Russia through the eyes of foreign advertising companies
We want to show you how Western advertisers are moving away from their traditional way of Russia - bears and dolls with balalaika and try to convey a modern image of our country's mysterious foreign audience.
Russian oligarchs
In the minds of foreigners deeply ingrained idea of Russian as an amateur caller luxury. Advertise famous Russian tea in New York presents an overview of the shining gilt interior with Faberge eggs unchanged. A more modern version of the theme - rolling in wealth caricature Russian oligarch c appearance and manners felon. Hero viral infomercial DirecTV oligarch Gregor, speaking in broken English, eat golden grapes, keeps control on gold bullion, surrounded by girls model looks, but instead of the dog he pygmy giraffe. But with all this, he can not resist the fantastically lucrative offers DirectTV. Slogan - «Opulence, I has it». Gregor mistakenly says the verb to have in a form that is used only in the 3rd person singular, and do not understand what he wants to say: whether "Wealth, I have it," or "Wealth is me." Oh, those wealthy, but ignorant Russian.
Russian bride
Many in the West are likely to believe that Russian brides - a significant source of Russian exports along with oil and weapons. At this decided to play the New Zealand manufacturer Stil Vodka, the company Pacific Dawn (former name - 42 Below). The advertising slogan of one of her campaign read: "Women of Russia awesome! They do not care if you watch cricket on Valentine's Day. They do not care, you're a small or thick! It's too good to be true. " Russian bride - or rather not herself, and a trip to Russia, where the lucky winner will be provided with a rich selection of proposals - was the main prize of the action vodka brand. Advertisement "nevestotura" lasted only a few months, until June 2006, the New Zealand Council for identifying violations of advertising standards (Advertising Standards Complaints Board) not received a complaint from a certain K. Salieva. In her opinion, the advertisement was disrespect to the Russian woman, it was exhibited in the form of live goods. In response, the company explained that only wanted to help those who are unlucky in love: "... Russian bride have an excellent reputation for creating a family and have the qualities that potential husbands tend to be found in their future wives. We just said that "Russian women are amazing." We also refer to them such qualities as patience and the ability to evaluate future partner not only from the physical data. " It was further stated that the Russian business is booming official marriage agencies working on the international market, and no one sounded the alarm. However, New Zealand officials were not satisfied with this explanation and banned advertising.
Russian brutality
The harsh, cruel, cold - about as much about Russia may think foreign consumers, including the vast majority of those who have never in it was not. However, the matter is remedied - enough to drink Russian vodka, and you'll be inspired sympathy even in this bleak snowy country, hints of the South African producer of premium advertising sorokogradusnoy Russian Bear Vodka. Creative agency Lowe Bull Cape Town has developed the campaign, the core of which was softened by the brutality of Russian vodka. In the cities of South Africa appeared outdoor advertising with a picture of a smiling unnaturally Generalissimo Stalin and the inscription «Fun Side of Russia» («The funny side of Russia"). Gladdening the same theme is reflected in other promotional materials Russian Bear Vodka - in particular a series of posters Russain Tricks («Russian tricks"). Image of vodka there side by side with a set of items for sinister communist parties - tarpaulin boots stink monstrous mites, disappearing ink, a sledgehammer, a radioactive powder smuggled coffee and plates, the newspaper "Pravda" and others. As conceived by pranksters-creatives, in addition to mild taste, the true Russian vodka should promise the audience sensations.
Russian aristocrats
In 2009, the website of the British company Budget Group of Companies pzapustil advertising, the protagonist of which is the meerkat Aleksandr Orlov, dressed in a velvet gown scion of an aristocratic Russian family. Meerkat not speak in English (well, of course - he's Russian!), And therefore confuses words meerkat («meerkat") and market («Market"). Such is the inimitable British humor. Orlov rich family history. His father - an amateur boxer, his grandfather - a veteran of the "war on Mongoose", miraculously survived during Stalin's purges. Yet he has aide Sergei, who helped develop the Soviet space program. Advertising had incredible success - in the ranking of the most popular sites on insurance (and comparemarket.com first analyzes the market), the company has risen from 16th to 4th place, attendance has increased dramatically. In addition, the character has gone well in social networks. Were filmed numerous commercials, recorded interviews (one of them Orlov said that Putin had given him a hawk), songs, books published and produced toys. Analysts have even tried to explore "phenomenon Orlov." The campaign increased advertising costs across the sector - the competitors sought to emulate the success of Russian meerkat, but mostly in vain.
Russian spies
The Cold War continues to influence the presentation of western people of Russia and Russian. Advertising is not trying to change this stereotype, but presents it with humor - as, for example, in a roller sports channel ESPN. Passion for sports news channel can serve as a basis for espionage. Then everything is simple: if a spy, the Russian - hence hockey star Alexander Ovechkin, who was leading ESPN Steve Levy zastukivaet in the office of the suspicious document viewing. Levi jokingly asks whether the Russian spy. They both laugh. Levi goes, but Ovechkin disappears into the ceiling hatch with a colleague hockey and Semyon Varlamov espionage. This video has become one of the most expensive in the history of television (to raise Ovechkin will need a special crane), and also took the 5th place in the ranking of the most successful.
Russian dances
Like any exotic folk image of Russia helps attract attention to the brand spoiled Western consumers. At least so say in budget airline easyJet. Before the company was tasked to report on its new regular flight London - Moscow, and she decided it is quite traditional. In the North Terminal of London Gatwick Airport, where planes fly in the direction of the Russian capital, organized a dance performance. Passengers waiting to board, entertained professionals, dressed in Russian folk costumes, they cast their pranks and circled to the accompaniment of an accordion and balalaika. Not without the Cossacks who had organized a dance with swords. According to the organizers, all of this was to infect the public desire to buy cheap air ticket to Moscow - of course, both ways.
Source: aptukkaev.livejournal.com

Russian oligarchs

In the minds of foreigners deeply ingrained idea of Russian as an amateur caller luxury. Advertise famous Russian tea in New York presents an overview of the shining gilt interior with Faberge eggs unchanged. A more modern version of the theme - rolling in wealth caricature Russian oligarch c appearance and manners felon. Hero viral infomercial DirecTV oligarch Gregor, speaking in broken English, eat golden grapes, keeps control on gold bullion, surrounded by girls model looks, but instead of the dog he pygmy giraffe. But with all this, he can not resist the fantastically lucrative offers DirectTV. Slogan - «Opulence, I has it». Gregor mistakenly says the verb to have in a form that is used only in the 3rd person singular, and do not understand what he wants to say: whether "Wealth, I have it," or "Wealth is me." Oh, those wealthy, but ignorant Russian.
Russian bride

Many in the West are likely to believe that Russian brides - a significant source of Russian exports along with oil and weapons. At this decided to play the New Zealand manufacturer Stil Vodka, the company Pacific Dawn (former name - 42 Below). The advertising slogan of one of her campaign read: "Women of Russia awesome! They do not care if you watch cricket on Valentine's Day. They do not care, you're a small or thick! It's too good to be true. " Russian bride - or rather not herself, and a trip to Russia, where the lucky winner will be provided with a rich selection of proposals - was the main prize of the action vodka brand. Advertisement "nevestotura" lasted only a few months, until June 2006, the New Zealand Council for identifying violations of advertising standards (Advertising Standards Complaints Board) not received a complaint from a certain K. Salieva. In her opinion, the advertisement was disrespect to the Russian woman, it was exhibited in the form of live goods. In response, the company explained that only wanted to help those who are unlucky in love: "... Russian bride have an excellent reputation for creating a family and have the qualities that potential husbands tend to be found in their future wives. We just said that "Russian women are amazing." We also refer to them such qualities as patience and the ability to evaluate future partner not only from the physical data. " It was further stated that the Russian business is booming official marriage agencies working on the international market, and no one sounded the alarm. However, New Zealand officials were not satisfied with this explanation and banned advertising.
Russian brutality

The harsh, cruel, cold - about as much about Russia may think foreign consumers, including the vast majority of those who have never in it was not. However, the matter is remedied - enough to drink Russian vodka, and you'll be inspired sympathy even in this bleak snowy country, hints of the South African producer of premium advertising sorokogradusnoy Russian Bear Vodka. Creative agency Lowe Bull Cape Town has developed the campaign, the core of which was softened by the brutality of Russian vodka. In the cities of South Africa appeared outdoor advertising with a picture of a smiling unnaturally Generalissimo Stalin and the inscription «Fun Side of Russia» («The funny side of Russia"). Gladdening the same theme is reflected in other promotional materials Russian Bear Vodka - in particular a series of posters Russain Tricks («Russian tricks"). Image of vodka there side by side with a set of items for sinister communist parties - tarpaulin boots stink monstrous mites, disappearing ink, a sledgehammer, a radioactive powder smuggled coffee and plates, the newspaper "Pravda" and others. As conceived by pranksters-creatives, in addition to mild taste, the true Russian vodka should promise the audience sensations.
Russian aristocrats

In 2009, the website of the British company Budget Group of Companies pzapustil advertising, the protagonist of which is the meerkat Aleksandr Orlov, dressed in a velvet gown scion of an aristocratic Russian family. Meerkat not speak in English (well, of course - he's Russian!), And therefore confuses words meerkat («meerkat") and market («Market"). Such is the inimitable British humor. Orlov rich family history. His father - an amateur boxer, his grandfather - a veteran of the "war on Mongoose", miraculously survived during Stalin's purges. Yet he has aide Sergei, who helped develop the Soviet space program. Advertising had incredible success - in the ranking of the most popular sites on insurance (and comparemarket.com first analyzes the market), the company has risen from 16th to 4th place, attendance has increased dramatically. In addition, the character has gone well in social networks. Were filmed numerous commercials, recorded interviews (one of them Orlov said that Putin had given him a hawk), songs, books published and produced toys. Analysts have even tried to explore "phenomenon Orlov." The campaign increased advertising costs across the sector - the competitors sought to emulate the success of Russian meerkat, but mostly in vain.
Russian spies

The Cold War continues to influence the presentation of western people of Russia and Russian. Advertising is not trying to change this stereotype, but presents it with humor - as, for example, in a roller sports channel ESPN. Passion for sports news channel can serve as a basis for espionage. Then everything is simple: if a spy, the Russian - hence hockey star Alexander Ovechkin, who was leading ESPN Steve Levy zastukivaet in the office of the suspicious document viewing. Levi jokingly asks whether the Russian spy. They both laugh. Levi goes, but Ovechkin disappears into the ceiling hatch with a colleague hockey and Semyon Varlamov espionage. This video has become one of the most expensive in the history of television (to raise Ovechkin will need a special crane), and also took the 5th place in the ranking of the most successful.
Russian dances

Like any exotic folk image of Russia helps attract attention to the brand spoiled Western consumers. At least so say in budget airline easyJet. Before the company was tasked to report on its new regular flight London - Moscow, and she decided it is quite traditional. In the North Terminal of London Gatwick Airport, where planes fly in the direction of the Russian capital, organized a dance performance. Passengers waiting to board, entertained professionals, dressed in Russian folk costumes, they cast their pranks and circled to the accompaniment of an accordion and balalaika. Not without the Cossacks who had organized a dance with swords. According to the organizers, all of this was to infect the public desire to buy cheap air ticket to Moscow - of course, both ways.
Source: aptukkaev.livejournal.com