A natural way of life and habit incompatible
For every person there is a calendar and biological age. Biological age is determined not by the number of wrinkles on the face or a grey hair in hair, – grey, in the end, and you can paint over, with wrinkles plastic surgeons now straightened brilliantly. But you cannot change the other blood pressure gradually increases lung capacity – the amount we need for breathing is reduced, toxins and salts are removed from the body slower, the joints lose their mobility, and vessel elasticity, muscle covered with fat, changing the structure of the liver, kidneys, heart...
Appear and illness — sometimes not one, not two, but a whole "bouquet".
The way to fix old bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, frequent and prolonged stress. With age a person worse is adapting to the changing conditions, there are the typical senile diseases. The older age group – the more the number of patients with diseases such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer disease).
The weakest link in the human organism is emotions. And very often our sickness can occur as a consequence of unexpressed emotions. Hypertension – disease of the century. This is quite natural, since we all have not only at work but also in everyday life everyday life, to hold back, and as a result this energy, not finding out is through the increase in blood pressure.
If a small stress activate protective forces of organism, increase in blood the number of immune cells, the prolonged stress leads to a depletion of the reserve of immune cells and as a consequence occurs a disease.
Referring to the issues of calendar and biological ages, the cause of senile disease, it is impossible to hush up about the ineffectiveness of modern methods of diagnostics, correction and rehabilitation. The standards are so common, not individualized in nature, which, as a rule, do not bring fast, cost-efficient and effective according to the results of healing, that is, not returns health.
Strongly there is a need to consider the whole structure and energy processes of the human body.
You know how closely related to the mechanisms of human life with the rhythms of the Cosmos, one of the most important circadian rhythm. In it lies a deep mystery, because the controlling energy wave, as if rolled during the day inside our body, any living being is realized through the large circle of circulation of energy.
According to the traditions of Russian folklore to his cock "Ku – ka – re – ku!" out of living space black power, witchcraft, and gives the start of the circulation of energy in a large circle. She starts to circulate with the Meridian of the Lungs (the maximum activity is noted in 3 to 5 a.m.), and then baton passed the Meridian "large intestine" (5 – 7am), the "Stomach" (7 – 9 hours), "Spleen – pancreas" (9 -11 hours), Heart (11 – 13 hours), "small intestine"(13 – 15 hours), "bladder" (15 – 17 hours) "The kidneys" (17 – 19 hours), "the Pericardium" (19 – 21 hours), "Triple heater" (21 – 23 hrs), "Gall bladder" (23 – 1 hour), Liver (1 – 3 hours).
Life on Earth originated billions of years ago in the form of simple cells. In the ancient Earth's atmosphere lacked oxygen, but was dominated by carbon dioxide. As the stage of the origin of life on Earth there was no oxygen, which is the main "killer" cells, carbon dioxide gas, both then and now has the role of a guard growing cells from the harmful action of reactive oxygen species.
However, life on Earth has evolved in a constantly fluctuating electromagnetic environment. To the cell to survive in conditions of constant exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the Earth, from the Sun, from space, it (the cage) took an evolutionary period of time to produce their own bioelectric waves, close in frequency to the natural about 10 Hz. And now this function generate its own bioelectric energy for the body cells remains basic. First, the brain regulates the function of maintaining its own bioizluchenie, and then all the rest of the regulation of mental and physiological processes.
Progress of a civilization tend to invade the environment-electromagnetic environment across devices, operating in the mode of dissemination into the environment of electromagnetic radiation. It is known that the shorter the wavelength, the more energy it possesses. High-frequency radiation (from ultraviolet range) can ionize atoms or molecules in somatic cells and thereby disrupting their biological processes. Well, electromagnetic waves long-wavelength spectrum, though not knock out electrons from the outer shells of atoms and molecules, but are able to heat the organic lead molecules in thermal motion. Such exposure can interfere with the currents, playing a vital role in the functioning of the body
If the person is in a place where the anthropogenic impact is electromagnetic pollution of the natural environment, our brain will mobilize new reserves for adaptation. Those parts of the brain that are responsible for the reception and analysis of information about the environment, switch to the reflected wave of the attack. When adaptation reserves are depleted, the brain goes "blank" protection, and the individual loses the capacity for analytical thinking, depressed, no longer navigate in space, he starts seizing.
Practitioners noticed that blood diseases are more susceptible to electricians, radio and television master. Also includes statistics showing that children living close to power lines high voltage cancer blood twice as often as the rest of their peers.
For millennia, people lived in a world where none existed manmade high-frequency electromagnetic sources. All his organs and systems are adapted precisely to the conditions of the electromagnetic waves of the natural environment. And suddenly the man was thrown into the sea not previously familiar with his body of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Reaction of the body in created by the civilization conditions simply unpredictable.
If people are a physical impact on your body, conventional medicine is able to effectively provide them with medical assistance. But if there was exposure to energy (such as electromagnetic radiation)that conventional medicines and medical devices are ineffective.
You need to always remember about the threat from electromagnetic radiation and prevent the radiation from several emitters. Suppose You work the grinder, kettle and toaster, which are included in this point the freezer. And besides, quite near something boiling on the stove and your kitchen is included and a TV. Their working time is short, and we did not even know how harmful it is to be in the area of the total electromagnetic radiation. But the time factor in this case does not play a big role. Much more important is that each of your household appliances frequency characteristics of AMY. The body has to reflect the "wave attack" immediately on a broad front, to the limit. Therefore, in order to comply with domestic safety, you should avoid the simultaneous operation of several different emitters.
Finally, it should be remembered that particularly bad AMY millimeter range affect Allergy sufferers and persons suffering from heart disease. There is evidence of violation of heart rhythm (up to the appearance of arrhythmias) when the frequency of the sequence of EM – pulses with the frequency of the cardiac cycle. As for allergies, they can develop hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields. As a result, these patients may even lose consciousness during a thunderstorm or while under power lines.
For protection from electromagnetic radiation of varying intensity, some firms supply the commercial network of male and female models of various appointments and modifications. Do these defences of electrically conductive fabric with cotton lining. This fabric has shielding properties. Products made of this fabric is light enough and convenient.
Already a thousand times repeated: energy is the basis of civilization. The basis of power generation are thermal power plants. Scientific and inventive idea for decades grappling with the problem: how to give Mankind a limitless source of energy, not provide damaging effects on the surrounding human habitat. The search for means of protection against electronic smog is intensively carried out all over the world now. In large cities, in industrial areas it flows from everywhere: power lines, power cables, transformer substations, radio and television transmission antennas, from the territories of the factories, household appliances. "In the line" we electromagnetic radiation (EMR) feel, but with a long enough and strong influence they very much affect the well-being and health. This, of course, weakens the immune system.
People say that one problem always walks arm in arm with the other. Such a second disaster for the population of Russia was the establishment in 1930, daylight saving time, obliging to move the entire centuries of our way of life forward by one hour from standard time. Since 1981, in spring and summer the clock began to translate another hour ahead, concerning daylight saving time. As a result, the population of Russia in 1930, living in strong discord with the rhythms of nature.
For energy management (distributed in the body in a large circle) from SPACE and the energy generated by the human cell, you must match the frequency of the rhythm of energy in SPACE with frequencies of the rhythm of human energy. As the people of Russia the rhythm of life at the time installed with a shift, here and problems with health of Russians.
Electronic smog and interference of the authorities in the daily lifestyle of HUMANITY, "agreed" to them in the course of evolution with nature, there are those two factors, because of which the Christian world blindly eradicate your kind. Contrary to the nature of the Christian world grows defective, insane, hereditary tainted people. People from the authorities are proud of the achievements in the sphere of activities of perinatal care genetically defective. The problem is not that help them survive – and that they are allowed to procreate. And thus opens the way for further contamination of the gene pool.
The space of Christianity is the territory's most technologically advanced countries, where the pursuit of energy savings is not observed standard time. It is on the space of the Christian world have the plastic correction of the exterior of people, change of sex from male to female and from male to female, which by definition is a consequence of a profound mental disorder patients of plastic surgeons from the effects of dirty environment.
In "Technique — youth", No. 3, 1996, on page 61, a photograph of the Belgian Actresses of a certain genre eve Valois (Lolo), posing (surrounded by a crowd of men) photojournalist. Men attracted to Lolo her huge Breasts. To form such an impressive size Breasts, she had to go under the surgeon's knife 18 times (!). The surgeon's knife was interrupted conduction of energy flows through the channels of a large circle circulation. Lolo had no one to tell about the urgent need to restore traffic flows of energy through the meridians Lungs, Heart and other meridians of the large circle of circulation of energy. The surgeon's knife, blocking the flow of cosmic energy to the heart, lungs and other vital organs of the body, brought Lolo to a ridiculous death.
Patients of plastic surgeons are people experiencing difficulties in everyday life due to disruptions in daily rhythms of movement of energy flows through the meridians of the large circle circulation. Change in appearance or sex has one goal – to be an energy vampire and make up for the lack of receipt of cosmic energy at the expense of others.
Source: /users/1077
Appear and illness — sometimes not one, not two, but a whole "bouquet".
The way to fix old bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, frequent and prolonged stress. With age a person worse is adapting to the changing conditions, there are the typical senile diseases. The older age group – the more the number of patients with diseases such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer disease).

The weakest link in the human organism is emotions. And very often our sickness can occur as a consequence of unexpressed emotions. Hypertension – disease of the century. This is quite natural, since we all have not only at work but also in everyday life everyday life, to hold back, and as a result this energy, not finding out is through the increase in blood pressure.
If a small stress activate protective forces of organism, increase in blood the number of immune cells, the prolonged stress leads to a depletion of the reserve of immune cells and as a consequence occurs a disease.
Referring to the issues of calendar and biological ages, the cause of senile disease, it is impossible to hush up about the ineffectiveness of modern methods of diagnostics, correction and rehabilitation. The standards are so common, not individualized in nature, which, as a rule, do not bring fast, cost-efficient and effective according to the results of healing, that is, not returns health.
Strongly there is a need to consider the whole structure and energy processes of the human body.
You know how closely related to the mechanisms of human life with the rhythms of the Cosmos, one of the most important circadian rhythm. In it lies a deep mystery, because the controlling energy wave, as if rolled during the day inside our body, any living being is realized through the large circle of circulation of energy.
According to the traditions of Russian folklore to his cock "Ku – ka – re – ku!" out of living space black power, witchcraft, and gives the start of the circulation of energy in a large circle. She starts to circulate with the Meridian of the Lungs (the maximum activity is noted in 3 to 5 a.m.), and then baton passed the Meridian "large intestine" (5 – 7am), the "Stomach" (7 – 9 hours), "Spleen – pancreas" (9 -11 hours), Heart (11 – 13 hours), "small intestine"(13 – 15 hours), "bladder" (15 – 17 hours) "The kidneys" (17 – 19 hours), "the Pericardium" (19 – 21 hours), "Triple heater" (21 – 23 hrs), "Gall bladder" (23 – 1 hour), Liver (1 – 3 hours).
Life on Earth originated billions of years ago in the form of simple cells. In the ancient Earth's atmosphere lacked oxygen, but was dominated by carbon dioxide. As the stage of the origin of life on Earth there was no oxygen, which is the main "killer" cells, carbon dioxide gas, both then and now has the role of a guard growing cells from the harmful action of reactive oxygen species.
However, life on Earth has evolved in a constantly fluctuating electromagnetic environment. To the cell to survive in conditions of constant exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the Earth, from the Sun, from space, it (the cage) took an evolutionary period of time to produce their own bioelectric waves, close in frequency to the natural about 10 Hz. And now this function generate its own bioelectric energy for the body cells remains basic. First, the brain regulates the function of maintaining its own bioizluchenie, and then all the rest of the regulation of mental and physiological processes.
Progress of a civilization tend to invade the environment-electromagnetic environment across devices, operating in the mode of dissemination into the environment of electromagnetic radiation. It is known that the shorter the wavelength, the more energy it possesses. High-frequency radiation (from ultraviolet range) can ionize atoms or molecules in somatic cells and thereby disrupting their biological processes. Well, electromagnetic waves long-wavelength spectrum, though not knock out electrons from the outer shells of atoms and molecules, but are able to heat the organic lead molecules in thermal motion. Such exposure can interfere with the currents, playing a vital role in the functioning of the body
If the person is in a place where the anthropogenic impact is electromagnetic pollution of the natural environment, our brain will mobilize new reserves for adaptation. Those parts of the brain that are responsible for the reception and analysis of information about the environment, switch to the reflected wave of the attack. When adaptation reserves are depleted, the brain goes "blank" protection, and the individual loses the capacity for analytical thinking, depressed, no longer navigate in space, he starts seizing.
Practitioners noticed that blood diseases are more susceptible to electricians, radio and television master. Also includes statistics showing that children living close to power lines high voltage cancer blood twice as often as the rest of their peers.
For millennia, people lived in a world where none existed manmade high-frequency electromagnetic sources. All his organs and systems are adapted precisely to the conditions of the electromagnetic waves of the natural environment. And suddenly the man was thrown into the sea not previously familiar with his body of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Reaction of the body in created by the civilization conditions simply unpredictable.
If people are a physical impact on your body, conventional medicine is able to effectively provide them with medical assistance. But if there was exposure to energy (such as electromagnetic radiation)that conventional medicines and medical devices are ineffective.
You need to always remember about the threat from electromagnetic radiation and prevent the radiation from several emitters. Suppose You work the grinder, kettle and toaster, which are included in this point the freezer. And besides, quite near something boiling on the stove and your kitchen is included and a TV. Their working time is short, and we did not even know how harmful it is to be in the area of the total electromagnetic radiation. But the time factor in this case does not play a big role. Much more important is that each of your household appliances frequency characteristics of AMY. The body has to reflect the "wave attack" immediately on a broad front, to the limit. Therefore, in order to comply with domestic safety, you should avoid the simultaneous operation of several different emitters.
Finally, it should be remembered that particularly bad AMY millimeter range affect Allergy sufferers and persons suffering from heart disease. There is evidence of violation of heart rhythm (up to the appearance of arrhythmias) when the frequency of the sequence of EM – pulses with the frequency of the cardiac cycle. As for allergies, they can develop hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields. As a result, these patients may even lose consciousness during a thunderstorm or while under power lines.
For protection from electromagnetic radiation of varying intensity, some firms supply the commercial network of male and female models of various appointments and modifications. Do these defences of electrically conductive fabric with cotton lining. This fabric has shielding properties. Products made of this fabric is light enough and convenient.
Already a thousand times repeated: energy is the basis of civilization. The basis of power generation are thermal power plants. Scientific and inventive idea for decades grappling with the problem: how to give Mankind a limitless source of energy, not provide damaging effects on the surrounding human habitat. The search for means of protection against electronic smog is intensively carried out all over the world now. In large cities, in industrial areas it flows from everywhere: power lines, power cables, transformer substations, radio and television transmission antennas, from the territories of the factories, household appliances. "In the line" we electromagnetic radiation (EMR) feel, but with a long enough and strong influence they very much affect the well-being and health. This, of course, weakens the immune system.
People say that one problem always walks arm in arm with the other. Such a second disaster for the population of Russia was the establishment in 1930, daylight saving time, obliging to move the entire centuries of our way of life forward by one hour from standard time. Since 1981, in spring and summer the clock began to translate another hour ahead, concerning daylight saving time. As a result, the population of Russia in 1930, living in strong discord with the rhythms of nature.
For energy management (distributed in the body in a large circle) from SPACE and the energy generated by the human cell, you must match the frequency of the rhythm of energy in SPACE with frequencies of the rhythm of human energy. As the people of Russia the rhythm of life at the time installed with a shift, here and problems with health of Russians.
Electronic smog and interference of the authorities in the daily lifestyle of HUMANITY, "agreed" to them in the course of evolution with nature, there are those two factors, because of which the Christian world blindly eradicate your kind. Contrary to the nature of the Christian world grows defective, insane, hereditary tainted people. People from the authorities are proud of the achievements in the sphere of activities of perinatal care genetically defective. The problem is not that help them survive – and that they are allowed to procreate. And thus opens the way for further contamination of the gene pool.
The space of Christianity is the territory's most technologically advanced countries, where the pursuit of energy savings is not observed standard time. It is on the space of the Christian world have the plastic correction of the exterior of people, change of sex from male to female and from male to female, which by definition is a consequence of a profound mental disorder patients of plastic surgeons from the effects of dirty environment.
In "Technique — youth", No. 3, 1996, on page 61, a photograph of the Belgian Actresses of a certain genre eve Valois (Lolo), posing (surrounded by a crowd of men) photojournalist. Men attracted to Lolo her huge Breasts. To form such an impressive size Breasts, she had to go under the surgeon's knife 18 times (!). The surgeon's knife was interrupted conduction of energy flows through the channels of a large circle circulation. Lolo had no one to tell about the urgent need to restore traffic flows of energy through the meridians Lungs, Heart and other meridians of the large circle of circulation of energy. The surgeon's knife, blocking the flow of cosmic energy to the heart, lungs and other vital organs of the body, brought Lolo to a ridiculous death.
Patients of plastic surgeons are people experiencing difficulties in everyday life due to disruptions in daily rhythms of movement of energy flows through the meridians of the large circle circulation. Change in appearance or sex has one goal – to be an energy vampire and make up for the lack of receipt of cosmic energy at the expense of others.
Source: /users/1077