What indicates the giftedness of the child

It is no secret that most dads and moms consider their child the most beautiful, intelligent, resourceful and, of course, gifted. It is no secret that most children are perfect only in the eyes of their parents.

In some countries there is a well-established term “highly gifted child”. To call their child such, it is not enough for parents to train him to read, write, count or play the "Dog Waltz" on the piano by 4-5 years. One of the main indicators of high giftedness is a constant desire for knowledge, which should fully come from the child, writes Polina Levina.


A child prodigy is not a person with a medical diagnosis, but a genius with a special mindset and a great potential that lies inside. "Site" He will tell you what indicates the high giftedness of the child and how to raise such a baby.

In Germany, confirmation of the status of high giftedness of your child can be obtained quite officially, you just need your 6-year-old boy to pass unified tests with a psychologist. The specialist will measure not only the IQ of the child, but also evaluate different personal characteristics and characteristics. Testing costs about 300 euros and takes at least three hours, during which you can identify the general and narrow giftedness of the baby in certain areas.

Why do you need a test if your child is the best? “In some countries, on the basis of high test scores, the child may be allowed to jump over the classroom, attend individual subjects in the next grade, go to the best school, even if he is not a round A.D. student.

In addition, it will be easier for parents to decide on additional sports training, music lessons and sections. Some parents after the test receive an answer to a long tormenting question: “Why is mine not like everyone else?”. The strange behavior and quirks of the child are finally being explained, explains Polina Levina.


Understanding the giftedness, it is vitally important not to confuse it with the endless, almost violent introduction into the head of the child of all kinds of wisdom. The child, of course, will be able to do everything, but it is unlikely that he will sit down on his own to write numbers or play the piano without a whip from his mother.

It is important to understand that gifted He learns to read, write, endlessly asks about the structure of the world around him, spends hours playing the violin and steals adult books from the parental library, because he really wants to read.


Signs of giftedness
  1. " In one ear flew, in the other flew — a proverb applicable to most children. Gifted children are able to store a variety of information and visual images that can easily reproduce in the future.
  2. Gifted children are asked to teach them how to write and read ahead of time or learn it on their own. In addition, these children begin to speak early, adult, complex sentences, using quotes.

  3. The prodigies have a heightened sense of justice. Such children may be very worried not only for themselves, but also for other children and adults who have been treated unfairly. For example, for an unfair assessment, a gifted child may boycott the teacher.
  4. A gifted child is more willing to communicate with older children than with peers. And if he does not understand his plan (for example, in the game) immediately, he may become hot-tempered and angry.

  5. Children are restless, noisy and active creatures. A gifted child, in turn, is distinguished by high perseverance and deep concentration. For example, a 3-year-old can draw, read or play a musical instrument for several hours without interruption.
  6. Emotional vulnerability and increased sensitivity are faithful companions of a gifted child. Neutral remarks and light remarks can hurt such children to the core, while other children will miss them.

  7. Talented children have an inherent perfectionism: they either give 100% or completely abandon their plans, because they know that it will turn out worse than they can.
  8. A gifted child has a predilection for detail. An older child can endlessly collect and disassemble things in an attempt to find out how they work. A younger child may, for example, notice how his toy moved from its usual place (after all, he decomposed as expected).

  9. Child prodigies criticize themselves without a conscience. They pay attention to what other children do, but they are no less critical of themselves. For example, a child who won a school race may regret not breaking his own record.
  10. Children who are highly intelligent are able to understand complex concepts and think abstractly. Moreover, they are able not only to delve into the problem, but also to try to solve it.


And even if your offspring is not particularly gifted, this does not mean that over the years his mental and mental development will not go uphill. Conversely, early detection of talents is not always indicative of higher achievement in older age. Human thinking and creativity are the greatest gifts, and it is important to understand that this gift is in every little person.

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