3D printers— past, present and future
Now almost every computer is equipped with office equipment: scanners, printers and other things. And if the word printer in ordinary human beings is associated only with print some information on the paper, then more advanced users, the printer has more opportunities. To be more precise, the printers are divided into two types: 2D and 3D. Three-dimensional printing came much later plane. It is still difficult to determine what is the prototype of a 3D printer was the first but many engineers tend to consider the development of Charles hull. This man became the first holder of a patent for a 3D printer, which was released in 1986. This device resembled a machine. Printers our days are no larger than a microwave oven.
The principle of operation of a three-dimensional printer is based on the so-called layer-by-layer printing. In other words, a printed object is created by overlaying one layer on top of another. The result is a three-dimensional object. Artist of this technology is the laser, which cuts out the parts. There is also another technology of 3D printing, it is called jet. The principle of operation is somewhat similar to the one used in printers with the ink cartridges. Only in this case instead of paint squeezed on a carrier material, like plastic. In the process of rebuilding the printed object, this plastic is cooled, becoming rigid.
Another technology, which is used by engineers in the bio-printers, built on the creation of an object using stem cells. It is easy to guess that the creation of such objects is used for organ transplantation. Received on the 3D printer body independently develops through cell division. The technology of three-dimensional printing is widely used not only doctors, but also specialists from other spheres of life.
3D printing has made a huge contribution to prototyping. Thanks to the new printers, engineers can eliminate some flaws in the new development even at the design stage. At the household level is comparable to film and digital printing. If the frame on the film is not changed, the digital technology allows you to make thousands of frames, and each of them can be processed. In engineering the same principle, only in a different scale. 3D printer acted as a kind of digital camera. Also, small producers are willing to use three-dimensional printing to manufacture parts, it is convenient and profitable. In major industries the printers also apply: for example, unmanned aircraft are mostly "printed".
It is already clear that 3D printing is very promising in almost all areas. Perhaps in your hands now mobile, inside of which some detail is "printed". 2012 printing is actively used by the developers phones. In the same year appeared the first "tube", almost entirely created on a 3D printerwith Braille keyboard for the blind. Its authors are the engineers OwnFone.
Now every fan of high technology can become the owner of a 3D printer.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: 3dp.su