The perfect pedicure for half an hour

If you do not have time to walk around the cabin, do not despair.
1. Wash, exfoliate and soften - 10 minutes. This will require: a basin of warm water, scrub the feet and softening ingredient in water - milk powder, almond oil, and even a simple table salt.
2. Grate, revive and restore - 10 minutes. To do this, take a pumice stone or a special brush and how to rub in the heel, and side parts of the pads of the feet. Then, very greasy moisturizer and rub it thoroughly in the same area. Continue to rub until the cream is completely absorbed.
Now - a foot massage. When the skin of feet became soft, it's time to remove the cuticles. Put a bit of oil to each cuticle and move its special stick. During this process, pay attention to your nails your feet. If they got a lotion or oil, clean them out.
3. Give the shape, color and brilliance - 10 minutes. Take special tongs and cut the tops of the nails. The main thing in this part of the pedicure - to give your nails a long and leave them room for further growth.
Then take a nail file and drank themselves on the sharp ends of the thumb. The round shape of the nail prevents infection. To paint lay down evenly. Polish nail file special. Then apply on the basis of transparent nail, let it dry and apply a coat of clear varnish and fixative.