Chocolate hills on the island of Bohol (Philippines)

In recent years more and more travelers are discovering vacation on the Philippines. The Islands of the archipelago is a tropical Paradise with beautiful beaches, white sand and quiet bays, perfect for diving. One of the most interesting natural attractions of the Philippines – Chocolate hills, located on the island of Bohol.

Chocolate hills – amazing natural formations, so named due to the fact that in dry seasons the grass in them dries, acquiring a characteristic brown color. Then they become like a giant truffle candies or cocoa slides. Only in Bohol, there are 1260 to 1776 hills, scattered on an area of 50 square kilometers. The hills varied in size, with some reaching 30-50 m in height, and others do – 120 m.

Scientists for many years arguing about the origin of the hills, advancing various theories. According to one of them, it is considered that the hills emerged as a result of the rise of coral deposits due to exposure to rainwater and soil erosion. Other researchers insist that these hills are huge conglomerates of stones, caused by the eruption of an ancient volcano, and then covered with limestone. Others say that the entire island was once the bottom of the ocean with centuries of lime deposits, after the lowering of the sea level the wind gave them a bizarre form. The only thing solidarity scientists: Chocolate hills – a miraculous creation, because to create such would not have any civilization.

The locals have their own ideas about how could appear the hills. Ancient legends and traditions keep the memory of how the two giants started a fight and started throwing each other stones, boulders and piles of sand. The battle lasted several days, the two giants were tired and decided to reconcile. After retiring from the battlefield with friends, they forgot to "clean up" for what is scattered.

There is a more romantic version of, say, the giant Arogo in love with a beautiful earth girl'aloja, but she died a disconsolate Arago remained in the valley of tears. They petrified and became huge hills.

Whatever it was, the mysterious Chocolate hills attract tourists who want to take a look at these natural giants. Local landmark is one of the symbols of the island of Bohol and is included in the world heritage list of UNESCO. Unfortunately, even despite this, the hills are under threat of extinction due to quarrying carried out in this region.
Source: lifeglobe.net/entry/1377