She added one ingredient in muffins, not giving it much importance. But it turned superblyudo!
Having prepared once this delicacy, you fall in love with him wholeheartedly. I like this recipe is that the cakes without flour are obtained ideal - unnoticed, that the dough is made from semolina
! No butter, only yogurt, eggs, and semolina. Who would have thought that dietary dish can be so tempting ... Cupcakes obtained elastic and soft, and inside - insanely delicious stuffing
Cupcakes with kuragoyIngredienty 150 g semolina 200 ml yogurt 1 egg < 1 egg white 1 hour. l. baking powder 100 g apricots a pinch of salt
Preparation Vzbey egg and 1 egg white to cool foam , add baking powder and salt. Adds the semolina into the egg mixture, stirring quickly everything. At the request of the dough, you can add a little sugar, but you can do without it. Vanilla, a teaspoon of brandy, a little grated lemon zest - all these details will improve the dish
Place the molds on the bottom of each dried apricots, you can pre-soak it in boiling water for more juiciness.. Instead, you can use dried apricots prunes, dates, raisins - that the more you love
. Bake the muffins for 40 minutes at 170 degrees, do not forget to pre-heat the oven.
Ready-made cakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. I have not tasted anything more delicious for a long time! Share this recipe divinely delicious dessert with your friends, they just love it!
! No butter, only yogurt, eggs, and semolina. Who would have thought that dietary dish can be so tempting ... Cupcakes obtained elastic and soft, and inside - insanely delicious stuffing

Cupcakes with kuragoyIngredienty 150 g semolina 200 ml yogurt 1 egg < 1 egg white 1 hour. l. baking powder 100 g apricots a pinch of salt
Preparation Vzbey egg and 1 egg white to cool foam , add baking powder and salt. Adds the semolina into the egg mixture, stirring quickly everything. At the request of the dough, you can add a little sugar, but you can do without it. Vanilla, a teaspoon of brandy, a little grated lemon zest - all these details will improve the dish
Place the molds on the bottom of each dried apricots, you can pre-soak it in boiling water for more juiciness.. Instead, you can use dried apricots prunes, dates, raisins - that the more you love

. Bake the muffins for 40 minutes at 170 degrees, do not forget to pre-heat the oven.

Ready-made cakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. I have not tasted anything more delicious for a long time! Share this recipe divinely delicious dessert with your friends, they just love it!
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