And your child is a genius?
Statistics — 100 thousand normal children have 1 Prodigy. But only 3-5% of them would grow up to be geniuses. Besides, there are physiological explanations — more rapidly developing peers, over time, the gifted child is slow in development and is "all". There are culprits damped talent and failures in education — deciding what you need to develop only what the baby abilities, the adults stop paying attention to his physical development and the development of other skills. But if the development of the gifted child will be comprehensive, including social services and health care (especially mental), there will be enough chances to take place in adult life. But that's not the only way to lose the "divine spark". There are other...
Best assistant — genuine interest
Avicenna in the three years helped her father, the collector of tribute, to count the money. In ten years the boy knew by heart the whole Quran. At age 12 he began to study medicine, and 16 years in successfully treated patients. In addition to medicine and homeopathy, he has reached the heights in philosophy, logic, music, poetics, linguistics, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, Geology. Throughout his life, he started to work early in the morning and went to bed late at night. Avicenna believed that his powers are constantly being restored and developed thanks to the fact that he studied only what interested him, getting pleasure from their work and moral satisfaction from the fact that benefit people.h
Child prodigies, a plan for 900 years!
Gifted boy Otto Schmidt at the age of 14 made a plan of work for life. In this plan he included books that need to read the science which he would study, the tasks required to solve. Once the schedule was drawn, Otto estimated that the implementation of all plans will require 900 years! The plan had to be altered and limited to the items, the fulfilment of which will take 136 years. This time it seemed more real, because scientists predicted that in the twentieth century, people will learn to live up to 150 years. In addition to the ability to prioritize and to set the right goals, Otto Schmidt great at math, statesman, traveler, discoverer — was inherent in the ability to structure the obtained data, a clear logic of thinking, discipline in work and self-discipline. All essential properties to achieve higher goals.
To the enormous potential of child prodigies actually not been ruined in the Bud, it is very important for young talents to find a teacher. Yes, later the student can surpass his teacher. But he will give the correct direction will help to follow a goal, like going for a guiding star. The importance of the mentor confirms the story of Michael Ostrogradsky. For a long time this young man was reputed to be a poor student. But one day rented a room at a University teacher — Professor Andrey Pavlovsky. And the "infected" student a love of mathematics. The success Michael has been rapid, to which his teacher exclaimed, "I come to truth work, and you're — doing!" Subsequently, Mikhail Ostrogradsky was the founder of Petersburg school of mathematicians, an outstanding academician.
Of course, there are many examples of young "genius" that ended in failure or tragedy. Whiz kids — whiz kids vulnerable, more sensitive and demanding to the world. To maintain and increase their skills to each young talent's hard not childish. They often need support, not extra are advice and assistance of teachers, care about their health and mental state, but always, no matter what, these children needed parental love and understanding. Sometimes it seems that the child with such adult judgments and knows how to make something brilliant awkward to hug and cuddle and does extra.
But it just seems...
Source: /users/87
Best assistant — genuine interest
Avicenna in the three years helped her father, the collector of tribute, to count the money. In ten years the boy knew by heart the whole Quran. At age 12 he began to study medicine, and 16 years in successfully treated patients. In addition to medicine and homeopathy, he has reached the heights in philosophy, logic, music, poetics, linguistics, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, Geology. Throughout his life, he started to work early in the morning and went to bed late at night. Avicenna believed that his powers are constantly being restored and developed thanks to the fact that he studied only what interested him, getting pleasure from their work and moral satisfaction from the fact that benefit people.h
Child prodigies, a plan for 900 years!
Gifted boy Otto Schmidt at the age of 14 made a plan of work for life. In this plan he included books that need to read the science which he would study, the tasks required to solve. Once the schedule was drawn, Otto estimated that the implementation of all plans will require 900 years! The plan had to be altered and limited to the items, the fulfilment of which will take 136 years. This time it seemed more real, because scientists predicted that in the twentieth century, people will learn to live up to 150 years. In addition to the ability to prioritize and to set the right goals, Otto Schmidt great at math, statesman, traveler, discoverer — was inherent in the ability to structure the obtained data, a clear logic of thinking, discipline in work and self-discipline. All essential properties to achieve higher goals.
To the enormous potential of child prodigies actually not been ruined in the Bud, it is very important for young talents to find a teacher. Yes, later the student can surpass his teacher. But he will give the correct direction will help to follow a goal, like going for a guiding star. The importance of the mentor confirms the story of Michael Ostrogradsky. For a long time this young man was reputed to be a poor student. But one day rented a room at a University teacher — Professor Andrey Pavlovsky. And the "infected" student a love of mathematics. The success Michael has been rapid, to which his teacher exclaimed, "I come to truth work, and you're — doing!" Subsequently, Mikhail Ostrogradsky was the founder of Petersburg school of mathematicians, an outstanding academician.

Of course, there are many examples of young "genius" that ended in failure or tragedy. Whiz kids — whiz kids vulnerable, more sensitive and demanding to the world. To maintain and increase their skills to each young talent's hard not childish. They often need support, not extra are advice and assistance of teachers, care about their health and mental state, but always, no matter what, these children needed parental love and understanding. Sometimes it seems that the child with such adult judgments and knows how to make something brilliant awkward to hug and cuddle and does extra.
But it just seems...
Source: /users/87