Treat GIARDIA — 26 recipes
The son gave blood from a vein and they diagnosed Giardia 1:40. I know that the medication not only kills these parasites (occur in 40% of children!!!), but the immune system. I will treat the people's means... that's what was found:
1. Cured Giardia in the liver of his son. Pick the vine-cagucci: growing weed in the garden, sweeps on potatoes, the bushes. Blooms pink and white bells, and the leaves are oblong, as birch. Collect the vine, to dry in the shade. Pour a handful of dried herbs 1 liter of boiling water. Drink as a tea.
2. Cured giardiasis in 10-year-old daughter. During the summer, daily in the morning on an empty stomach to drink 0.5 cups of sour cabbage and tea from the vine. Breakfast can be enjoyed in 20 minutes. To pick a bindweed garden with pink and white bells, and dry in the shade. Pour 1 handful of dried bindweed 1l of boiling water. To drink instead of tea.
3. From Giardia. Tested – working! Pour 1st.l. dried flowers of tansy with 2 cups of warm boiled water, to insist 2 hours. Drain. Take ⅓ Cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals for 5 days.
4. From Giardia. Drink juice horseradish: child – 1дес.l., adult – 1st.l. Drank a little. Tests have shown that Giardia is not.
5. From Giardia, worms, microbes. Clean 3-5 of horseradish, finely chop and add to the bottle. Pour 1 liter of vodka and insist in a dark place for 12 days. Drain. Drink 1H.l. 1 time a day – morning on an empty stomach. The course is 10 days of admission, 10 days off, 10 days of reception. Then a break for 1 month. And continuation of treatment. Was treated for 3 years.
6. From Giardia – sweet jam. To collect in late July – early August green, covered with a white coating (resin) pine cones. Rinse them with cold water, fold in a large pot (an old, badly washed resin) and pour spring water by 15-20cm above the level of the cones. Put on low fire with the lid open and simmer for 8 hours (with breaks). Remove the foam as jam. Then strain to spread in the sink cloth so as not to spoil resin), cones to throw. In remaining liquid add the sugar 1:1 by volume (0.5 l jar of broth to take 0.5 kg of sugar) and boil the jam for 1 hour. It will jam with the smell of raspberries, and not pine. To take no more than 2st.l. on an empty stomach. If the body will not accept sweet on an empty stomach, can be eaten after a meal. It also clears the lungs, and the digestive tract.
7. Giardiasis: in a season as many berries blueberry.
8. When lamblia, opisthorchis cat and the Fluke. Mix equal proportions of crushed fruits of dill and cumin. Take 1H.l. mixes, drinking plenty of water (to 1 Cup) 3 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the patient's condition. Sometimes it lasts up to six months. Or similar take pharmacy drug calliper (fennel seeds, caraway seeds and bran).
9. Very effective decoction of cloves (works even on blood Fluke!). Brewing 1st.l. dry herb 1 Cup salted boiling water. Drink ¼ Cup on an empty stomach 3 times a day until complete disappearance of symptoms.
10. From Giardia. Course wormwood therapy of diseases caused by Giardia (a simple cat) and other protozoa. The best results gives wormwood therapy in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and urinary tract, skin and gynecology.
Grind 100g of dry sage, and then in a mortar grind to a powder. 1 to 3 day treatment take 1/4h.l. powdered sage every 2.5 hours even at night! (It turns 8 times per day.) You can drink a small amount of water. In the following days of treatment take the same dose 5-6 times a day. The course lasts for 1 week. In addition, every day to do a cleansing enema infusion of wormwood, as well as microclysters. Women need to do and douching. Pour 1 full tablespoon of dry powdered sage 1 liter of boiling water, wrap and infuse for 30 minutes. Allow to cool to body temperature and strain. A leak from the infusion 100ml. To make a cleansing enema with 900ml infusion. After the colon cleansed, to make mikroklizmy with 50ml of the infusion by holding it in longer to let the medication spread throughout the intestines. The remaining 50ml to make a douche.
During the entire week of treatment diet. Do not eat meat, fish, milk and dairy products, eggs, confectionery. There are cereals, vegetables and fruits, potatoes and vegetable oil.
11. From lamblia, opisthorchis and other helminths in the liver and gallbladder. Treatment of aspen or lime ash. Cut a few sprigs of basswood (aspen), dry it in the oven and burn. Sift the ashes from the embers. Have 14h.l. ash.
In 1-3 days of treatment, take 1H.l. ash 2 times a day – morning and evening, drinking 0.5 cups of warm milk (not water!).
In the 4th day to drink 1ch.l. ash 0,5 glass of milk in the morning. These days you can not eat sweets, honey, sweet fruits. In the evening of the 4th day to start drinking the infusion of leaves of bilberry. Pour 1C.t. leaves 1 Cup boiling water and infuse. To drink 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Drink 2 weeks. Then the whole cycle of treatment to repeat the reception 7ch.l. ash for 4 days and 2 weeks of drinking the infusion of cranberries. Repeat course after 4-6 months.
Bilberry leaf can be bought in pharmacy, the course requires 150-200g.
12. Cured his Giardia in the liver – cholecystitis giardiasis severe. Was treated for 6 hours 10% a couple of birch leaves. Quickly rinse under running cold water in the enamel basin, 50 g of birch leaves (can be cut from harvested birch broom). Then pressout leaves in an enamel pan, pour 500-600ml of boiling water, put saucer on top is the yoke, replace the lid and wrap. To do for the night. In the morning drain and put napar in the fridge. Take 1/3 glass for 30-40 minutes before each meal. After months of taking felt better, but took another 10-15 days. Gone are the symptoms – nausea, belching, etc. got Stronger, gained 8kg. was Protandrous, the tests showed complete absence of Giardia, bile clean.
13. From Giardia cured a child of 8 years. In the evening to fill the pot ⅔ dried birch leaves, not kneading. Add 200-250g of boiling water, leave for night. At 6 in the morning strain the infusion, a bit of heat. To give to drink the child ⅔ Cup (dose depends on age). Position the patient tucked under the liver hot water bottle wrapped in a shawl. You can sleep 2 hours, then walk around the room for 10 minutes, lie down again in bed, but on the back. You can then stand up. Did on Sundays. After 3 Sundays passed the tests, clean.
14. From Giardia. In the early spring to pick birch leaves when they are still sticky and not a penny more coins. Pour 2H.l. leaf 200ml of boiling water for 30 minutes. Drink 50 g 3 times a day for half an hour before meals for 1 month.
15. A doctor's prescription. Giardiasis powerful. Collect young, only had time to turn around the birch leaves. Brewing 2st.l. dry leaves in 1 Cup boiling water and infuse for half an hour. Drain. Drink it all on an empty stomach, then lie on your right side and lie down for half an hour. Course – from 15 to 45 days.
16. From Giardia. Got the pills and was treated with herbal collection. Mix 4 parts of birch buds and tansy, and 2 parts of yarrow and horsetail, 1 part of celandine. Pour 1H.l. collect 1 Cup of boiling water. To insist. Take 0.5 cups in the morning and evening half an hour before meals. Treatment course: 2-3 weeks intake, 2 weeks pause, and then 1 week treatment and 1 week break. Conduct 3-4 courses. In food it is necessary to include the tea with mint and Melissa.
17. From worms, tapeworm, Giardia. To eat in the morning on an empty stomach 1 Cup pumpkin seeds, 2 raw egg yolks from chickens and a small piece of herring. To lie down for 2 hours with a heating pad on the right side, every 30 minutes to eat 1 slice of herring. Just eat 4 slices of herring. To be treated for 5-6 days in a row. During treatment the house should be quiet, not have loud water splatter.
18. Cured giardiasis in a child of 7 years. Hospital treatment did not help. Brush 1 Cup raw pumpkin seeds and eat for the 1st time. Try as much as possible not to drink water. After 3 cups of sunflower seeds Giardia is gone.
19. Cured Giardia in the gall bladder and ducts my daughter is 11.5 years. A doctor's prescription. In kindergarten had the mumps and chickenpox. In school after a month of sick days. From ARI gradually reached productmy and angioedema. The reason is Giardia.
1). To drink 0.25 mg tablets Trichopolum 3 times a day for 10 days. Then 1 week of rest.
2). Then, treatment of milk with juice of garlic. In 0.5 cups of warm milk dissolve the juice of 1 clove of garlic and drink this dose throughout the day. 7 day course.
3). Drink 0.5 glass of alkaline mineral water 1 hour before meals. Rate of 10 liters of mineral water. At the same time to do tyubazh liver. To drink 0.5 cups of mineral water or choleretic grass) and lie down with a heating pad on the right side for 30-40 minutes. To do the procedure every day for 2 weeks. Then after 3-4 months of doing it every weekend. To prevent every fall, drinking the juice of garlic with warm milk.
20. Cured giardiasis hepatic 5-year-old son. Spa treatment did not help. Healed folk remedy. Buy at gas station white grease – a small jar. Lubricate the area of the liver with grease, lay paper, cellophane, and secure. Change the poultice every morning and evening, without washing away grease from the liver. Of the child during treatment, don't bathe, you can wipe, but in the region of the liver water must not fall! Compresses to depletion of jars. After treatment to give the child a choleretic, or laxative and tests.
21. From lamblia in the liver. Cut into brown seed cucumbers and filled into a 2l saucepan one-third, then pour the brim with boiling water and infuse. Do not strain infusion and store in the refrigerator. To drink the infusion without restrictions.
22. Liver giardiasis in children. Pour 0.5 liters of milk to 2 cups. In the morning milk from one Cup to boil, clear, 1 medium head of garlic, crushed, put into hot milk and close the lid. Insist 10 minutes, strain into a mug. Holding the nostrils, drink all in one gulp and lay down in bed without pillow for 1 hour. Even after 2 hours (i.e. 3 hours after drinking medications) to eat liquid porridge. Then during the day is what you want. On the second day to try again.
23. Cured Giardia my daughter and myself. Take the coconut, make it the top 3 holes to drain the juice. Then the coconut to split, cut off the peel and grate. Half coconut pulp enough for a 3-day course of treatment for me and my daughter. To take it in the morning fasting, and before dinner for 4-5 hours. After a month passed the tests, clear. A year to prevent repeat delicious treatment.
24. From Giardia. Drinking sauerkraut brine 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
25. Cured Giardia. Pour in 1l bottle 1 Cup finely chopped peeled garlic and pour 1 liter of vodka (or moonshine). Infuse in a warm place for 10 days. Infusion becomes Golden brown. Drink 1st.l. 3 times a day after meals. Drank it all and forgot about Giardia. Later, the doctor had been treating patients with this recipe.
26. When lamblia in the liver, causing asthma attacks in children. Such a child should be treated with infusion of Silybum marianum. Pour 1st.l. Thistle seeds 1 Cup hot milk, bring to boil and turn the heat off. Insist night. Again in the morning bring to a boil. Cool and drink 1/4 Cup 4 times a day 1 hour after meals. To drink instead of water, tea, juice, juice for 1 year. To drink, along with the main treatment (asthma). At night you can RUB the back, breast, and sides of the child pharmacy Thistle oil. Mix the same Thistle oil with birch tar 3:1. Moisten the mixture with a cotton swab and apply on the navel of the child. This treatment can be rid of asthma forever.
Source: vk.com/siladuh?w=wall-49411707_48463
1. Cured Giardia in the liver of his son. Pick the vine-cagucci: growing weed in the garden, sweeps on potatoes, the bushes. Blooms pink and white bells, and the leaves are oblong, as birch. Collect the vine, to dry in the shade. Pour a handful of dried herbs 1 liter of boiling water. Drink as a tea.
2. Cured giardiasis in 10-year-old daughter. During the summer, daily in the morning on an empty stomach to drink 0.5 cups of sour cabbage and tea from the vine. Breakfast can be enjoyed in 20 minutes. To pick a bindweed garden with pink and white bells, and dry in the shade. Pour 1 handful of dried bindweed 1l of boiling water. To drink instead of tea.
3. From Giardia. Tested – working! Pour 1st.l. dried flowers of tansy with 2 cups of warm boiled water, to insist 2 hours. Drain. Take ⅓ Cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals for 5 days.
4. From Giardia. Drink juice horseradish: child – 1дес.l., adult – 1st.l. Drank a little. Tests have shown that Giardia is not.
5. From Giardia, worms, microbes. Clean 3-5 of horseradish, finely chop and add to the bottle. Pour 1 liter of vodka and insist in a dark place for 12 days. Drain. Drink 1H.l. 1 time a day – morning on an empty stomach. The course is 10 days of admission, 10 days off, 10 days of reception. Then a break for 1 month. And continuation of treatment. Was treated for 3 years.
6. From Giardia – sweet jam. To collect in late July – early August green, covered with a white coating (resin) pine cones. Rinse them with cold water, fold in a large pot (an old, badly washed resin) and pour spring water by 15-20cm above the level of the cones. Put on low fire with the lid open and simmer for 8 hours (with breaks). Remove the foam as jam. Then strain to spread in the sink cloth so as not to spoil resin), cones to throw. In remaining liquid add the sugar 1:1 by volume (0.5 l jar of broth to take 0.5 kg of sugar) and boil the jam for 1 hour. It will jam with the smell of raspberries, and not pine. To take no more than 2st.l. on an empty stomach. If the body will not accept sweet on an empty stomach, can be eaten after a meal. It also clears the lungs, and the digestive tract.
7. Giardiasis: in a season as many berries blueberry.
8. When lamblia, opisthorchis cat and the Fluke. Mix equal proportions of crushed fruits of dill and cumin. Take 1H.l. mixes, drinking plenty of water (to 1 Cup) 3 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the patient's condition. Sometimes it lasts up to six months. Or similar take pharmacy drug calliper (fennel seeds, caraway seeds and bran).
9. Very effective decoction of cloves (works even on blood Fluke!). Brewing 1st.l. dry herb 1 Cup salted boiling water. Drink ¼ Cup on an empty stomach 3 times a day until complete disappearance of symptoms.
10. From Giardia. Course wormwood therapy of diseases caused by Giardia (a simple cat) and other protozoa. The best results gives wormwood therapy in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and urinary tract, skin and gynecology.
Grind 100g of dry sage, and then in a mortar grind to a powder. 1 to 3 day treatment take 1/4h.l. powdered sage every 2.5 hours even at night! (It turns 8 times per day.) You can drink a small amount of water. In the following days of treatment take the same dose 5-6 times a day. The course lasts for 1 week. In addition, every day to do a cleansing enema infusion of wormwood, as well as microclysters. Women need to do and douching. Pour 1 full tablespoon of dry powdered sage 1 liter of boiling water, wrap and infuse for 30 minutes. Allow to cool to body temperature and strain. A leak from the infusion 100ml. To make a cleansing enema with 900ml infusion. After the colon cleansed, to make mikroklizmy with 50ml of the infusion by holding it in longer to let the medication spread throughout the intestines. The remaining 50ml to make a douche.
During the entire week of treatment diet. Do not eat meat, fish, milk and dairy products, eggs, confectionery. There are cereals, vegetables and fruits, potatoes and vegetable oil.
11. From lamblia, opisthorchis and other helminths in the liver and gallbladder. Treatment of aspen or lime ash. Cut a few sprigs of basswood (aspen), dry it in the oven and burn. Sift the ashes from the embers. Have 14h.l. ash.
In 1-3 days of treatment, take 1H.l. ash 2 times a day – morning and evening, drinking 0.5 cups of warm milk (not water!).
In the 4th day to drink 1ch.l. ash 0,5 glass of milk in the morning. These days you can not eat sweets, honey, sweet fruits. In the evening of the 4th day to start drinking the infusion of leaves of bilberry. Pour 1C.t. leaves 1 Cup boiling water and infuse. To drink 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Drink 2 weeks. Then the whole cycle of treatment to repeat the reception 7ch.l. ash for 4 days and 2 weeks of drinking the infusion of cranberries. Repeat course after 4-6 months.
Bilberry leaf can be bought in pharmacy, the course requires 150-200g.
12. Cured his Giardia in the liver – cholecystitis giardiasis severe. Was treated for 6 hours 10% a couple of birch leaves. Quickly rinse under running cold water in the enamel basin, 50 g of birch leaves (can be cut from harvested birch broom). Then pressout leaves in an enamel pan, pour 500-600ml of boiling water, put saucer on top is the yoke, replace the lid and wrap. To do for the night. In the morning drain and put napar in the fridge. Take 1/3 glass for 30-40 minutes before each meal. After months of taking felt better, but took another 10-15 days. Gone are the symptoms – nausea, belching, etc. got Stronger, gained 8kg. was Protandrous, the tests showed complete absence of Giardia, bile clean.
13. From Giardia cured a child of 8 years. In the evening to fill the pot ⅔ dried birch leaves, not kneading. Add 200-250g of boiling water, leave for night. At 6 in the morning strain the infusion, a bit of heat. To give to drink the child ⅔ Cup (dose depends on age). Position the patient tucked under the liver hot water bottle wrapped in a shawl. You can sleep 2 hours, then walk around the room for 10 minutes, lie down again in bed, but on the back. You can then stand up. Did on Sundays. After 3 Sundays passed the tests, clean.
14. From Giardia. In the early spring to pick birch leaves when they are still sticky and not a penny more coins. Pour 2H.l. leaf 200ml of boiling water for 30 minutes. Drink 50 g 3 times a day for half an hour before meals for 1 month.
15. A doctor's prescription. Giardiasis powerful. Collect young, only had time to turn around the birch leaves. Brewing 2st.l. dry leaves in 1 Cup boiling water and infuse for half an hour. Drain. Drink it all on an empty stomach, then lie on your right side and lie down for half an hour. Course – from 15 to 45 days.
16. From Giardia. Got the pills and was treated with herbal collection. Mix 4 parts of birch buds and tansy, and 2 parts of yarrow and horsetail, 1 part of celandine. Pour 1H.l. collect 1 Cup of boiling water. To insist. Take 0.5 cups in the morning and evening half an hour before meals. Treatment course: 2-3 weeks intake, 2 weeks pause, and then 1 week treatment and 1 week break. Conduct 3-4 courses. In food it is necessary to include the tea with mint and Melissa.
17. From worms, tapeworm, Giardia. To eat in the morning on an empty stomach 1 Cup pumpkin seeds, 2 raw egg yolks from chickens and a small piece of herring. To lie down for 2 hours with a heating pad on the right side, every 30 minutes to eat 1 slice of herring. Just eat 4 slices of herring. To be treated for 5-6 days in a row. During treatment the house should be quiet, not have loud water splatter.
18. Cured giardiasis in a child of 7 years. Hospital treatment did not help. Brush 1 Cup raw pumpkin seeds and eat for the 1st time. Try as much as possible not to drink water. After 3 cups of sunflower seeds Giardia is gone.
19. Cured Giardia in the gall bladder and ducts my daughter is 11.5 years. A doctor's prescription. In kindergarten had the mumps and chickenpox. In school after a month of sick days. From ARI gradually reached productmy and angioedema. The reason is Giardia.
1). To drink 0.25 mg tablets Trichopolum 3 times a day for 10 days. Then 1 week of rest.
2). Then, treatment of milk with juice of garlic. In 0.5 cups of warm milk dissolve the juice of 1 clove of garlic and drink this dose throughout the day. 7 day course.
3). Drink 0.5 glass of alkaline mineral water 1 hour before meals. Rate of 10 liters of mineral water. At the same time to do tyubazh liver. To drink 0.5 cups of mineral water or choleretic grass) and lie down with a heating pad on the right side for 30-40 minutes. To do the procedure every day for 2 weeks. Then after 3-4 months of doing it every weekend. To prevent every fall, drinking the juice of garlic with warm milk.
20. Cured giardiasis hepatic 5-year-old son. Spa treatment did not help. Healed folk remedy. Buy at gas station white grease – a small jar. Lubricate the area of the liver with grease, lay paper, cellophane, and secure. Change the poultice every morning and evening, without washing away grease from the liver. Of the child during treatment, don't bathe, you can wipe, but in the region of the liver water must not fall! Compresses to depletion of jars. After treatment to give the child a choleretic, or laxative and tests.
21. From lamblia in the liver. Cut into brown seed cucumbers and filled into a 2l saucepan one-third, then pour the brim with boiling water and infuse. Do not strain infusion and store in the refrigerator. To drink the infusion without restrictions.
22. Liver giardiasis in children. Pour 0.5 liters of milk to 2 cups. In the morning milk from one Cup to boil, clear, 1 medium head of garlic, crushed, put into hot milk and close the lid. Insist 10 minutes, strain into a mug. Holding the nostrils, drink all in one gulp and lay down in bed without pillow for 1 hour. Even after 2 hours (i.e. 3 hours after drinking medications) to eat liquid porridge. Then during the day is what you want. On the second day to try again.
23. Cured Giardia my daughter and myself. Take the coconut, make it the top 3 holes to drain the juice. Then the coconut to split, cut off the peel and grate. Half coconut pulp enough for a 3-day course of treatment for me and my daughter. To take it in the morning fasting, and before dinner for 4-5 hours. After a month passed the tests, clear. A year to prevent repeat delicious treatment.
24. From Giardia. Drinking sauerkraut brine 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
25. Cured Giardia. Pour in 1l bottle 1 Cup finely chopped peeled garlic and pour 1 liter of vodka (or moonshine). Infuse in a warm place for 10 days. Infusion becomes Golden brown. Drink 1st.l. 3 times a day after meals. Drank it all and forgot about Giardia. Later, the doctor had been treating patients with this recipe.
26. When lamblia in the liver, causing asthma attacks in children. Such a child should be treated with infusion of Silybum marianum. Pour 1st.l. Thistle seeds 1 Cup hot milk, bring to boil and turn the heat off. Insist night. Again in the morning bring to a boil. Cool and drink 1/4 Cup 4 times a day 1 hour after meals. To drink instead of water, tea, juice, juice for 1 year. To drink, along with the main treatment (asthma). At night you can RUB the back, breast, and sides of the child pharmacy Thistle oil. Mix the same Thistle oil with birch tar 3:1. Moisten the mixture with a cotton swab and apply on the navel of the child. This treatment can be rid of asthma forever.
Source: vk.com/siladuh?w=wall-49411707_48463
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