Ball lightning

Although scientists undertook a study of lightning 150 years ago, still in this natural phenomenon is a lot of mysterious and inexplicable, especially in a fireball that can pass through walls and other objects. There was a time when scientists did not believe in the existence of ball lightning, ignoring the eyewitness who happened to see it. For them, the fireball was like a flying saucer for modern scientists. But time went by, the number of observations of ball lightning has increased, it is now generally accepted by scientists a natural phenomenon they are studying and trying to understand. One of the first references to the observation of ball lightning refers to 1718, when one day in April during a thunderstorm in Kuenone (France), three witnesses saw a ball of fire more than one meter in diameter. And in 1720, again in France in one of the cities fireball during a thunderstorm hit the ground, bounced off it, hit the stone tower exploded and destroyed it. In the XIX century, a French writer described an interesting case when a fireball flew into the kitchen of an apartment house in the village Salanyak. One of the chefs called differently: "Throw the thing out of the kitchen!" But he was afraid, and it saved his life. Ball lightning flew from the kitchen and went into the pigsty, where it decided on the subject of edible pig sniff curious. But she brought her a penny as it exploded. The poor pig was killed, and the whole pigsty suffered considerable damage. In 1936, the British newspaper "Daily Mail" reported that when viewers watched a hot ball, dropped from the sky. First he hit a home damaged telephone lines and set fire to a wooden window frame, his way ball finished in a barrel with water, which immediately zakipela.

Fireballs and fly in airplanes. In 1963 he witnessed such an event on the plane will be transported to "the New York - Washington," he became a British professor Robert C. Jennison. According to his story, first plane struck by lightning usual, then from the cockpit flew fireball. She slowly swam along the interior, pretty scaring passengers. The professor said that the lightning was about eight inches in diameter, and light as a 100-watt light bulb. Heat the fireball does not radiate, the ball had a perfect spherical shape and, according to Jennison, this ball "in appearance seemed solid." Typically fireball moves in the air above the ground, at about 1, 5 meter, the average period of its life, usually less than a few minutes. The magnitude of it ranges from a few centimeters in diameter to the size of a soccer ball. According to the statistics of observations for the ball lightning is usually characterized by a white color, but there are lightning red, yellow, green, and, according to eyewitnesses, gray and even black. Ball lightning is able to maneuver and fly around various obstacles in its path. However, it also has the ability to pass through solids. Moving, ball lightning often produces a sound like crackling high-voltage lines, buzzing or hissing.
There are over a hundred different hypotheses that attempt to explain the origin of ball lightning, but so far none of them has not found full acceptance in the scientific community. We can assume that the nature of a natural ball lightning is still open. According to the most interesting hypothesis, the fireball is reasonable plazmoidom.

The famous ufologist Maxim Karpenko, for example, described the fireball, "an eyewitness account of meetings with the ball lightning as the pieces of the puzzle put together, create an image of an amazing creature with incomprehensible reason and logic - the sort of plasma clot formed at the site of the local concentration of energy and which has absorbed a portion of this energy, self-organized and evolve to the realization of the world and ourselves in it. " Behaviour of ball lightning in some cases, in fact, can be regarded as reasonable. Perhaps most interesting is that there is reason to suspect fireballs involvement in the formation of the famous crop circles. There is a video, which stipulates that after the emergence of the field of a small glowing ball on it were geometric shapes. And in 1988 in the county of Gloucestershire (England) farmer Tom Gvinett evening about two minutes watching over a field of glowing red ball the size of a soccer ball, and in the morning found on the circle of curved spikes. It looks like a fireball scientists will present more surprises ...
Source: onesee.ru/interesting/32406-sharovaya-molniya-ili-razumnaya-plazma-nerazgadannaya-tayna