3D printer builds house in Amsterdam + video
The house that builds a 3D printer
The 3D printing revolution has been a success all over the world, and now it can be found in any home. But did people ever think that you could use a printer to build a house? Dutch company DUS Architects set itself the task of doing this.
Material for construction - rapeseed-based plastic
They developed a 3D printer 10 times larger than the usual size. The printer giant was named KamerMaker, which translates as "room builder." Created a printer that rises 6 meters in height, from a shipping container, especially in order to print the whole house. Using bioplastics, the printer creates pieces of the canal house in Amsterdam, which the firm is currently building as an experiment. Construction will continue for the next few years.
The house that builds a 3D printer
One aspect of the construction that the Dutch company is testing is the ability to reduce waste. Rapse-based bioplastics, which are used in a 3D printer, are reusable materials. And if you make a defective part, it can be recycled and used again. Also, due to the fact that all the parts will be done right on the spot, there will be less trial and error, thereby reserving resources.
The house that builds a 3D printer
Some think on-site simulations will increase construction time, but this is also part of the experiment. The architecture firm will experiment with other materials, both based on wood sap, which solidifies into something like rubber plastic, and with biodegradable products that can be used for temporary structures and absorbed into the ground after, for example, the holiday season.
The house that builds a 3D printer
The house on the canal will be built gradually, in parts. Now the printer has produced the corner part of the house with stairs, which weighs about 180 kg. It takes about a week to print a block. The blocks have a porous internal structure, which will then be filled with heat-insulating foam, which will give them the hardness of concrete. The Dutch hope that the world will see how revolutionary construction methods can be used.
The house that builds a 3D printer
A couple of decades ago, the very idea of robotic home printing or 3D printing would have been classified as science fiction. But within just a few years, the 3D printing industry grew by leaps and bounds, and we are now printing everything from food to furniture, and now even full-scale buildings.
Source: www.ecobyt.ru/
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