Try banana muffins "Chunga-Changa", and you will never forget the taste!

Cook banana muffins "Chunga-Changa" under the force of any hostess! This simple dessert will be pleased with its incomparable taste and aroma. Banana muffins "Chunga-Changa", you can easily cook for tea, how to apply for a long-awaited guests a dessert or to take with you to work. This meal can be a highlight of the evening feast and light dessert for dinner on a weekday. If you have not tried yet surprisingly tasty banana muffins "Chunga-Changa" - write down the recipe!


3 ripe bananas; 75 g sugar; 1 egg; 1 h. liter. soda; 1 h. liter. dry yeast; 150 g flour; 1/2 ch. l. salt; 70 g butter; icing or powdered sugar to decorate. Preparation:

1. Mash the bananas in a deep bowl.

2. Add sugar, beaten egg and melted butter. Mix up.

3. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, yeast, baking soda, salt, and is connected to the banana mixture. You should get the batter.

4. Preheat the oven to 190 ° C. Brush the molds with butter, flour and prisyp fill them with batter. Put bake for 20-25 minutes.

5. During this time, muffins rise strongly and lightly browned. Gently remove them from the molds and put on a towel to cool. If desired, decorate with glaze or powdered sugar prisyp.

If you do not know than to please family holiday - bake them banana muffins "Chunga-Changa". And you can safely make tea and invite guests. Sure, with a delicious dessert gatherings take a long time! Share with your friends this simple dessert recipe and wish them bon appetit.
