Treatment of chicken broth

Chicken meat: composition and useful properties of chicken meat, indications and contraindications. Treatment of chicken broth
Chicken meat - dietary product and effective substitute meats such as pork, lamb and beef in part. It is an excellent source of protein and amino acids, with little calories. In this white meat contains less fat and dark rich in iron. The most part of the diet is considered to breast and most harmful - chicken ham. Because it did not recommend cooking broth, as thus there settles the greatest amount of harmful substances. And of course, nutritionists recommend refuse from eating chicken skin, which contains the maximum amount of fat.
The composition of chicken
The composition of chicken meat include glutamic acid, essential oils, and nitrogen-containing substances, precisely because these components are different chicken dishes such specific smell.
100 grams of chicken about 60 grams of water, 20 grams of protein 8, 8, 8 g fat and 0 6 c carbohydrate calorie product that provides a range of 164 to 241 units, depending on the part of the carcass. From the micro and macro in the greatest quantity presented: 1600 mg iron, zinc 2055 mg, 217 mg of potassium and phosphorus, 180 mg. In addition, the vitamin is widely represented group - B, PP, C, E and A.
Useful properties of chicken
On the beneficial properties of chicken meat has been known since ancient times. In many countries, is not the first century of chicken meat is used for recuperation of patients and physically exhausted people and for strengthening immunity.
In recent years, as a result of numerous studies identified and other useful properties of chicken meat. However, it should be noted that talking about the "usefulness" of the chicken can only be referring to the maximum or boiled stew, not roasted or grilled chicken.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Due to their large number, the chicken is a preventive for coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and stroke.
Vitamins. Contained in chicken meat B vitamins positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, including carbohydrate, protein and fat, as well as the functioning of the central nervous system. Vitamins B2 and B6 support the health and beauty of the skin and nails, vitamin B9 is essential for the process of hematopoiesis, and vitamin B12 helps to cope with depression and insomnia.
Collagen. For the chicken is characterized by low content of collagen (connective tissue), so it is easy to digest. This optimal nutrition in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach with any level of acidity), diabetes and obesity.
Protein. This element is present in the chicken meat in a sufficient amount, making it the best material for building muscle. It is rapidly absorbed and has beneficial effects on brain development, cell division and building bones.
Indications and contraindications for chicken
From the above it can be concluded that the main priority and the reading-to-eat chicken - is to take care of your health and figure. Due to its low calorie content and easy digestibility, boiled chicken meat is included in most diets, but also recommended for feeding children and elderly people.
Diseases such as gastritis, peptic ulcer or duodenum may also occur more easily by eating chicken meat tender, its fiber will draw up all the excess acidity, projecting an irritant to the mucous internal organs.
In addition, due to the presence of chicken vitamin B9 and B12, it is considered especially useful for the female body, because, firstly, these vitamins are involved in the reproductive organs and, secondly, contribute to a healthy pregnancy and nurturing the full development of the child. < br />
With regard to the presence of contraindications to the use of chicken, it is appropriate to talk about fried, smoked or grilled chicken, and especially those parts of it as the skin and the "dark" meat, contain high cholesterol. In general, the negative properties of chicken meat are reduced to what is happening in the colon putrid processes, when bacteria settle on the undigested remains of the meat and begin to actively proliferate. The products of their decomposition, in particular phenol, cresol, and so on, begin to be absorbed into the blood, thereby poisoning organism.
This is made possible by excessive use of meat products, in other words, with overeating, when the stomach does not cope with the load. Therefore, knowing the sense of proportion, you can protect yourself from the appearance of such effects. Moreover, combining chicken with fresh or fresh, stewed vegetables and greens, you will help your stomach quickly cope with their digestive function.
Treatment of chicken broth
Chicken broth - not less valuable product than boiled chicken. Its medicinal properties are well known, but for the production of high-quality and truly natural chicken broth needed a home, rather than broiler chickens, stuffed with growth stimulants. If you are not sure of the quality of purchased chicken or chicken, it is better not to use the primary broth and drain it. Carcase same again fill with water and boil for fifteen minutes, then strain.
It is believed that the chicken broth improves the heart muscle, affecting its size and thickness of the vascular wall, thus providing a neutral effect on blood pressure. As a preventive measure to normalize the heart rate enough to drink no more than 100 ml of concentrated chicken broth a day.
Known as the ability of chicken broth to get to work "lazy" stomach when it reduced secretion. Taking a chicken the most useful elements of the broth as a buffer delivers them weakened body.
And of course, hot chicken broth even our grandmothers used in the treatment of colds, flu and SARS.