10 grossing films
Here is a fact - the majority of Russian films are not paying off. Almost all the consumer goods does not pay off. In 2009, at the box office paid off seven films from the 61st. In 2010, 6 out of 69 (PRF). What has become the most cost-effective, yes, yes, yes, "Our Russia: the fate of eggs." In 2011, it paid off 10 films. It is unlikely that 2012 will be a turning th.
I've been following this "News" decided to make a sort of reverse list. Positive. From what he was looking at. So the 10 cash and profitable films made for less than $ 10 million.
Rocky (1976)
The budget for shooting 1 million
Fees: $ 225 million
Sincere film. Stallone wrote the script for Rocky even when he was useless likeness of actor without any hint of the future. Well, there's enough to say that a few years before "Rocky" Sly moonlighting in the origins of the porn genre, and in the days of writing the script was filmed on the sidelines in a third-rate films. And even after the script was ready - the producers asked Stallone just sell it to them when they were gone aside from starring. But perhaps, in such moments it becomes clear - who is in a life is worth something. Sly insisted, she starred in the movie came out and I would say, awesome in its simplicity and sincerity.
No need to wait for anything special. Rocky does not a blockbuster about a boxer who crushes everything and everyone. Rocky closer to a fairy tale about a cute boxer romance that does not harbor any illusions about their future and just drifting. Later Stallone starred Rocky 2, 3, 4 (hello "serial taste"), 5. Then there was a long break of 15 years, and the sixth part, called Rocky Balboa.
And you can not say that continuing were bad. No, sometimes no less interesting, but. But without the charm of the original. It is one thing - to write a script about amateur boxer, being useless, sitting in a small room with no windows and smoking cheap cigarettes "Tremps." Other - rivet scenarios about the world, receiving hundreds of letters from fans, splashing in parallel with two Playboy model in the whirlpool of champagne. However, someone who, as Sly all deserved.
American Graffiti (1973)
The budget for shooting 777 thousand dollars
Fees: $ 115 million
And this is the last thing that made George Lucas to Star Wars. I do not like the word "stylish", but if you describe this film in one word, it is right. In fact, well, how can a movie about a California youth the early '60s, if not stylish? The only way. Graduating class, evening, gelled hair, polished vintage cars, talking about girls, about the future. Yes, it can be a template on the template. But why not? The film is a dream. Film festival.
Templates are beautiful.
Purple rain (1984)
The budget for shooting 8 million
Fees: $ 80 million
It's not really a movie.
And not quite the story.
Not really something that can be repeated.
Not exactly what you need to see.
Still, this is it.
Super Size Me (2004)
The budget for the survey 65 thousand dollars
Fees: $ 28 million
The sensational documentary about the dangers makfuda makfilm and other fastfasta. It is difficult to say why the sensational. Those maktezisy that there hear - hardly someone seriously surprised. I think the reason for success in good makdinamike and proximity to maknarodu. Main makdeystvo - makeksperiment of the Yankees, who within 30 days nazhiratsya alone makfudom. The main message - makfud harmful makpechen quickly fizzles out, the risk of heart makbolezney increases twice, etc. Well, thank you, surprised.
No harm makkorporatsii makpuk this has brought, from year to year there makrost makpribyli. Well, how else then? My only makuzhin over the last year picked up the win in two categories - "the most delicious meal of the year" and "the cheapest dinner of the year." And this is a problem (?) That can not be solved. In the future, the creator of "double portion" tried to shoot documentaries in other ways, but similar success could not be repeated.
You know, Andy Warhol once said:
The most beautiful thing in Tokyo - McDonald's. The most beautiful thing in Stockholm, - McDonald's. The most beautiful thing in Florence - McDonald's. In Moscow and Beijing there is nothing beautiful.
Over time, we have also become perfect, but Andy about it is not found:
Jaws (1975)
The budget for the shooting: $ 7 million
Fees: 470 million dollars
In fact, the budget is 7 million at the time was decent. Not that great, but decent. What can I say ... 7 million and 470 million.
So Spielberg has become Spielberg. Today Jaws look slightly overcast, a little slow and a little naive, but then. Then, in the 75th year, this blockbuster bomb was the same as the picture recently. He was impressed. It was ... great. It was ... an important step for the film, Add Hollywood gloss, hopes and prospects.
Magic Mike (2012)
The budget for the shooting: $ 7 million
Fees: 146 million dollars
Steven Soderbergh - a person who takes on completely different projects aimed, budgets - and succeeds. There, there and there. You know, there are two types of directors. The first can find the depth at the point where it does not. A second can not, simply remove the second action or just romkomy or just anything. Give me another director who is able to:
1) to scrape for a lovely and charming, but, in general, a little plastic-disposable Julia Roberts for her long-awaited Oscar for "Erin Brockovich»;
2) The elegantly handle a horde of stars in "Ocean's Eleven," a remake of a non-profit making pacifier, but something meaningful;
3) Remove the ... Sasha Grey in the drama "call girl" not to forgive, fell or amused, and so was the same depth.
4) somehow fit into a modest 7-million budget, "Magic Mike" well-known actors, creating a film about strippers so as to maintain this depth, without losing on the road 146 million.
To each his own. Here are my favorite Paul Verhoeven makes a very passionate, sexy and daring film about strippers that damn thing does not pay ("Shougelz") and Steven Soderbergh ... well, you already understand. Although, maybe it's easier. Maybe the fact that Verhoeven prefers to strip women and men Soderbergh.
Midnight Cowboy (1969)
The budget for the shooting: 3-4 million
Fees: $ 52 million
As for the "Midnight Cowboy", then you can draw an analogy with the "Magic Mike", as Midnight Cowboy is, of course, the gigolo, not a romantic mood in the middle of Texas rider. This film is about how shatters the American dream of fast money on the easy life. Oh how naive and idealized views of melting in the cold, a large and indifferent city. For many at the time, and now New York is associated with success, which climbs into the clutches of itself, is just to be there.
But despite the sad end for broken dreams, and the dramatic content - this film leaves a touch more positive than the goods hopelessness. Largely thanks to a positive attitude to life of the main character, played by Angelina Jolie's father - Jon Voight.
Easy Rider (1969)
The budget for the survey: 360 thousand dollars
Fees: $ 41 million
If the "Midnight Cowboy" is quite watchable, even for the masses, then shot in the same year, "Easy Rider" is closer to art-house movie. And the reason for such high fees is simple. America has changed in those years. The end of the 60s, this is the most flourishing of the hippie movement. Marijuana. San Francisco. Love. Freedom. Sound Hendrix and The Doors. The protest against the war. Make love, not war! I will try to make an analogy. Then being a hippie was much more important than today to protest against the Russian government. And they had reason to, uh, more compelling.
Against this background, "Easy Rider" was very useful. Two plowing expanses biker. They alone against society, frightened their lifestyle. Then this film was for someone, even a symbol. If you watch, only with subtitles and original soundtrack. Word it is not very important. As, however, and everything that happens.
Paranormal Activity (2009)
The budget for the shooting: 15 thousand dollars
Fees: 193 million dollars
I do not know who it was that said it but I was impressed. Disposable, yes. But still brilliant. This is perhaps the most brilliant dummy. I beheld her, seeing how Documentaries. Or maybe I'm just convinced myself to think so and it worked.
Understandably, 15 thousand dollars a budget for the shooting. Something was spent on marketing, but in any case, the film has paid off many times.
In the publication the Los Angeles Times tells us that after Spielberg took over the studio DVD c movie to watch it at home, it became clear that the door to his bedroom inexplicably was closed from the inside. To unlock it, the director had to call a locksmith
Open Sea (2003)
The budget for the shooting of 500 thousand dollars
Fees: $ 54 million
Of those subjects that could be summarized in two sentences.
The young couple went scuba diving in the Bahamas. After emerging, they found that the escort boat floated away, leaving them to die on the high seas. Die there? Without any discounts for semi-professional digital camera - a dynamic, live cinema. It is head and shoulders above consumer goods like "Sanctum". The action, by the way, "based on real events" that took place in Australia in the 98th, but ... well, I will not spoil. As regards profitability, it is not so sweet. Though the film was made for a penny, in its marketing spend as much as 20 million, apparently counting on much more charges of 54 million. And yet.
I've been following this "News" decided to make a sort of reverse list. Positive. From what he was looking at. So the 10 cash and profitable films made for less than $ 10 million.
Rocky (1976)
The budget for shooting 1 million
Fees: $ 225 million

Sincere film. Stallone wrote the script for Rocky even when he was useless likeness of actor without any hint of the future. Well, there's enough to say that a few years before "Rocky" Sly moonlighting in the origins of the porn genre, and in the days of writing the script was filmed on the sidelines in a third-rate films. And even after the script was ready - the producers asked Stallone just sell it to them when they were gone aside from starring. But perhaps, in such moments it becomes clear - who is in a life is worth something. Sly insisted, she starred in the movie came out and I would say, awesome in its simplicity and sincerity.
No need to wait for anything special. Rocky does not a blockbuster about a boxer who crushes everything and everyone. Rocky closer to a fairy tale about a cute boxer romance that does not harbor any illusions about their future and just drifting. Later Stallone starred Rocky 2, 3, 4 (hello "serial taste"), 5. Then there was a long break of 15 years, and the sixth part, called Rocky Balboa.
And you can not say that continuing were bad. No, sometimes no less interesting, but. But without the charm of the original. It is one thing - to write a script about amateur boxer, being useless, sitting in a small room with no windows and smoking cheap cigarettes "Tremps." Other - rivet scenarios about the world, receiving hundreds of letters from fans, splashing in parallel with two Playboy model in the whirlpool of champagne. However, someone who, as Sly all deserved.
American Graffiti (1973)
The budget for shooting 777 thousand dollars
Fees: $ 115 million

And this is the last thing that made George Lucas to Star Wars. I do not like the word "stylish", but if you describe this film in one word, it is right. In fact, well, how can a movie about a California youth the early '60s, if not stylish? The only way. Graduating class, evening, gelled hair, polished vintage cars, talking about girls, about the future. Yes, it can be a template on the template. But why not? The film is a dream. Film festival.
Templates are beautiful.
Purple rain (1984)
The budget for shooting 8 million
Fees: $ 80 million

It's not really a movie.
And not quite the story.
Not really something that can be repeated.
Not exactly what you need to see.
Still, this is it.
Super Size Me (2004)
The budget for the survey 65 thousand dollars
Fees: $ 28 million

The sensational documentary about the dangers makfuda makfilm and other fastfasta. It is difficult to say why the sensational. Those maktezisy that there hear - hardly someone seriously surprised. I think the reason for success in good makdinamike and proximity to maknarodu. Main makdeystvo - makeksperiment of the Yankees, who within 30 days nazhiratsya alone makfudom. The main message - makfud harmful makpechen quickly fizzles out, the risk of heart makbolezney increases twice, etc. Well, thank you, surprised.
No harm makkorporatsii makpuk this has brought, from year to year there makrost makpribyli. Well, how else then? My only makuzhin over the last year picked up the win in two categories - "the most delicious meal of the year" and "the cheapest dinner of the year." And this is a problem (?) That can not be solved. In the future, the creator of "double portion" tried to shoot documentaries in other ways, but similar success could not be repeated.
You know, Andy Warhol once said:
The most beautiful thing in Tokyo - McDonald's. The most beautiful thing in Stockholm, - McDonald's. The most beautiful thing in Florence - McDonald's. In Moscow and Beijing there is nothing beautiful.
Over time, we have also become perfect, but Andy about it is not found:
Jaws (1975)
The budget for the shooting: $ 7 million
Fees: 470 million dollars

In fact, the budget is 7 million at the time was decent. Not that great, but decent. What can I say ... 7 million and 470 million.
So Spielberg has become Spielberg. Today Jaws look slightly overcast, a little slow and a little naive, but then. Then, in the 75th year, this blockbuster bomb was the same as the picture recently. He was impressed. It was ... great. It was ... an important step for the film, Add Hollywood gloss, hopes and prospects.
Magic Mike (2012)
The budget for the shooting: $ 7 million
Fees: 146 million dollars
Steven Soderbergh - a person who takes on completely different projects aimed, budgets - and succeeds. There, there and there. You know, there are two types of directors. The first can find the depth at the point where it does not. A second can not, simply remove the second action or just romkomy or just anything. Give me another director who is able to:
1) to scrape for a lovely and charming, but, in general, a little plastic-disposable Julia Roberts for her long-awaited Oscar for "Erin Brockovich»;
2) The elegantly handle a horde of stars in "Ocean's Eleven," a remake of a non-profit making pacifier, but something meaningful;
3) Remove the ... Sasha Grey in the drama "call girl" not to forgive, fell or amused, and so was the same depth.
4) somehow fit into a modest 7-million budget, "Magic Mike" well-known actors, creating a film about strippers so as to maintain this depth, without losing on the road 146 million.
To each his own. Here are my favorite Paul Verhoeven makes a very passionate, sexy and daring film about strippers that damn thing does not pay ("Shougelz") and Steven Soderbergh ... well, you already understand. Although, maybe it's easier. Maybe the fact that Verhoeven prefers to strip women and men Soderbergh.
Midnight Cowboy (1969)
The budget for the shooting: 3-4 million
Fees: $ 52 million
As for the "Midnight Cowboy", then you can draw an analogy with the "Magic Mike", as Midnight Cowboy is, of course, the gigolo, not a romantic mood in the middle of Texas rider. This film is about how shatters the American dream of fast money on the easy life. Oh how naive and idealized views of melting in the cold, a large and indifferent city. For many at the time, and now New York is associated with success, which climbs into the clutches of itself, is just to be there.
But despite the sad end for broken dreams, and the dramatic content - this film leaves a touch more positive than the goods hopelessness. Largely thanks to a positive attitude to life of the main character, played by Angelina Jolie's father - Jon Voight.
Easy Rider (1969)
The budget for the survey: 360 thousand dollars
Fees: $ 41 million

If the "Midnight Cowboy" is quite watchable, even for the masses, then shot in the same year, "Easy Rider" is closer to art-house movie. And the reason for such high fees is simple. America has changed in those years. The end of the 60s, this is the most flourishing of the hippie movement. Marijuana. San Francisco. Love. Freedom. Sound Hendrix and The Doors. The protest against the war. Make love, not war! I will try to make an analogy. Then being a hippie was much more important than today to protest against the Russian government. And they had reason to, uh, more compelling.
Against this background, "Easy Rider" was very useful. Two plowing expanses biker. They alone against society, frightened their lifestyle. Then this film was for someone, even a symbol. If you watch, only with subtitles and original soundtrack. Word it is not very important. As, however, and everything that happens.
Paranormal Activity (2009)
The budget for the shooting: 15 thousand dollars
Fees: 193 million dollars
I do not know who it was that said it but I was impressed. Disposable, yes. But still brilliant. This is perhaps the most brilliant dummy. I beheld her, seeing how Documentaries. Or maybe I'm just convinced myself to think so and it worked.
Understandably, 15 thousand dollars a budget for the shooting. Something was spent on marketing, but in any case, the film has paid off many times.
In the publication the Los Angeles Times tells us that after Spielberg took over the studio DVD c movie to watch it at home, it became clear that the door to his bedroom inexplicably was closed from the inside. To unlock it, the director had to call a locksmith
Open Sea (2003)
The budget for the shooting of 500 thousand dollars
Fees: $ 54 million

Of those subjects that could be summarized in two sentences.
The young couple went scuba diving in the Bahamas. After emerging, they found that the escort boat floated away, leaving them to die on the high seas. Die there? Without any discounts for semi-professional digital camera - a dynamic, live cinema. It is head and shoulders above consumer goods like "Sanctum". The action, by the way, "based on real events" that took place in Australia in the 98th, but ... well, I will not spoil. As regards profitability, it is not so sweet. Though the film was made for a penny, in its marketing spend as much as 20 million, apparently counting on much more charges of 54 million. And yet.