in the first place, surrounded by smart people and solving life problems, when a person teaches life. The mind is in many ways similar to muscles in our body: it's supported with regular training and without training gradually atrophy.
Source: /users/1077