Which printers is wide format printing
Ninety nine million five hundred twenty five thousand three hundred fifty seven
Technology of drawing images on the surface has leaped forward and now you can put the image on any material – glass, wood, plastic and so on. And we are not talking about the pictures on mugs, and applying the images on these materials. Large format printing on solid surfaces has become possible due to ultraviolet application technology. Depending on the method of sending the material to the print area there are the following types of printers:
Printing banners and other promotional materials on the roll and flatbed printers
Models differ based on whether the material to deform without damaging itself, what is its thickness and other characteristics. Roll printers are very similar to the classic design for standard office paper. They can put the image on the materials high flexibility, for example, films of polyvinyl chloride, it is most often carried out printing of banners http://sphinx-print.com/shirokoformatnaya-pechat/banner/ and other materials for outdoor advertising. In such a printer, you cannot run hard because before rolling it needs to curl into a roll.
But printers tablet can be used for materials with a small flexible – plywood, glass or metal. Design does not require the use of sheets or materials with a small thickness, the printer can be run on a printing base with a thickness up to 170 mm. In this case, no sheet is passing under the heads, as they move over it, the extra drop of paint removes the vacuum pump. As for weight basis, it all depends on the strength of the glass.
Large format printing on combined and hybrid printers
Printers combined models are used most often in furniture manufacturing and for printing images on wood. This printer can withstand considerable weight basis – up to 50 kg, can work with slippery surfaces. Design works about the same principle – there is a conveyor belt, which is located above the static table. Tape is made of perforated material, whereby it shows excellent work with slippery materials. Each hole of the tape contributes to the creation of a vacuum, which provides fixation of the material on it, and leveling it in the process of applying the coloring elements.
Hybrid printers are suitable for almost everything, they can print posters or put the image on the souvenir mugs because they can easily switch between roll and sheet materials. But there are limitations – the printer can't work with heavy materials.
Technology of drawing images on the surface has leaped forward and now you can put the image on any material – glass, wood, plastic and so on. And we are not talking about the pictures on mugs, and applying the images on these materials. Large format printing on solid surfaces has become possible due to ultraviolet application technology. Depending on the method of sending the material to the print area there are the following types of printers:
- roll;
- tablet;
- combined;
- hybrid.

Printing banners and other promotional materials on the roll and flatbed printers
Models differ based on whether the material to deform without damaging itself, what is its thickness and other characteristics. Roll printers are very similar to the classic design for standard office paper. They can put the image on the materials high flexibility, for example, films of polyvinyl chloride, it is most often carried out printing of banners http://sphinx-print.com/shirokoformatnaya-pechat/banner/ and other materials for outdoor advertising. In such a printer, you cannot run hard because before rolling it needs to curl into a roll.
But printers tablet can be used for materials with a small flexible – plywood, glass or metal. Design does not require the use of sheets or materials with a small thickness, the printer can be run on a printing base with a thickness up to 170 mm. In this case, no sheet is passing under the heads, as they move over it, the extra drop of paint removes the vacuum pump. As for weight basis, it all depends on the strength of the glass.
Large format printing on combined and hybrid printers
Printers combined models are used most often in furniture manufacturing and for printing images on wood. This printer can withstand considerable weight basis – up to 50 kg, can work with slippery surfaces. Design works about the same principle – there is a conveyor belt, which is located above the static table. Tape is made of perforated material, whereby it shows excellent work with slippery materials. Each hole of the tape contributes to the creation of a vacuum, which provides fixation of the material on it, and leveling it in the process of applying the coloring elements.
Hybrid printers are suitable for almost everything, they can print posters or put the image on the souvenir mugs because they can easily switch between roll and sheet materials. But there are limitations – the printer can't work with heavy materials.