5 reasons to use lateral thinking
Edward de Bono - founder of the theory of "lateral thinking", recommended to use it as a way to solve complex problems.
The first question that arises when reading the title of the article: "What is lateral thinking?" This concept was coined more than 45 years ago, but its relevance is not lost today. We are accustomed to in everyday life to use logical thinking (vertical), and in the case of the lateral (horizontal) thinking we need to look at the problem from the other side without prompting phased search logic. From childhood we are taught to organize all our problems, analyze and seek solutions with the use of logic and the known variables. But logical thinking, unfortunately, not everyone is subject. But lateral thinking can master each thing to learn to ignore and look at the situation from a different angle. There is nothing complicated, important not to be afraid and start.
Edward de Bono - founder of the theory of "lateral thinking". He recommends the use of "lateral thinking" as one of the ways to solve complex problems.
Edward de Bono has published the book "The Art of thinking»,
to help readers learn how to apply lateral
Thinking business purposes in creative moments
and every day in his personal life.
This book will reveal to you many secrets of the art horizontal thinking, referring to the specific examples and the available treatments. "The art of thinking" will give you a unique ability to think outside the box during standard situations.
Why did not use lateral thinking in everyday life?
1. Do not think of templates in standard situations
Because every situation is always a way out, but often we can not see the obvious, as we look in the wrong direction. This way of thinking will help you develop the ability to think unconventionally and successfully apply the acquired skills into practice. Lateral thinking is not only suitable for solving the problems - it helps to take a new look at things, and generate new ideas of all kinds.
2. Never give up
Often we are faced with at first sight are not solvable problems, but lateral thinking helps us to find a way out of the most complicated story with a positive outcome. You can never give up, because the struggle and search for a way - it is already half-way to a happy outcome, and advance thrown the white flag - the failure of the secured.
3. Use a non-trivial way to solve problems
Not to explain how and what to do in the most complicated moments of life, we give you an example from the book:
"Many years ago, when the debtor has thrown into debtors' prison, a London merchant, he had the misfortune to owe a large sum of money to a certain moneylender. Pawnbroker, an ugly old man, fell in love with the young daughter of a merchant and offered him a deal: he will forgive the debt if he gets a wife, his daughter ... and a daughter and father were terrified. Then insidious ... moneylender suggested that he put in an empty purse, two small stone, black and white, and she let him pull one of them. If she will fall black, she would become his wife, if the white - will remain with his father. The debt in both cases will be considered extinguished ... moneylender bent over to find stones for the lot, and the daughter of a merchant noticed that he had picked up and put in a purse, two black stones. Then he turned to the girl and asked her to pull out one of the stones »...
What would you do in her place? Vertical thinking will not help in this case. People thinking vertically, would focus on the fact that the girl to pull the stone. People who think laterally, directed his thinking for the remaining stone. They can explore all angles of the situation.
"The Girl in our history reached into the purse, pulled out a stone, and without looking at him, dropped right on the track, where he instantly lost ... But it does not matter if you look in the purse, you can color the remaining stones to say what I'm stone I took ».
4. The emergence of new ideas to improve your life
Coming to a new idea is very easy for everyone. Enthusiasm - a pledge of birth of a new idea. Lateral thinking helps not only new ideas, but also a more economical approach to their implementation.
5. Study of the structure of the problem simplify its decision
Each task has its own structure, have known each element can be understood that it may become a starting point in its decision. The better we know our goal, the easier it will be to explain to myself how and what we need to do. For example, instead of being considered a "wall of the house to support the roof, think of them as it suspended" or can refuse "from the idea that the Earth moves around the Sun, and imagine that the sun moves around the sun." To all the problems there are approaches, which at first sight are not visible.
Exit framework specific task in the search for another look at it - a very complex task. Sometimes you have to let go of concerns aside to look at it from the other side. The decision may come instantly and completely, but only a distant idea, but only in your power to develop it as much as possible and efficiently.
Marina Poznyakova

The first question that arises when reading the title of the article: "What is lateral thinking?" This concept was coined more than 45 years ago, but its relevance is not lost today. We are accustomed to in everyday life to use logical thinking (vertical), and in the case of the lateral (horizontal) thinking we need to look at the problem from the other side without prompting phased search logic. From childhood we are taught to organize all our problems, analyze and seek solutions with the use of logic and the known variables. But logical thinking, unfortunately, not everyone is subject. But lateral thinking can master each thing to learn to ignore and look at the situation from a different angle. There is nothing complicated, important not to be afraid and start.
Edward de Bono - founder of the theory of "lateral thinking". He recommends the use of "lateral thinking" as one of the ways to solve complex problems.
Edward de Bono has published the book "The Art of thinking»,
to help readers learn how to apply lateral
Thinking business purposes in creative moments
and every day in his personal life.
This book will reveal to you many secrets of the art horizontal thinking, referring to the specific examples and the available treatments. "The art of thinking" will give you a unique ability to think outside the box during standard situations.
Why did not use lateral thinking in everyday life?
1. Do not think of templates in standard situations
Because every situation is always a way out, but often we can not see the obvious, as we look in the wrong direction. This way of thinking will help you develop the ability to think unconventionally and successfully apply the acquired skills into practice. Lateral thinking is not only suitable for solving the problems - it helps to take a new look at things, and generate new ideas of all kinds.
2. Never give up
Often we are faced with at first sight are not solvable problems, but lateral thinking helps us to find a way out of the most complicated story with a positive outcome. You can never give up, because the struggle and search for a way - it is already half-way to a happy outcome, and advance thrown the white flag - the failure of the secured.
3. Use a non-trivial way to solve problems
Not to explain how and what to do in the most complicated moments of life, we give you an example from the book:
"Many years ago, when the debtor has thrown into debtors' prison, a London merchant, he had the misfortune to owe a large sum of money to a certain moneylender. Pawnbroker, an ugly old man, fell in love with the young daughter of a merchant and offered him a deal: he will forgive the debt if he gets a wife, his daughter ... and a daughter and father were terrified. Then insidious ... moneylender suggested that he put in an empty purse, two small stone, black and white, and she let him pull one of them. If she will fall black, she would become his wife, if the white - will remain with his father. The debt in both cases will be considered extinguished ... moneylender bent over to find stones for the lot, and the daughter of a merchant noticed that he had picked up and put in a purse, two black stones. Then he turned to the girl and asked her to pull out one of the stones »...
What would you do in her place? Vertical thinking will not help in this case. People thinking vertically, would focus on the fact that the girl to pull the stone. People who think laterally, directed his thinking for the remaining stone. They can explore all angles of the situation.
"The Girl in our history reached into the purse, pulled out a stone, and without looking at him, dropped right on the track, where he instantly lost ... But it does not matter if you look in the purse, you can color the remaining stones to say what I'm stone I took ».
4. The emergence of new ideas to improve your life
Coming to a new idea is very easy for everyone. Enthusiasm - a pledge of birth of a new idea. Lateral thinking helps not only new ideas, but also a more economical approach to their implementation.
5. Study of the structure of the problem simplify its decision
Each task has its own structure, have known each element can be understood that it may become a starting point in its decision. The better we know our goal, the easier it will be to explain to myself how and what we need to do. For example, instead of being considered a "wall of the house to support the roof, think of them as it suspended" or can refuse "from the idea that the Earth moves around the Sun, and imagine that the sun moves around the sun." To all the problems there are approaches, which at first sight are not visible.
Exit framework specific task in the search for another look at it - a very complex task. Sometimes you have to let go of concerns aside to look at it from the other side. The decision may come instantly and completely, but only a distant idea, but only in your power to develop it as much as possible and efficiently.
Marina Poznyakova