3D printer - the future pipeline for the production of things for daily life
Eighty three million three hundred ninety nine thousand seventy one
Increasingly, we hear about what a 3D printer is a real discovery, which allows to solve many pressing global challenges, such as lack of minerals or fresh food. It seems that the 3D printer is the analogue of a goldfish: ask, anything, immediately get. Whether so it actually?
Everyone knows that printer is a device for printing on paper of a particular text. He has the double dimension. The result of the operation of a 3D printer is a three-dimensional physical object. In fact, misleads many is the word "printer", because such a device its fame solely bumagodelatelnaja device.
3D printer prints without paper, its material is a special polymer. Small processor inside, divides the object that is to be printed on several layers (slices), while the thickness of each layer can be adjusted by man and to be just incredibly accurate – 0.025 mm. Thus, layer by layer, the object that you ordered, and acquires its form.
It's amazing, but the idea of a 3D printer appeared already in 1960. At that time, however, it was perceived as something utopian and unrealizable, but now she promises to produce a revolution in Sciences such as bioengineering, medicine, aerospace and many others. Initially, it appeared that a 3D printer, in fact, not be able to produce nothing but trophy trinkets.
A breakthrough occurred in February 2012 when CNN presented a fifteen-year-old girl who live played the violin, printed on a 3D printer. In the same year the 3D design has found application in medicine. German surgeons were able to successfully implant the 83-year-old woman "printed" the jaw bone. However, the printers capable of performing such an operation, cost a lot of money.
If you want to create less detailed and accurate work, enough to buy the model simpler. In General all 3D printers can be divided into professional and personal. Personal 3D printers is greatly simplified: they cost much less, but they print only a single color plastic, and the speed of operation is quite low. The cost of such devices is commensurate with the price of domestic car and is about $ 4,500. Professional 3D printer allows you to print in a higher resolution, but due to the difference of temperature during the process, the print object may be deformed.
There is also another technology Polyjet Matrix. It allows you to combine materials for manufacturing, thus giving a final sample of finer texture. However, this device is worth 60 thousand dollars.
The market for 3D printers is being actively developed. Now the price is high and unaffordable to most, but it is obvious that over time this technology will become much more widespread and will become the same routine for at home, like a laptop or a coffee maker. Since then, the leap in technical progress can be considered perfect.
Source: /users/1617
Increasingly, we hear about what a 3D printer is a real discovery, which allows to solve many pressing global challenges, such as lack of minerals or fresh food. It seems that the 3D printer is the analogue of a goldfish: ask, anything, immediately get. Whether so it actually?
Everyone knows that printer is a device for printing on paper of a particular text. He has the double dimension. The result of the operation of a 3D printer is a three-dimensional physical object. In fact, misleads many is the word "printer", because such a device its fame solely bumagodelatelnaja device.
3D printer prints without paper, its material is a special polymer. Small processor inside, divides the object that is to be printed on several layers (slices), while the thickness of each layer can be adjusted by man and to be just incredibly accurate – 0.025 mm. Thus, layer by layer, the object that you ordered, and acquires its form.
It's amazing, but the idea of a 3D printer appeared already in 1960. At that time, however, it was perceived as something utopian and unrealizable, but now she promises to produce a revolution in Sciences such as bioengineering, medicine, aerospace and many others. Initially, it appeared that a 3D printer, in fact, not be able to produce nothing but trophy trinkets.
A breakthrough occurred in February 2012 when CNN presented a fifteen-year-old girl who live played the violin, printed on a 3D printer. In the same year the 3D design has found application in medicine. German surgeons were able to successfully implant the 83-year-old woman "printed" the jaw bone. However, the printers capable of performing such an operation, cost a lot of money.
If you want to create less detailed and accurate work, enough to buy the model simpler. In General all 3D printers can be divided into professional and personal. Personal 3D printers is greatly simplified: they cost much less, but they print only a single color plastic, and the speed of operation is quite low. The cost of such devices is commensurate with the price of domestic car and is about $ 4,500. Professional 3D printer allows you to print in a higher resolution, but due to the difference of temperature during the process, the print object may be deformed.
There is also another technology Polyjet Matrix. It allows you to combine materials for manufacturing, thus giving a final sample of finer texture. However, this device is worth 60 thousand dollars.
The market for 3D printers is being actively developed. Now the price is high and unaffordable to most, but it is obvious that over time this technology will become much more widespread and will become the same routine for at home, like a laptop or a coffee maker. Since then, the leap in technical progress can be considered perfect.
Source: /users/1617
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