The dimension, or why 3D printers and artificial intelligence does not take over the world
Well accurately capture - but not now. I'm not a cynic - I'm sincere delighted, what can modern technology. But when I hear confidence-seer «3D printers will change our lives - because they will be right at home to print anything," or "through 5-10-15 years artificial intelligence equal to the man ..." I brings the cheekbones of bewilderment.
And what dimension? The dimension ... because it spoils everything.
About the bad infinity and definitions h4> Porpoise. Firstly no sea, and secondly not a pig ... i>
The complexity and utility h4> Dad, who wins a fence - a whale or elephant elephant whale? I>
The dimension of h4> what you want to be smart or beautiful? I>
The hardness (soft - hard) The density (light - heavy) The ductility (plastic - elastic) Electrical conductivity (dielectric - conductor ) Hue (red - violet) Weight (colorless - color) Brightness (more precisely reflectivity) (black - bright) Thermal conductivity (that even words do not pick up) Chemical Activity (inert - active) ...
And if you like to print conceived meal, add more edible, humidity, acidity, saltiness, bitterness, fleshy .... And we have not touched this fragrance ...
About Life h4> The residents always trivialize the most beautiful ideas i>
Progress h4> At a time when the spaceships ... i>

And what dimension? The dimension ... because it spoils everything.
About the bad infinity and definitions h4> Porpoise. Firstly no sea, and secondly not a pig ... i>
Remember in school geometry lessons? How many points in the interval? Infinity. And how many segments in the box? Also infinite. And how, then, points in a square? What, again infinity? This is the kind of bad infinity, infinity second order ... Glory to God in the real world, to draw a reasonable interval does not require infinitely draw points - going pretty fast qualitative leap - and a set of points is subjective turns into quite a decent line.
But to draw a square we have to make a qualitative leap again - because many do not cram into points in the segment, it will not be square. Each new dimension requires its qualitative transition.
Confusion as always begins with an incorrect definition - 3D printer is not any printer (no "impressions" and the images it does not), but in general it is not 3D. If you simplify the operation of the printer - it is more reminiscent of "betonozalivschik" with which to build a modern home. Crawl myself back and forth, squeezing sausages solidifying mass.
The complexity and utility h4> Dad, who wins a fence - a whale or elephant elephant whale? I>
Here and there - a full two-dimensional requiring qualitative transitions - the ability to move very discretely along two axes. In this sense, 3D is no better than conventional Laserjeta. But unlike banal printer he can move back in one dimension - the up and down. This truth does not mean that the printer can print an arbitrary point in space (the evil gravity does not allow). While each element of the printed design should be securely attached to the stretcher, so that the third dimension rather experimental and without elaboration of the resulting product with a file nothing good comes out. If you do not believe me - try to print baby rattle and tell us how you did it.
It would seem 3D-printer logically should be an order of magnitude more complex color photo printer. But nothing like this - a conventional color printer there are at least three dimensions of color space. And it gives him the necessary versatility, allowing you to print almost any image. The path of the first black-and-white printer to poltsvetnogo took a modest 30 years, and this despite the fact that the theory and the theory of color printing well designed. 3D printer as a print device on the order of magnitude easier good color photo printer. And the only reason why he has not appeared much earlier - is its economic unreasonableness.
The dimension of h4> what you want to be smart or beautiful? I>
What a way to pass the printer to take over the world? To it really was possible to print right things. Let's distribute the dimension that is in the world of real things. I understand that the list is not accurate, but even without thinking:
The hardness (soft - hard) The density (light - heavy) The ductility (plastic - elastic) Electrical conductivity (dielectric - conductor ) Hue (red - violet) Weight (colorless - color) Brightness (more precisely reflectivity) (black - bright) Thermal conductivity (that even words do not pick up) Chemical Activity (inert - active) ... And if you like to print conceived meal, add more edible, humidity, acidity, saltiness, bitterness, fleshy .... And we have not touched this fragrance ...