6 Useful Tips for Everyday Life

1. How quickly and easily fall asleep.
Lie on your back, stretch out, relax the whole body. Close your eyes and under the closed eyelids to roll his eyeballs upward. This is the normal state of the eyes during sleep. By adopting this position, the person falls asleep quickly, easily and deeply. According to Viktor Suvorov, this technique for decades taught the GRU.
2. How can the signing of the desired document.
Professional lawyers trick: any agreement must fit on one page - albeit without spaces, without gaps, small pins. Works with any memoranda, explanatory, etc.
3. How to remember what is remembered.
If you can not remember, say, how old was the child buddy, you just have to imagine how it could be. Tell random. Very often in such a situation the brain relaxes and slips right answer, which is simply stuck somewhere.
4. As no skip errors in the text.
With too quick proof read brain starts itself to correct errors. Experienced correctors in this case read the text from the bottom up so attention switches from context on individual words and phrases, and care increases.
5. How not to poison in restaurants.
To be suspicious of "special offers" and "Cooking with Chef ': it can be a convenient way to dispose of unsold products.
Carefully eating in restaurants, where few visitors. In refrigerators these restaurants has accumulated a bunch of products with expiring. Rare cook resist the temptation to get rid of them in the first place.
Are suspicious and Sunday brunch: they can utilize all that is not eaten on Friday and Saturday. Shrimp salad - a graveyard of dead shrimp. Fish soaked in balsamic vinegar - it's the fish that we can not just fry on the grill. On Sunday, more than ever true vintage Cook saying: "The sauce hides a thousand sins."
Do not order fish on Monday, even in cities with vigorous fish markets it will, most likely, the fish that was ordered on Thursday and not eaten over the weekend. All this time she was in the fridge, which opens every two minutes.
Fish vendors almost never bought swordfish: unlike their clients they saw the three-meter worms that live in it.
In Moscow, the fish comes on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Therefore, these are the best days to order sushi and sashimi. Salmon from Scotland comes on Tuesdays and Fridays, but you can easily order and on other days: salmon stored longer and better than any other fish.
6. How to respond when a dog attacks you.
When a dog runs - squat. The animal works program - was great - decreased, so preparing for the attack. And if the goal itself goes on the attack, it is better not to go to her. In 99% of cases, the dog will stop immediately, and a maximum possessing. This technique used by special forces soldiers.