How to escape from the lightning

Today let's talk about the nature of the lightning and the danger they pose to your life and others, as well as on how to survive the storm. What is lightning?

It is no secret that the lightning - it is an electrical discharge. As with any current, lightning follows the path of least resistance, that is, it is more likely to hit the object, which will have higher conductivity and to which is less than the distance. For the man in the street as usual, that the current can not flow through the air. But the lightning - an exception due to the fact that it has a huge the Voltage. Even conventional dielectrics for us to be her guides. How to protect against lightning?

So lightning is selective and has particularly where better conductivity of the material. But there is another factor which should not be forgotten about - the height of the object relative to the surface of the earth. Based on this, we consider the rules of safe behavior in various situations. If you're in the woods or parke

Avoid proximity to trees and did not hide from the storm under them. Better vymoknut. Especially beware of standing alone derevev.

Keep in mind: the best conductors - oak, poplar, willow and ash. Less dangerous spruce, fir, larch, linden, walnut tree, beech - are higher oil content, and there will be more resistance to the current. That is, other things being equal chance of getting a discharge current in them less. If you are in pure pole

Remember: you're in, no matter what was not to become the highest point on this field. Do not come closer to the rocks, boulders and bushes. It is better to step aside from all this, and sit down, preferably in the lowlands, but better - lie down and take refuge. Then a chance of lightning at you will be minimized. Otherwise, be on the field extremely dangerous - very high probability of lethal iskhoda.

Keep in mind that you can not only suffer from the direct hit of lightning at you. Step voltage can get to you at a distance of 30 meters from the place where lightning struck. So try to stay at a safe distance from possible "lightning rods". The charge of such force and power are not immediately grounded and distributed by land or water. If you're in gorodstkoy cherte

Here, everything is easier. The city is full of objects that are much higher than you, so the impact is likely to assume they will. Being in the city during the storm relatively safe. Why otnosielno? Lightning is unpredictable at 100%, there were cases of lightning striking in person in places where the objective role of "air terminal" had to perform other obekty.

But these cases are rare, so be quiet. Inside the building there is completely safe. But consumer electronics surges dislikes. So cut down the computer and the TV and other household appliances from the outlet. Cable Internet network and Television Get too. If you are in the transport sredstve

In the car, bus, train, and similar vehicles can feel safe. It's all back to physics. If you take the whole (or nearly whole) camera from highly conductive material, the current will flow on the surface, but inside its potential - it is the same strain - will not be formed. On this camera is very similar to all vehicles, the body of which is made of metal. Close windows and go quietly. In the worst case it suffers only cars, and the discharge goes to the body and wheels in the wet ground. If you were in vode

About swimming in a storm forget! Begins storm - away from the pond. Staying there is very dangerous. Let me explain why: 1. The person is above the surface of the water and becomes a potential current collector. Direct hit, smert.

2. Man is not far from the point of impact - the current spread on the water. The defeat, death 3. Man is far from the point of impact, but in the water there is tension. Begin muscle spasms, including the heart. Swim impossible - utoplenie.

In general, the probability of a lightning strike in the human is not great, and lightning killed a hundred times fewer people than, say, road accidents. But trouble is not necessary to climb. Remember the simple rules and take care of yourself!
Source: www.mhealth.ru/blog/grajdanskaya-samooborona/25208.php