Chocolate muffins with raisins

- 2 eggs,
- Article 3.4. sugar,
- Vanilla,
- 100 g butter,
- 100 ml yogurt,
- 1, 5 tsp baking powder,
- 1/4 tsp salt,
- 2 tbsp cocoa,
- 1, 5, Art. flour,
- Raisins,
- Cognac.
soak the raisins in brandy minutes 30. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla. add melted butter, yogurt. Mix the flour with salt, baking powder and cocoa. small portions add flour mixture, carefully vymeshivaya. add raisins into the dough, stir, spread out on cups and bake for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 C.
Variation on the theme of cheesecake without baking)
Muffins usually do one recipe, changing the filling (chocolate, fruits, berries, etc.)