15 tricks to help you
1) Coffee and Cigarettes. Coffee increases the speed of the brain, and cigarettes do thinking sharper and more accurate. In both cases, the effect does not last long, not to mention the long-term health consequences.
2) non-smoking - coffee and donuts. The combination of caffeine and glucose improves care.
3) Chewing gum increases the concentration is stronger than caffeine, however, the effect only lasts 20 minutes.
4) Draw and features. If you think about the problem and parallel to draw something, it will increase concentration and enhance memory.
5) Drink Energy. They give a double effect: due to its chemical composition and as a placebo (consumer confidence in their effectiveness). If you do not want to harm the health, just stare at the bank. This also has the effect of: race car drivers with Red Bull branding on the cars feel stronger, faster and more desperate, because it is associated with these qualities Energy. And their opponents on the contrary.
6) Think of smart people - famous scientists, entrepreneurs. Thoughts about smart people give birth to a stream of associations (the "brilliant," "talented," "gifted"), which in turn give rise to the right mental attitude. The effect lasts for 15 minutes.
7) sniff rosemary. A certain level of rosemary oil in the blood increases the concentration.
8) Communicate with other people interested in their life, do not let feelings of loneliness seize you. Loneliness is not only an effort on cognitive abilities, but also leads to premature death.
9) Exercise.
10) Listen to classical music. Any other music giving a neutral or negative effect.
11) Do not sprayed. Multitasking - the evil.
12) Men try to keep the field of view was not beautiful women. Try to not even think about them. Women, this rule does not apply.
13) Get enough sleep. Different people require different duration of sleep. It is not necessary to emulate elite Sleepless.
14) If you decide to task for inspiration, take a horizontal position. In the supine position, and reduced levels of norepinephrine activity of locus coeruleus, which leads to the relaxation, enhance the creativity and, ultimately, to the solution.
15) Believe in yourself. Beliefs affect cognitive abilities. Even wearing a simple white coat improves the accuracy and attentiveness.