The fastest printer in the world

Japanese company Kyocera Corp announced the creation of the fastest inkjet printer in the world, the ability to achieve print speeds of 152 pages per minute. However, while the new printer is available only in the company, and it goes on the market only after god.

The main highlight of the printer is its print head. As in conventional inkjet printers its resolution is 300dpi, but there is provided a simultaneous printing on both sides of the sheet in the new printers on the sheet actually moved more than one print head, and two, that allows the device in black and white printing to achieve such outstanding performance. Dual print head is on the same database, and users do not need to buy two sets of ink for the printer. The width of the head sostavlyaet112 mm, making it the world wide. The developers say that the moving parts that are most often the cause of failure, the new device no bigger than a conventional jet printera.

The new head can simultaneously print in two colors, in this case, there were used special ultrasound technology to print on paper, the colors are not mixed and print quality remained consistently high even in the super high-speed printing. The company said in the commercial printing machines with high speed printing in high demand as they allow significant savings in the time required for preparation of publication in circulation in the hundreds of thousands of pages.
Source: obozrevatel.com/technology/65820-samyij-byistryij-printer-v-mire-pechataet-152-stranitsyi-v-minutu.htm