Dramatic moment

Little girl climbed onto the street from the window of the living room "to see if there are any parents home" and stuck his head in the lattice at a height of 70 metrov.

The incident occurred in the city of Daye, Hubei Province, Central China. The films, which were shown on national Chinese television, it is clear that the girl was able to squeeze his body through the grill means mounted on the outside of the window, but her head did not thrust into the narrow gap between the bars, which saved five children from falling 24 etazha.

According to local media, the alarm raised neighbor who heard the baby crying. As it turned out, the parents of the girl locked in the apartment alone, and she decided to look out the window to see if they are not returned domoy.

Firefighters and police broke into the apartment, while a resident of a neighboring apartment, tied with a rope around his waist, climbed out of a nearby window, trying to calm and help the frightened child to death. The man put his arm around the girl balancing on the edge of the railing, and slightly lifted, legs tucked under her blanket to reduce the load at least a little with her feet. From long standing on a narrow metal grate iron legs of the child really very tired. Head stuck between the bars of a girl left in a very awkward position, her body was tilted vpered.

Rescue Service Employees eventually managed to get to the terrified and began to cry baby. To get close to it as closely as possible, they climbed to the parapet across the neighboring window. Head of the girl, rescuers freed using pliers, after which she was moved to a safe mesto.

Source: fedpost.ru/sobytiya/43253-pyatiletnyaya-devochka-vylezla-iz-okna-24-go-yetazha-chtoby.html