Settings electromagnetic fields in the body for a universal frequency:

You become more and more unstable, as in space are growing processes of redistribution of energy between plans and sub-plans. All the energies that are present in that space, which is now in the solar system to have higher vibration than a few decades ago.
In the eyes of a generation there is a breakthrough in the scientific and technical progress. This became possible only now, a hundred years ago there were no conditions for growing crystals for microelectronics, for example. New energy brought into the world of instability and disbalansiruyut organisms living beings and technical systems.
For the existence of the new conditions, the human body must be configured on the energies that are now present in the environment.
Stand facing the east. Legs slightly apart and knees prisognuty. Mentally lower rod from the tailbone to the center of the planet, lean on the rod. You will feel that this is possible. Connect this pin to your "axis". Mentally manifest in the space of electromagnetic fields in a tangled web of phantom lines. Look at your fingers and toes, visualize as one line-out, continue your energy meridians of the etheric body. These lines are woven into a network, which fills the space.
Imagine how all the lines that fill the space arranged in a network having a diamond-shaped cell. Your energy meridians are connected with this network and become part of it. You are integrally formed with the space. Then remove the space. The cells of the field remain a diamond structure. Your body received pulses of electromagnetic energy in a structured way. Your body receives external power and structures them in a safe range. You are surrounded by electromagnetic fields lined up in an orderly, without making any imbalance in you or in your home.
This exercise must be performed daily for 17 days. It takes less than 5 minutes a day. It can be done at any time and in any place, but the best in your home. After 17 days, the field will be built around you "automatically».
Electromagnetic fields have now become a very important factor in living beings and technical systems. Especially this influence has increased with the development of mobile telephony. There has been a qualitative leap in the state space. Filling its electromagnetic oscillations increased by several orders of magnitude. Man is a creature that is actively implementing an impact not only on the space of the planet, but also to the entire solar system and the universe.
"Luminosity" of the Earth in the radio today is the biggest in the universe. These energies bring instability in the space-time continuum. Filling the space reaches the maximum extent possible. The alignment of the cells of the field in a harmonious state, and the inclusion of the person as harmonizing and not a destabilizing factor, and will greatly benefit the person and space.