Manuscript Of Nikola Tesla
Eighty eight million one hundred forty seven thousand one hundred eighty four
"You are wrong, Mr. Einstein — ether does exist! There is much talk about Einstein's theory. This young man proves that there is no ether, and many agree with him. But, in my opinion, is a mistake. Opponents of the ether, as evidence, refer to the Michelson-Morley experiment, which attempted to detect the motion of the Earth relative to the fixed ether. Their experiments ended in failure, but this does not mean that there is no ether. I, in his works, has always relied on the existence of a mechanical ether, and therefore have achieved some success.
What is the ether, and why it is so difficult to find? I've been thinking about this question, and what conclusions I came to: it is Known that the denser the substance, the higher the velocity of propagation of waves in it. Comparing the speed of sound in air, the speed of light, I came to the conclusion that ether density is several thousand times greater than the density of air. But the aether is electrically neutral, and so it is very weakly interacts with our material world, moreover, the density of matter, the material world is insignificant in comparison with the density of the ether. It is not incorporeal ether is our material world, is the ethereal to the air.
Despite the weak interaction, we still feel the presence of air. An example of such interaction is manifested in gravitation, as well as under hard acceleration or braking. I think; that the stars, planets and our world emerged from the ether, when for some reason, part of it became less dense. This can be compared with the formation of air bubbles in water, although this comparison is very approximate. Clutching our world, from all sides, the air tries to return to its original state, and the internal electric charge in the substance of the material world prevents it. Over time, losing the internal electric charge, our world will be compressed with the ether and turned himself into the ether. From the ether came on the air and leave.
Each material body, whether the Sun or the smallest particle, is an area of low pressure in the air. So, around material bodies, the ether cannot remain stationary. On this basis, we can explain why the Michelson-Morley experiment failed. To understand this, we transfer the experiment in the aquatic environment. Imagine that your boat turns into a huge whirlpool. Try to detect the motion of the water relative to the boat. You will not find any movement, because the speed will equal the speed of water movement. Replacing your imagination boat Earth, and the whirlpool — essential tornado that rotates around the Sun, you will understand why the Michelson-Morley experiment failed.
In their research, I always adhere to the principle that all phenomena in nature, in whatever physical environment they occur, appear always the same. Waves are in the water, in the air... and radio waves and light are waves in the ether. The statement of Einstein, that the ether is not wrong. It is hard to imagine that there are radio waves, and ether — the physical medium that carries the waves, no. Einstein tries to explain the movement of light in the absence of air, the Planck quantum hypothesis. I wonder how Einstein, without the existence of the ether, will be able to explain ball lightning? Einstein says there is no ether, and he actually proves his existence.
Take, for example, the speed of light. Einstein said the speed of light does not depend on the speed of the light source. And rightly so. However, this rule can exist only when the light source is in a certain physical environment (ether), which, for its properties, limits the speed of light. The substance of the air limits the speed of light as well as the substance of the air limits the speed of sound. If there were no air, the speed of light, much would depend on the rate of movement of the light source. Realizing that this broadcast, I began to draw analogies between phenomena in water, in air and in ether.
And then there was the case that really helped me in my research. Once, I watched a sailor Smoking a pipe. He issued from his mouth, smoke, small rings. Rings of smoke before the break, flew a considerable distance. Then, I did a study of this phenomenon in water. Using a metal container, I cut one side a small hole, and with the other hand pulled the thin skin. Pouring some ink in a jar, I dropped it into a pool of water. When I abruptly hit his fingers over the skin, from the banks off the ink of the ring, which crossed the pool and faced his wall collapsed, causing significant fluctuations of the water near the walls of the pool. The water in the pool, remained completely calm.
— Yes this is the transfer of energy... I cried.
It was like an Epiphany — I suddenly realized, what is ball lightning and how to transfer energy wirelessly over long distances. Based on these studies, I have created a generator that generate essential vortex ring, which I called ether vortical objects. This was a victory. I was in euphoria. It seemed to me that I can do anything. I've made a promise not investigated until the end of this phenomenon, and paid dearly for it. I stopped giving money to my studies and the worst thing — I stopped believing. Euphoria gave way to a deep depression. And then, I decided on a mad experiment.
➡ The secret of my invention, it will die with me
After failure, I became more restrained on the promise... Working with essential vortical objects I understood that they behave not exactly as I thought before. It was found that during the passage of the vortex sites in close proximity to metal objects, they lose energy and fall, sometimes with a Bang. The deeper layers of the Earth, absorb their energy as much as metal. So I could transfer power only over short distances. Then I turned my attention to the moon. If you send an ethereal swirl objects to the moon, they are reflected from its electrostatic field return back to Earth at a considerable distance from the transmitter. As the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection, the energy can be transmitted over very long distances, even on the other side of the Earth.
I did some experiments, transferring energy to the moon. In the course of these experiments it became clear that the Earth is surrounded by an electric field. This field is destroyed weak vortex sites. Ether vortical objects possessing big energy, burst through electric field of the Earth and went into space. And then I came up with the idea that if I can create a resonance system between the earth and the Moon, the power of the transmitter can be very small, and the energy from this system it is possible to extract very large. Performing calculations, how much energy can be removed, I was surprised. Is based showed that the energy extracted from the system, enough to completely destroy a large city. When I first realized that my system can be dangerous for mankind. But I really wanted to carry out the experiment. Secretly, I began a thorough preparation of his mad experiment.
First of all, I had to choose a place of experiment. This is best suited Arctic. There were no people, and I will not be harmed. But the calculation showed that at current position of the moon ethereal swirl object can hit Siberia, and there could live people. I went to the library, and began to learn about Siberia. Much, but I realized that people in Siberia are almost there. The experiment I had to keep a deep secret, otherwise the consequences for me and for all mankind could be very unpleasant. I was always tormented by one question — whether the good of the people, are my findings? It is well known that all the inventions people used to destroy their own kind. To keep my secret really helped that a lot of equipment in my lab by this time it was dismantled. However, what I needed for my experiment, I was able to save.
Of this equipment I alone assembled a new transmitter and connect it to the radiator. Experiment with the amount of energy could be very dangerous. If I make a mistake in the calculations, then the energy of the ether vortical object hit back. So I was not in the laboratory but two miles from it. The work of my installation operated clockwork. The principle of the experiment was very simple. In order to better understand its principle, you must first understand what is the essential object of the vortex and ball lightning. The principle is the same. The only difference is that ball lightning is a vortex of the ether object that is seen. The appearance of ball lightning is provided by a large electrostatic charge. This can be compared with a tint ink water vortex rings in my experiment in the pool. While passing through the electrostatic field, the ether vortical object captures charged particles in it that cause the luminescence of ball lightning.
To create a resonance system Earth — Moon was necessary to create a greater concentration of charged particles between the earth and the Moon. For this I used the vortex properties of essential facilities to capture and transfer the charged particles. The generator side of the moon radiated ethereal vortex sites. They passed through the electric field of the Earth, captured charged particles in it. Since the electrostatic field of the moon has the same polarity, and electric field of the Earth, ether vortical objects have been reflected from it and again went to the Ground, but from a different angle. Returning to Earth, the ether vortical objects have been reflected again by electric field of the Earth back to the moon and so on. Thus, pump up the charged particles of the resonance of the Earth — Moon — Earth's electrical field. Upon reaching, in the resonant system required concentration of charged particles, it is self-excited at its resonant frequency.
The energy gain in a million times — the resonance properties of the system in the electric field of the Earth was transformed into an ethereal swirl object of enormous power. But that was just my assumption, but as will be actually, I didn't know. I remember very well the day of the experiment. Estimated time is approaching. Minutes dragged on very slowly and seemed years. I thought I would go mad from the waiting. Finally, the estimated time and... nothing happened! It took another five minutes, but nothing unusual happened. Different thoughts crept into my head: can not load the clock mechanism or system did not work, and maybe nothing should happen. I was on the verge of madness. And suddenly... it seemed to Me that the light momentarily faded, and the whole body appeared strange feeling — as if I stuck a thousand needles. Soon it was all over, but his mouth left an unpleasant metallic taste. All my muscles relaxed and my head was buzzing. I felt completely overwhelmed.
When I returned to his laboratory, he found it almost intact, only the air smelled strongly of fumes... I was again convinced the anxious waiting, because the results of my experiment, I didn't know. And then, after reading in the Newspapers about the unusual phenomena, I realized what a terrible weapon I have created. Of course, I expected that there would be a loud explosion. But this was not even an explosion — it was a disaster! After this experiment, I decided that the secret of my invention will die with me. Of course, I knew that someone else could easily repeat this crazy experiment. But for this, it was necessary to recognize the existence of the ether, but our scientific world further and further, away from the truth. I am even grateful to Einstein and others because they have their erroneous theories led the mankind from that dangerous path I was walking. And may be this is their main merit. Maybe in a hundred years, when the mind of the people take precedence over animal instincts, my invention will serve for the benefit of people.
➡ Flying machine
Working with his generator, I noticed a strange phenomenon. When activated, clearly felt the wind blowing in the direction of the generator. At first, I thought it was due to electrostatics. Then I decided to check it out. Turning with several Newspapers, I immediately lit and extinguished them. From Newspapers thick smoke. With these Newspapers fuming, I walked around the generator. From any point of the laboratory the smoke came to the generator and, rising above him, went up in the chimney. When the generator was turned off — this phenomenon was not observed. I thought about this phenomenon, I came to the conclusion my alternator, affecting the air, reduces the force of gravity! To verify this, I have built a large scale. One side of the scale was positioned over the generator. To exclude the electromagnetic influence of the generator the scales were made from well dried wood. Carefully balance the scales, I anxiously turned on the generator.
Side of the scale, which was located above the generator, quickly went up. I automatically turned off the generator. The scales went down and began to oscillate, until they came into balance. It was like fucus. I loaded the ballast weights, and varying the power and mode of operation of the generator, ensure their balance. After these experiences, I decided to build a flying machine that could fly not only in air but also in space. The principle of this machine is as follows: Installed on the flying machine generator, in the direction of its flight, the air is removed. As with all other parties broadcast continues to push with the same force, the flying machine will begin to move. Being in such a machine, you will not feel the acceleration as the air will not hinder your movement. Unfortunately, the creation of flying machine I had to refuse. This happened for two reasons: firstly, for the secret of these works, I have no money. But most importantly, Europe began a great war, and I don't want my inventions killed! When these madmen will stop?"
"You are wrong, Mr. Einstein — ether does exist! There is much talk about Einstein's theory. This young man proves that there is no ether, and many agree with him. But, in my opinion, is a mistake. Opponents of the ether, as evidence, refer to the Michelson-Morley experiment, which attempted to detect the motion of the Earth relative to the fixed ether. Their experiments ended in failure, but this does not mean that there is no ether. I, in his works, has always relied on the existence of a mechanical ether, and therefore have achieved some success.
What is the ether, and why it is so difficult to find? I've been thinking about this question, and what conclusions I came to: it is Known that the denser the substance, the higher the velocity of propagation of waves in it. Comparing the speed of sound in air, the speed of light, I came to the conclusion that ether density is several thousand times greater than the density of air. But the aether is electrically neutral, and so it is very weakly interacts with our material world, moreover, the density of matter, the material world is insignificant in comparison with the density of the ether. It is not incorporeal ether is our material world, is the ethereal to the air.
Despite the weak interaction, we still feel the presence of air. An example of such interaction is manifested in gravitation, as well as under hard acceleration or braking. I think; that the stars, planets and our world emerged from the ether, when for some reason, part of it became less dense. This can be compared with the formation of air bubbles in water, although this comparison is very approximate. Clutching our world, from all sides, the air tries to return to its original state, and the internal electric charge in the substance of the material world prevents it. Over time, losing the internal electric charge, our world will be compressed with the ether and turned himself into the ether. From the ether came on the air and leave.
Each material body, whether the Sun or the smallest particle, is an area of low pressure in the air. So, around material bodies, the ether cannot remain stationary. On this basis, we can explain why the Michelson-Morley experiment failed. To understand this, we transfer the experiment in the aquatic environment. Imagine that your boat turns into a huge whirlpool. Try to detect the motion of the water relative to the boat. You will not find any movement, because the speed will equal the speed of water movement. Replacing your imagination boat Earth, and the whirlpool — essential tornado that rotates around the Sun, you will understand why the Michelson-Morley experiment failed.
In their research, I always adhere to the principle that all phenomena in nature, in whatever physical environment they occur, appear always the same. Waves are in the water, in the air... and radio waves and light are waves in the ether. The statement of Einstein, that the ether is not wrong. It is hard to imagine that there are radio waves, and ether — the physical medium that carries the waves, no. Einstein tries to explain the movement of light in the absence of air, the Planck quantum hypothesis. I wonder how Einstein, without the existence of the ether, will be able to explain ball lightning? Einstein says there is no ether, and he actually proves his existence.
Take, for example, the speed of light. Einstein said the speed of light does not depend on the speed of the light source. And rightly so. However, this rule can exist only when the light source is in a certain physical environment (ether), which, for its properties, limits the speed of light. The substance of the air limits the speed of light as well as the substance of the air limits the speed of sound. If there were no air, the speed of light, much would depend on the rate of movement of the light source. Realizing that this broadcast, I began to draw analogies between phenomena in water, in air and in ether.
And then there was the case that really helped me in my research. Once, I watched a sailor Smoking a pipe. He issued from his mouth, smoke, small rings. Rings of smoke before the break, flew a considerable distance. Then, I did a study of this phenomenon in water. Using a metal container, I cut one side a small hole, and with the other hand pulled the thin skin. Pouring some ink in a jar, I dropped it into a pool of water. When I abruptly hit his fingers over the skin, from the banks off the ink of the ring, which crossed the pool and faced his wall collapsed, causing significant fluctuations of the water near the walls of the pool. The water in the pool, remained completely calm.
— Yes this is the transfer of energy... I cried.
It was like an Epiphany — I suddenly realized, what is ball lightning and how to transfer energy wirelessly over long distances. Based on these studies, I have created a generator that generate essential vortex ring, which I called ether vortical objects. This was a victory. I was in euphoria. It seemed to me that I can do anything. I've made a promise not investigated until the end of this phenomenon, and paid dearly for it. I stopped giving money to my studies and the worst thing — I stopped believing. Euphoria gave way to a deep depression. And then, I decided on a mad experiment.
➡ The secret of my invention, it will die with me
After failure, I became more restrained on the promise... Working with essential vortical objects I understood that they behave not exactly as I thought before. It was found that during the passage of the vortex sites in close proximity to metal objects, they lose energy and fall, sometimes with a Bang. The deeper layers of the Earth, absorb their energy as much as metal. So I could transfer power only over short distances. Then I turned my attention to the moon. If you send an ethereal swirl objects to the moon, they are reflected from its electrostatic field return back to Earth at a considerable distance from the transmitter. As the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection, the energy can be transmitted over very long distances, even on the other side of the Earth.
I did some experiments, transferring energy to the moon. In the course of these experiments it became clear that the Earth is surrounded by an electric field. This field is destroyed weak vortex sites. Ether vortical objects possessing big energy, burst through electric field of the Earth and went into space. And then I came up with the idea that if I can create a resonance system between the earth and the Moon, the power of the transmitter can be very small, and the energy from this system it is possible to extract very large. Performing calculations, how much energy can be removed, I was surprised. Is based showed that the energy extracted from the system, enough to completely destroy a large city. When I first realized that my system can be dangerous for mankind. But I really wanted to carry out the experiment. Secretly, I began a thorough preparation of his mad experiment.
First of all, I had to choose a place of experiment. This is best suited Arctic. There were no people, and I will not be harmed. But the calculation showed that at current position of the moon ethereal swirl object can hit Siberia, and there could live people. I went to the library, and began to learn about Siberia. Much, but I realized that people in Siberia are almost there. The experiment I had to keep a deep secret, otherwise the consequences for me and for all mankind could be very unpleasant. I was always tormented by one question — whether the good of the people, are my findings? It is well known that all the inventions people used to destroy their own kind. To keep my secret really helped that a lot of equipment in my lab by this time it was dismantled. However, what I needed for my experiment, I was able to save.
Of this equipment I alone assembled a new transmitter and connect it to the radiator. Experiment with the amount of energy could be very dangerous. If I make a mistake in the calculations, then the energy of the ether vortical object hit back. So I was not in the laboratory but two miles from it. The work of my installation operated clockwork. The principle of the experiment was very simple. In order to better understand its principle, you must first understand what is the essential object of the vortex and ball lightning. The principle is the same. The only difference is that ball lightning is a vortex of the ether object that is seen. The appearance of ball lightning is provided by a large electrostatic charge. This can be compared with a tint ink water vortex rings in my experiment in the pool. While passing through the electrostatic field, the ether vortical object captures charged particles in it that cause the luminescence of ball lightning.
To create a resonance system Earth — Moon was necessary to create a greater concentration of charged particles between the earth and the Moon. For this I used the vortex properties of essential facilities to capture and transfer the charged particles. The generator side of the moon radiated ethereal vortex sites. They passed through the electric field of the Earth, captured charged particles in it. Since the electrostatic field of the moon has the same polarity, and electric field of the Earth, ether vortical objects have been reflected from it and again went to the Ground, but from a different angle. Returning to Earth, the ether vortical objects have been reflected again by electric field of the Earth back to the moon and so on. Thus, pump up the charged particles of the resonance of the Earth — Moon — Earth's electrical field. Upon reaching, in the resonant system required concentration of charged particles, it is self-excited at its resonant frequency.
The energy gain in a million times — the resonance properties of the system in the electric field of the Earth was transformed into an ethereal swirl object of enormous power. But that was just my assumption, but as will be actually, I didn't know. I remember very well the day of the experiment. Estimated time is approaching. Minutes dragged on very slowly and seemed years. I thought I would go mad from the waiting. Finally, the estimated time and... nothing happened! It took another five minutes, but nothing unusual happened. Different thoughts crept into my head: can not load the clock mechanism or system did not work, and maybe nothing should happen. I was on the verge of madness. And suddenly... it seemed to Me that the light momentarily faded, and the whole body appeared strange feeling — as if I stuck a thousand needles. Soon it was all over, but his mouth left an unpleasant metallic taste. All my muscles relaxed and my head was buzzing. I felt completely overwhelmed.
When I returned to his laboratory, he found it almost intact, only the air smelled strongly of fumes... I was again convinced the anxious waiting, because the results of my experiment, I didn't know. And then, after reading in the Newspapers about the unusual phenomena, I realized what a terrible weapon I have created. Of course, I expected that there would be a loud explosion. But this was not even an explosion — it was a disaster! After this experiment, I decided that the secret of my invention will die with me. Of course, I knew that someone else could easily repeat this crazy experiment. But for this, it was necessary to recognize the existence of the ether, but our scientific world further and further, away from the truth. I am even grateful to Einstein and others because they have their erroneous theories led the mankind from that dangerous path I was walking. And may be this is their main merit. Maybe in a hundred years, when the mind of the people take precedence over animal instincts, my invention will serve for the benefit of people.
➡ Flying machine
Working with his generator, I noticed a strange phenomenon. When activated, clearly felt the wind blowing in the direction of the generator. At first, I thought it was due to electrostatics. Then I decided to check it out. Turning with several Newspapers, I immediately lit and extinguished them. From Newspapers thick smoke. With these Newspapers fuming, I walked around the generator. From any point of the laboratory the smoke came to the generator and, rising above him, went up in the chimney. When the generator was turned off — this phenomenon was not observed. I thought about this phenomenon, I came to the conclusion my alternator, affecting the air, reduces the force of gravity! To verify this, I have built a large scale. One side of the scale was positioned over the generator. To exclude the electromagnetic influence of the generator the scales were made from well dried wood. Carefully balance the scales, I anxiously turned on the generator.
Side of the scale, which was located above the generator, quickly went up. I automatically turned off the generator. The scales went down and began to oscillate, until they came into balance. It was like fucus. I loaded the ballast weights, and varying the power and mode of operation of the generator, ensure their balance. After these experiences, I decided to build a flying machine that could fly not only in air but also in space. The principle of this machine is as follows: Installed on the flying machine generator, in the direction of its flight, the air is removed. As with all other parties broadcast continues to push with the same force, the flying machine will begin to move. Being in such a machine, you will not feel the acceleration as the air will not hinder your movement. Unfortunately, the creation of flying machine I had to refuse. This happened for two reasons: firstly, for the secret of these works, I have no money. But most importantly, Europe began a great war, and I don't want my inventions killed! When these madmen will stop?"
"All is light". Interview with Nikola Tesla (1899) (Part two)
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