Celebrate the New Year with taste: baked chicken with thyme and lemon.
Baked chicken - a classic. Each family has left his signature recipe for which she prepares a delicious version of this dish. This recipe is - no ordinary, lemon and thyme give the flavor of the chicken is so delicious that I want to immediately give this beauty to New Year's table! Preparing such a gorgeous chicken is quite simple, so take note of this dish.
- Chicken - 1 pc.
- Thyme - 10 branches
- Lemon - 2 pieces.
- Butter - 50 g
- Potatoes - 500 g
- Salt and pepper
1. Peel the potatoes and seldom large pieces. Brush the large ceramic form (in which these dishes are uniformly) butter, put the potatoes back.
2. Tear off the leaves with sprigs of thyme, putting them into a small cup. Sprinkling potato leaves and sprigs of thyme, salt and pepper.
3. Sodium zest of one lemon and mix with thyme leaves.
4. A second stored inside the chicken, because of this, it would be better to keep the shape and be satisfied tsithusovymi flavors.
5. Tie the chicken legs cord. This will not give it to lose shape.
6. Carefully separate (not cut) the skin with breast pockets and starting with a mixture of zest and thyme leaves. Can you add something from yourself (pepper and other dry and fresh herbs).
7. Wipe the chicken well with paper towels. For crisp and golden brown it is very important.
8. Generously sodium chicken soft butter like suntan lotion lubricates, and on top Pour some zest, thyme, salt and pepper.
9. Lay the chicken on a bed of potatoes. Notice that the part of the chicken, which is within the form, browned less (because the bumpers prevent heat warming the chicken). So if you want a very zazharistuyu chicken, choose the shape with low sides. Or pan.
10. Send your chicken in the oven at 205 degrees, wait a little longer than an hour.
11. Check the readiness simple - chicken thrust it with a knife or fork, if the juice comes out clear - it's ready. When in doubt, it is better to overexpose a little chicken, dry it will not be because the outer crust is not releasing moisture.
12. A little secret. To crust was more expressive and crisp, it is possible to pour the juice that flows down to the potatoes (chicken juice burns the skin and get the same desired effect). But I did otherwise. He took a hard brush, gaining her soft butter and smeared the chicken in the oven. He did this three times, every 20-25 minutes.
13. What's good chicken - cook like one dish, but everyone gets a different - someone loves a juicy drumstick and thigh, someone crazy wings (which are just too loud crackle golden crust), and others - are happy to breast and its white meat.
Chicken turns out very juicy inside, crispy on the outside and very flavorful. A perfect way to prepare the bird, I think. As you can see, to cope with such a dish is easy. Their families were treated to the most delicious food and always ready with inspiration!
This festive baked chicken recipe will please your friends! Show them how to cook this dish elegant.
via takprosto cc
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