3D printer "for all" gathered on Kickstarter 1 million dollars instead of 50 million (just 2 days)

Habré has repeatedly published articles from the owners of 3D-printers. Many owners have complained about the complexity of configuring a device such as a pair of writers at all sorry that it has acquired a device for home use. Actually, the problem with many models of modern 3D-printers - is the difficulty in setting up, plus a very catchy software. Not all models this is the case, but many.
But it seems like there was 3D-printer that is deprived of such shortcomings. Developers professed principle "works out of the box", in any case, they call your printer "the first truly consumer 3D printer." Perhaps this is something there, since Kickstarter этот project gathered (at time of writing headlines) million dollars a penny instead of the planned from the beginning of 50 thousand.
device developers is a company M3D, and the printer itself is called «The Micro». As mentioned above, in this device all done in order to even the inexperienced user was able to immediately "start" device. Calibration is automatic, set the level - is also done automatically.
In addition, the printer can operate with ABS, PLA, nylon and some other materials. Stated positioning accuracy - 15 microns in X and Y.
In addition, the developers have made several innovative solutions that, in their words, make the printer special. Some of the solutions also contain a proud word "most" in the description:
1. The most "rational" from the perspective of usable area;
2. Lightweight (about a kilogram) and small;
3. Automatic billing level and calibration;
4. The quietest 3D printer;
5. The most energy efficient;
6. The design uses carbon;
7. The ceramic heater for rapid heating of the working head;
8. You can select several colors: silver, black, blue, orange, green;
9. Use of new materials for the work;
10. Different materials can be used various substrates;
11. Manufactured and tested in the United States;
12. The substrate of ABS allows you to "print" the larger parts of the ABS;
In addition, the developers claim that software developed for the printer, the most user friendly and easy to use it as ever.
As for prices, the campaign on Kickstarter is still active, and you can become a member of the project, getting the printer for only $ 299. A few days ago it was possible to pre-order for just $ 200 "fee".
The campaign will end on May 7 production will begin in August and September of this year, and the first printers go to the new owners in February 2015.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/218667/