China: heading for the East!
Nineteen million seven hundred ten thousand five hundred twenty six
*In connection with the geopolitical and economic situation in the world today, Ukrainians and Russians are increasingly turning attention to the East in the deep and capacious sense of geographical direction. Why is the vector of interest is so rapidly shifting in the direction of the rising sun, not only in the CIS but all over the world?
So-called "economic miracle", the flagships of which are China and Japan, they say for over 50 years. No wonder dear, many transnational corporations have moved their production facilities to the region. Delivery of goods from China has already gained popularity in several reasons:
*speed of delivery, which will only increase thanks to the development of logistic communications;
*huge selection of high quality goods;
*the relatively low cost of production of goods and services;
*responsibility in partnerships.
* not all of the benefits of cooperation.
As it should be, good-neighborly relations are not only economic considerations. The history of relations between China and the countries of the former CIS, on what would be the period nor spoken, ordinary citizens of both countries have always been considered benevolent. Following the same proverb, which said, that we are brothers for centuries, ordinary people have always been friends with each other! Not paying attention to the political situation.
Moreover, many Chinese with great pleasure, taught Russian language. And in Russia, still it is believed that the Chinese culture is a kind of sacrament, before which, if not knees to bend, then at least lower your voice. Today many Russians studying in China becomes the goal in itself but a way to understand yourself, change your attitude and look at at an unexpected angle.
Buy from China
Today, China is perhaps the most important manufacturer and supplier in the world markets. Anyway, as for the so-called consumer goods, more than half of the products produced there. Far in the past gone are the stereotypes that have been associated with the Chinese as cheap labour. Today most of the world-famous enterprises tend to start their own factories, production, and even administrative buildings in South-East Asia. No wonder the most famous international sites for buying/ selling a variety of goods and services have Chinese roots.
According to the website www.laovaev.net/
*In connection with the geopolitical and economic situation in the world today, Ukrainians and Russians are increasingly turning attention to the East in the deep and capacious sense of geographical direction. Why is the vector of interest is so rapidly shifting in the direction of the rising sun, not only in the CIS but all over the world?
So-called "economic miracle", the flagships of which are China and Japan, they say for over 50 years. No wonder dear, many transnational corporations have moved their production facilities to the region. Delivery of goods from China has already gained popularity in several reasons:
*speed of delivery, which will only increase thanks to the development of logistic communications;
*huge selection of high quality goods;
*the relatively low cost of production of goods and services;
*responsibility in partnerships.
* not all of the benefits of cooperation.
As it should be, good-neighborly relations are not only economic considerations. The history of relations between China and the countries of the former CIS, on what would be the period nor spoken, ordinary citizens of both countries have always been considered benevolent. Following the same proverb, which said, that we are brothers for centuries, ordinary people have always been friends with each other! Not paying attention to the political situation.
Moreover, many Chinese with great pleasure, taught Russian language. And in Russia, still it is believed that the Chinese culture is a kind of sacrament, before which, if not knees to bend, then at least lower your voice. Today many Russians studying in China becomes the goal in itself but a way to understand yourself, change your attitude and look at at an unexpected angle.
Buy from China
Today, China is perhaps the most important manufacturer and supplier in the world markets. Anyway, as for the so-called consumer goods, more than half of the products produced there. Far in the past gone are the stereotypes that have been associated with the Chinese as cheap labour. Today most of the world-famous enterprises tend to start their own factories, production, and even administrative buildings in South-East Asia. No wonder the most famous international sites for buying/ selling a variety of goods and services have Chinese roots.
According to the website www.laovaev.net/