The practice of "rosebush."

Since ancient times, both in the East and in the West, certain colors are considered symbols of the higher human "I».
In China, this flower was a "Golden Flower" in India and Tibet - lotus in Europe and Persia - rose. An example of this is "The Song of the Rose" French troubadour, "Eternal Rose", so wonderfully sung by Dante, rose, shown in the middle of the cross is a symbol and a number of spiritual traditions.
Typically Higher "I" symbolizes the already blossoming flower, and although the image is static in nature, its visualization can serve as a good stimulus and awaken the power. But even more stimulating processes in the higher realms of consciousness dynamic image of a flower - a development from bud to reveal the roses.
This dynamic character corresponds to the inner reality that underlies the development and disclosure of all human and natural processes. It merge the inherent energy of all living creatures and the tension that comes from inside a person that tells him to participate in the continued growth and evolution.
This inner life force is a tool that completely liberates our minds and leads to the discovery of our spiritual center, our Higher "I».
Procedure vypolneniya-
Sit back, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax.
Imagine a rose bush with lots of flowers and bud ... Now turn your attention to one of the buds. It is still quite closed, surrounded by green cup, but at the top of its already noticeable pink tip. Fully focus your attention on the way, keep it in the center of your awareness.
Now very slowly green calyx begins to unfold. Already it is clear that it consists of a single cup of leaves that are gradually moving away from each other, bent down, opening the pink petals, which are still closed. Sepals continue to open, and you can already see the whole entire bud.
Now, too, and the petals begin to open slowly turning until until it turns into a fully bloomed flower ... Try to feel the smell of this rose, its distinctive feel, her alone inherent flavor.
Now imagine that a rose fell a ray of sunshine. He gives her his warmth and light ... for some time continue to hold your attention at the center of a rose, sunlit.
Look into the heart of the flower. You will see how it appears the face of the wise creatures. It is full of understanding and love for you.
Talk to him about what is important to you at this time of life. Do not hesitate to ask about what you most excited about right now. It may be some problems in life, questions of choice and direction. Try to use this time to find out all that is needed. (You can even pause and write down what you learn. Try to develop and deepen the revelations that were given to you).
Now identify with rose. Imagine. that you become this rose or absorbed all of this flower ... Realize that rose and wise being always with you and that you can always contact them to use some of their qualities. Symbolically - and you have this rose, the flower. The same power that breathes life into the universe and created the rose, gives you the opportunity to develop the essence of your most cherished and all that comes from it.
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