Hometown Samara
Inspired by post Wolcha about Lyubertsy, I decided to talk about his hometown
So, Samara:
1. Train Station.
Like any self-respecting city of one million, Samara has a railway station. We have it located on the square, which ends with a street named in honor of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Therefore Samarians loving your station called "the end of Leo Tolstoy».
2. Area of Fame
It is a favorite for visiting Samara young mothers with strollers, skaters and cyclists with the officials, as it is in this area is the area of government:
and Samara Provincial Duma.
Also in this area it is one of the symbols of our city:
A man with wings, Panikovski, Tin Man - which only affectionate nicknames prevented Samarians indefatigable man on a pedestal inside of which (according to rumors) are still part of the hidden gold party!
3. Schauspielhaus
As can be clearly seen on the monument in front of the theater - art in our city is interested not only rotten intellectuals and revolutionary-minded soldiers and sailors.
However, it should be noted that the Samara Drama Theatre regularly visit the best troupes of the country. Yes, and a private company under the direction of People's Artist of Russia P.Monastyrskogo at times quite happy Samara sophisticated audience.
4. Opera and Ballet Theatre (the square Kuibyshev)
Kuibyshev Square has long been the largest area in Europe, and at a cost of reconstruction of the Opera and Ballet Theatre is second only to the Bolshoi Theater. However, as seen in the photo, the people, the taste of spiritual food in the walls of the theater from out of it can buy food and body. It is held here every weekend Agricultural Fair, decorating the largest area of the city the largest number of environmentally friendly biological waste.
And, in fact, on weekdays Kuibyshev area is very beautiful.
5. Philharmonic.
Samara State Philharmonic Hall - the building is rumored to be mentioned in chronicles in the times of Stepan Razin. Stas Mikhailov, Brilliant Group "Roots", Julian - what only the artists did not try to destroy the aura of art-soaked walls of the building with their vocal abilities, but the Samara State Philharmonic gave them an adequate response in the form of one of the best in the Russian authorities, who set up and good to hear lovers of the fine art.
6. Memorial "Rocket»
All Russian cities (except maybe Khrunichev) agree that Samara - cosmic capital of our Motherland. Now it is visible even from space, because our city is set corresponding to the memorial. Launch, by the way, a real, as residents, one-third of which are in any way associated with the aircraft / rocket building vparit not bullshit. The pedestal is conveniently located Museum of rocket and showroom.
7. Stalin's Bunker.
Bunker - monumental building settling down right under the area of Kuibyshev. For information on the historical and engineering aspects can be found here
As for the rumors, then:
Most likely though, that:
1. From the bunker there evacuation branch NGR passing under the Volga to the reserve tank in the Zhiguli Mountains.
2. The bunker itself is about 30% longer than indicated on all plans.
3.Bunker still at any moment can be given as soon as possible in a state of readiness to strike a potential enemy.
Probably not true that:
1. Bunker withstand a nuclear attack.
2. In the bunker silos are located in strategic nuclear missiles.
3. Some premises bunker has long been flooded by groundwater.
8. The Catholic Church and the home Kurlina
Too Well oochen ancient buildings, need no introduction to Samartsev. Just in Soviet times, the church was museum, and on the house Kurlina hung a sign that it has some bastards brutally tortured some of the Red Army, then everything has changed and now the church has become applicable, and local history museum moved into the same house, Kurlina .
9. Monument IL-2
It was in Samara during the war as soon as possible have mastered the production of "flying tanks" IL-2. The most interesting thing is that when, after the war had much, it was decided to put our monument to the legendary aircraft was found that all aircraft already decommissioned and dismantled. Samartsev saved by chance that some forester in some thickets even in the Samara region saw some piece of swamp wing sucked into the quagmire of the fallen aircraft. IL-2 was taken out, washed, restored and since then it decorates the intersection of great thoroughfares of the city of Moscow highway and Kirov Avenue.
Not so long ago it removed for restoration, removed the body kit and paint the stars. But Samara tradition of newlyweds make the first family photos in the "flying tank" still remained.
10. Rook
In fact, the main subject in the photograph is not cockleboat of flimsy painted concrete (also hollow inside), and a majestic residential complex premium in the background, which is also called "Rook" Today it is the highest residential building in Samara. Apparently so apartments in this complex have the highest value. And no slide complex in the Volga (according to unconfirmed reports) or the presence of caverns beneath it does not stop Samara moneybags from housing of the elite class.
City Sights:
1. Volga River embankment
In fact Samara embankment consists of four with a total length of more than five kilometers. Let's start with the third stage.
The third stage of our waterfront begins with the River Station and ends in the street Nekrasov (I write for Samara team as our priority of embankments and in fact we have very few people know). Immediately after the third stage is quite logical ... first.
She goes from street to street Nekrasov Vilonovskoy. But this is not important, and the important thing is that once the first stage of the promenade is ... SAMARA BREWERY.
It was there that first developed the original recipe and still produced beer under wide fame name "Zhiguli»
Buildings Brewery - the original construction in 1881. The structure of the Austrian Russian citizenship Alfred von Vakano (that is Alfred Philippovich). 6 years ago, when the demolished homes near the brewery, many of whom were his contemporaries, found a pipe leading directly to the tanks with unfiltered beer. Pivoprovod functioned for over 100 years has been eliminated.
And here is the famous Samara beer with the romantic name "bottom".
This is the only place in the city on the day of paratrooper lads released 400 liters of beer, poured it in the bath, which then landings with songs and rhymes were taken across the Samara tram.
Just behind the brewery to be the second phase of the waterfront, famous for its shawarma in the Moscow of the young kittens and barbecue - the joy of a dog.
And in the winter here is walrus rookery and crossed the Volga
The last (fourth) part of the quay - it's the least crowded with public catering area, where it is already mentioned by me, Rook.
3. Chocolate Factory "Russia»
All the once famous chocolates (collection, Expanse, etc.) are still made here.
4. Central Park of Culture and Recreation.
Refurbished he became cleaner, more beautiful, there were new children's rides, but Samarians like it mainly for the fact that despite the high traffic it is always possible to find a quiet area with a beautiful view of the Volga.
5. The observation deck at the village Management
The pilgrimage site visitors and honeymooners, called by the people "vertoletka."
Why is this place called "vertoletka" - nobody knows. Whether the name came because from here once the helicopter took off, or because that little moved many wedding guests here regularly begin helicopters.
6. The park them. Gagarin
In the morning the children - in the evening trash! This was the motto of this park for many years. In recent years, the efforts of the city administration managed to change that image for the better.
If nothing happens, next year there will operate the largest Ferris wheel in Russian.
7. City Center. Pedestrian street "Leningrad»
Looking at it even Samartsev hard now to imagine that this place is still just 6-7 years ago was a regular flea market with all its dirt gypsies and pickpockets. Russian small business, but it managed (with the help of the police) to resettle in a specially constructed for this shopping center. The only one left - artists, probably because they were in Leningrad even before the flea market.
8. Revolution Square
A small area in the old part of the city. Pay attention to the monument. This monument to Lenin immediately struck by the fact that the size of the pedestal the size of the leader.
The explanation is this: originally on this pedestal is a monument to Alexander II (the Liberator). However, after the revolution, Alexander repressed and did not destroy the pedestal ordering become famous sculptor M. Manizer. Sculptor Manizer seen was a little bit lazy and did not go look at the pedestal and the statue performed on the basis of the size of the area sent to him. So it happened that in a small area of the Revolution, Lenin looks small distance from a large pedestal.
9. Strukovsky garden.
Just a good place to relax next to the brewery.
Symbol of Samara - Goat.
10. Fountains
In Samara, not a lot of fountains, so we are proud of the few that we have.
P.S. And in our town have the Botanical Garden, the female Iberian monastery, the only building in the world constructed in the form of a hammer and sickle, a lot of different museums and much more.
P.P.S. Now even say, that after three years of inactivity will Ikeja!
In general, you are welcome to us in Samara !!!
So, Samara:

1. Train Station.

Like any self-respecting city of one million, Samara has a railway station. We have it located on the square, which ends with a street named in honor of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Therefore Samarians loving your station called "the end of Leo Tolstoy».
2. Area of Fame

It is a favorite for visiting Samara young mothers with strollers, skaters and cyclists with the officials, as it is in this area is the area of government:

and Samara Provincial Duma.

Also in this area it is one of the symbols of our city:

A man with wings, Panikovski, Tin Man - which only affectionate nicknames prevented Samarians indefatigable man on a pedestal inside of which (according to rumors) are still part of the hidden gold party!
3. Schauspielhaus

As can be clearly seen on the monument in front of the theater - art in our city is interested not only rotten intellectuals and revolutionary-minded soldiers and sailors.
However, it should be noted that the Samara Drama Theatre regularly visit the best troupes of the country. Yes, and a private company under the direction of People's Artist of Russia P.Monastyrskogo at times quite happy Samara sophisticated audience.
4. Opera and Ballet Theatre (the square Kuibyshev)

Kuibyshev Square has long been the largest area in Europe, and at a cost of reconstruction of the Opera and Ballet Theatre is second only to the Bolshoi Theater. However, as seen in the photo, the people, the taste of spiritual food in the walls of the theater from out of it can buy food and body. It is held here every weekend Agricultural Fair, decorating the largest area of the city the largest number of environmentally friendly biological waste.
And, in fact, on weekdays Kuibyshev area is very beautiful.

5. Philharmonic.

Samara State Philharmonic Hall - the building is rumored to be mentioned in chronicles in the times of Stepan Razin. Stas Mikhailov, Brilliant Group "Roots", Julian - what only the artists did not try to destroy the aura of art-soaked walls of the building with their vocal abilities, but the Samara State Philharmonic gave them an adequate response in the form of one of the best in the Russian authorities, who set up and good to hear lovers of the fine art.
6. Memorial "Rocket»

All Russian cities (except maybe Khrunichev) agree that Samara - cosmic capital of our Motherland. Now it is visible even from space, because our city is set corresponding to the memorial. Launch, by the way, a real, as residents, one-third of which are in any way associated with the aircraft / rocket building vparit not bullshit. The pedestal is conveniently located Museum of rocket and showroom.
7. Stalin's Bunker.

Bunker - monumental building settling down right under the area of Kuibyshev. For information on the historical and engineering aspects can be found here
As for the rumors, then:
Most likely though, that:
1. From the bunker there evacuation branch NGR passing under the Volga to the reserve tank in the Zhiguli Mountains.
2. The bunker itself is about 30% longer than indicated on all plans.
3.Bunker still at any moment can be given as soon as possible in a state of readiness to strike a potential enemy.
Probably not true that:
1. Bunker withstand a nuclear attack.
2. In the bunker silos are located in strategic nuclear missiles.
3. Some premises bunker has long been flooded by groundwater.

8. The Catholic Church and the home Kurlina

Too Well oochen ancient buildings, need no introduction to Samartsev. Just in Soviet times, the church was museum, and on the house Kurlina hung a sign that it has some bastards brutally tortured some of the Red Army, then everything has changed and now the church has become applicable, and local history museum moved into the same house, Kurlina .
9. Monument IL-2

It was in Samara during the war as soon as possible have mastered the production of "flying tanks" IL-2. The most interesting thing is that when, after the war had much, it was decided to put our monument to the legendary aircraft was found that all aircraft already decommissioned and dismantled. Samartsev saved by chance that some forester in some thickets even in the Samara region saw some piece of swamp wing sucked into the quagmire of the fallen aircraft. IL-2 was taken out, washed, restored and since then it decorates the intersection of great thoroughfares of the city of Moscow highway and Kirov Avenue.

Not so long ago it removed for restoration, removed the body kit and paint the stars. But Samara tradition of newlyweds make the first family photos in the "flying tank" still remained.
10. Rook

In fact, the main subject in the photograph is not cockleboat of flimsy painted concrete (also hollow inside), and a majestic residential complex premium in the background, which is also called "Rook" Today it is the highest residential building in Samara. Apparently so apartments in this complex have the highest value. And no slide complex in the Volga (according to unconfirmed reports) or the presence of caverns beneath it does not stop Samara moneybags from housing of the elite class.
City Sights:
1. Volga River embankment
In fact Samara embankment consists of four with a total length of more than five kilometers. Let's start with the third stage.

The third stage of our waterfront begins with the River Station and ends in the street Nekrasov (I write for Samara team as our priority of embankments and in fact we have very few people know). Immediately after the third stage is quite logical ... first.

She goes from street to street Nekrasov Vilonovskoy. But this is not important, and the important thing is that once the first stage of the promenade is ... SAMARA BREWERY.

It was there that first developed the original recipe and still produced beer under wide fame name "Zhiguli»

Buildings Brewery - the original construction in 1881. The structure of the Austrian Russian citizenship Alfred von Vakano (that is Alfred Philippovich). 6 years ago, when the demolished homes near the brewery, many of whom were his contemporaries, found a pipe leading directly to the tanks with unfiltered beer. Pivoprovod functioned for over 100 years has been eliminated.
And here is the famous Samara beer with the romantic name "bottom".

This is the only place in the city on the day of paratrooper lads released 400 liters of beer, poured it in the bath, which then landings with songs and rhymes were taken across the Samara tram.

Just behind the brewery to be the second phase of the waterfront, famous for its shawarma in the Moscow of the young kittens and barbecue - the joy of a dog.

And in the winter here is walrus rookery and crossed the Volga
The last (fourth) part of the quay - it's the least crowded with public catering area, where it is already mentioned by me, Rook.

3. Chocolate Factory "Russia»

All the once famous chocolates (collection, Expanse, etc.) are still made here.
4. Central Park of Culture and Recreation.

Refurbished he became cleaner, more beautiful, there were new children's rides, but Samarians like it mainly for the fact that despite the high traffic it is always possible to find a quiet area with a beautiful view of the Volga.
5. The observation deck at the village Management

The pilgrimage site visitors and honeymooners, called by the people "vertoletka."

Why is this place called "vertoletka" - nobody knows. Whether the name came because from here once the helicopter took off, or because that little moved many wedding guests here regularly begin helicopters.
6. The park them. Gagarin

In the morning the children - in the evening trash! This was the motto of this park for many years. In recent years, the efforts of the city administration managed to change that image for the better.

If nothing happens, next year there will operate the largest Ferris wheel in Russian.
7. City Center. Pedestrian street "Leningrad»

Looking at it even Samartsev hard now to imagine that this place is still just 6-7 years ago was a regular flea market with all its dirt gypsies and pickpockets. Russian small business, but it managed (with the help of the police) to resettle in a specially constructed for this shopping center. The only one left - artists, probably because they were in Leningrad even before the flea market.
8. Revolution Square

A small area in the old part of the city. Pay attention to the monument. This monument to Lenin immediately struck by the fact that the size of the pedestal the size of the leader.

The explanation is this: originally on this pedestal is a monument to Alexander II (the Liberator). However, after the revolution, Alexander repressed and did not destroy the pedestal ordering become famous sculptor M. Manizer. Sculptor Manizer seen was a little bit lazy and did not go look at the pedestal and the statue performed on the basis of the size of the area sent to him. So it happened that in a small area of the Revolution, Lenin looks small distance from a large pedestal.
9. Strukovsky garden.
Just a good place to relax next to the brewery.

Symbol of Samara - Goat.

10. Fountains
In Samara, not a lot of fountains, so we are proud of the few that we have.



P.S. And in our town have the Botanical Garden, the female Iberian monastery, the only building in the world constructed in the form of a hammer and sickle, a lot of different museums and much more.
P.P.S. Now even say, that after three years of inactivity will Ikeja!
In general, you are welcome to us in Samara !!!