The role of the designer in the formation of the personality and development of the child
As V. Sukhomlinsky, the creator of the original pedagogical system for the development of the child’s personality, said: “The basis of the abilities and talents of children is laid in the tips of their fingers.” Therefore, without the development of fine motor skills, it is impossible to develop brain activity, logical and spatial thinking, fantasy and a sense of beauty, imagination and agility, attention and purposefulness. And this all has a direct impact on the formation of personality. Japan was one of the first to develop toys for the development of fine motor skills, and today the most popular are magnetic constructors MAGFORMERS, which are suitable for any age and are generally considered the most creative materials for training with children.
Any designer is a reason to communicate with your child, an opportunity for various experiments and one of the main ways to perceive information about the surrounding reality and orientation in space. Playing with a designer has a beneficial effect on the development of the child's speech. According to experts, children who from childhood had a designer in the arsenal of their toys have a more developed area of the cerebral cortex responsible for speech and writing skills.
Types of modern designers
- One of the simplest and most affordable designers are cubes, thanks to which the imagination is formed, there is training in colors, shapes and sizes.
- Figures made of plastic or wood in a frame with holes develop the concept of shape and size.
- Mosaic develops imagination, creative perception of the world, coordination of movements, develops color perception.
- Blocks of different shapes and colors, in addition to all the above qualities, develop spatial thinking.
- Lego-type designers perfectly develop fine motor skills and, accordingly, influence the development of brain activity.
- Magnetic or wooden constructors are quite complex, but extremely exciting games, which will subsequently give your child a huge advantage over classmates: perseverance, accuracy and attentiveness are produced automatically.
The main goal that adults should adhere to when learning to play with a designer is the development of:
- fine motor skills;
- speeches;
- perception of shape, color, size, quantity;
- It is a natural connection between children and adults during the game.
Source: homemagnit.ru