How to motivate employees

Employee Motivation - a very important question, which should take care company managers or HR managers. How to motivate people? How to inspire them to greater zeal in the work?
As a rule, in addition to material rewards are driven by experts and something else. This is the "something" every employee of their own, and sometimes it is not easy to define it.
Specialists, based on their experience and some studies have suggested a typology of people who build a career, depending on the characteristics of the individual.
1. Self-assessment - that reflects the confidence of any person in his professional and personal qualities, his value to what is happening around them.
2. The level of claims. This level of each is different: the high level of claims - a man's desire to climb the corporate ladder and achieve wage increases and promotions. Naturally, the real impact of such a person will achieve only if he is to rely on. Otherwise - it will remain a dreamer. If the level of claims at the employee understated, the person usually does not want to lose the progress, but does not try to strive forward.
3. Locus of control - an indicator of employee responsibility. People are constantly looking for excuses outside, have an external locus of control, they may seek an explanation of what is happening in the circumstances or actions of others. Internal locus - when a person feels responsible for every action, and is able to draw conclusions from their mistakes. Sometimes, however, is too pronounced internal locus leads to excessive self-criticism.
Now let's talk about what types of workers are found in reality:
1. Mountaineer - a person with high self-esteem and the same high level of claims, has an internal locus of control. He makes his career consciously, with a large internal efficiency. Typically, such an employee will climb the career ladder from the bottom up, not skipping steps.
Employee Motivation of this type is not too difficult to manage, most importantly - they do not interfere.
2. Ant - low self-esteem, external locus, a low level of claims. This person works strictly according to the tasks set by the leadership. And he shows no initiative is not due to the fact that it is not able to, but because of fear of making a mistake. As a performer, a very valuable employee.
To hold it is not necessary to provide booms and load its authority, or he can, afraid to leave. Employee Motivation "ants" - constructive praise enough clear instructions and minimize power. If there is a need for its advancement, do so gradually, and providing it with a support, for example, as substituents competent.
3. The Illusionist - employees with high self-esteem, as well as a high level of claims, but having an external locus of control. He pushed forward, trusting in our own strength, but does not try to spend it on themselves and use the favorable circumstances. Most of all he likes to seem important and indispensable, and not to be it really is. He waits high waves, which would raise it to the top overnight. Such a person does not like to take responsibility.
If you see that the officer is talented, and you want to retain and motivate, you do not need to destroy his illusions, of course, if they have it "not too far".
Employee Motivation - this is an important moment for any manager and HR manager. Only an individual approach and a clear understanding of the type of employee will provide an opportunity to operate correctly, encourage employees to greater diligence and dedication.