Eradicates spots without a trace.

To live a life without blemishes fails anyone. If the origin of the stains is unknown, it is recommended to use a simple tool - warm soapy water. cloth or toothbrush grease cleaned from dust spot, and then rinse with clean water. If the stain does not disappear, you have to use more radical methods. When removing stains from the inside sure to enclose a small plate, fitted by several layers of clean white cloth. If the product has a lining, it is necessary to place a plate between the lining and the main cloth.
Stains of unknown origin. Prepare a solution of 8 g of 10% ammonium hydroxide and 4 g of dried grated white soap, borax 2 g, 8 g of alcohol and 10 g of distilled water or rain water. Material put on the board, soak the stain with a brush with this solution, blot dry cloth, wash the treated area with cold water and sprinkle with dry breadcrumbs or talc.
1. Spots of black coffee with milk on silk or wool output glycerin, which for some time spread on the spot for 10-12 hours and then immersed in soapy water, after which the item should be washed in warm water.
2. Spots of ink.
The spots of ink. Fresh stains are removed with the help of milk: wash soiled product in warm water, then put in warm milk for 2 hours, changing it if it starts to get dark. After the disappearance of the product, rinse the stain in warm water, then wash with a mild soap solution. Remove ink stains can be using glycerol: fabric with a stain in glycerine keep at least 2 hours, and then rinsed in warm, slightly salted water. If there are traces, they wash them in warm soapy water. You can also drench ink stain with acetic acid, wipe with a wet cloth and iron.
Ink stains and rust on canvas and hand removes juice ripe tomatoes.
Ink stains from the carpet removed boiling milk, lemon juice or a strong solution of citric acid or vinegar.
Ink stains from linoleum removed with sandpaper or a pumice stone. After this treatment, there are traces on the linoleum, which must be carefully wiped with vegetable oil (preferably linseed) or varnish and then polished well wool with a soft cloth.
3. Spot of tea leaves.
Spot of tea leaves must be removed immediately. In this case it is sufficient to wash the item in warm water with soap suds. Old stains from the tea leaves, wipe with a cloth dipped in a warm solution of oxalic acid at the rate of 2-3 g per 1 cup of water, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.