Find your business

The story is very similar to the moral if not for her confirmation at the place of the events.
Lives a normal kid in Ukrainka, sixty kilometers of Kiev. Dnipro in those places - hoo. And, of course, like all locals, walked (or rather floating) it fishing. Sailed with the test. Anglers were they themselves. More precisely, do any of what they regularly reported mother-in-law of the protagonist. Argue, as a rule, there was nothing, because it was necessary to object fish. A couple of her to speak, fishermen did not deliver. PEYRELEAU not just fatal. Then cut off the loads, then spinning on a tree abandoned, then all non-flying weather.
So they gathered once again to try fate. Sailed on the island, sit - catch. Three hours - nil. And next diver with a gun for underwater hunting periodically dives. And drags from the depths of the river fishes each other more and more terrible. Then a small fire spread - fries. Our couple choked with saliva. Think what fun it home again say. Then dine diver, approaches and interests, where you can buy water. Well, where in the middle of the island on the Dnieper can buy water? Him and say - to the nearest shop kilometers swim 15. But if necessary - please, drink, good man. We have with him. He drank and thanked. And brought them fried fish. Thanked him. Eaten. Looked at each other. On the same thought.
In general, they are now on the Dnieper River with gear not go. Not their case. Put them in a boat a few cases of beer, some water and something stronger. And swim between islands. And always now not only with fish returned. And the fish and have a good appendage. And the tax until there is not yet reached.
It is important because what? Find the business. A stranger to engage nefig. Everyone - his own.