Chicken pastrami "Forget about the sausage"

- Chicken breast fillet - 2 pcs. 250 gr.
- Spices to taste
- Salt
- Garlic
- Vegetable oil.
Connect your favorite spices (I ground coriander, a mixture of peppers, hops-suneli, ground paprika), salt, garlic through chesnokodavku and vegetable oil.
Chicken breast fillets well lubricated with the mixture and leave for 30 minutes, and can be longer. Meanwhile, the oven heats up to 250grad S.
On a baking sheet, the laid foil, put the breast (I joined 2 pieces) and for 12 minutes in the oven at the same temperature (if the breast more then 15 minutes - no more). Perederzhivat not necessary, otherwise the meat will dry.
Turn off the oven, door will not open 4:00!
I did the night before and the morning was ready a great pastrami. Fast, easy and simple.