The chef showed how to return the salted towels to their former freshness, even the old spots will disappear
Order in the kitchen is the biggest dream of all housewives. But where something is constantly cooked and spent a lot of time, it is difficult to maintain perfect cleanliness. I especially want kitchen towels and napkins to be perfectly clean. This is something no kitchen can do without. But they get dirty not only very quickly, but also difficult to remove spots. The worst are sunflower oil, tomato paste, borscht, tea and coffee. Once you get a clean towel, it gets dirty. It's very annoying!
Unfortunately, even the most effective washing does not always bring the desired result. You have to spend a lot of time in order to at least slightly return the towels attractive look. But it's very difficult to achieve the ideal. We figured out how to do it easily and easily. Do you think you can wash clothes in a pot?
Ordinary products return things clean, but their appearance is no longer perfect. Difficult spots do not just eat into the fabric, they leave an unpleasant odor that washing powder is not able to remove. It is often the case that a recently purchased towel is no longer usable due to its appearance or smell.
In such cases, many housewives resort to the most cruel means and begin to use bleach. But is it possible to wash clothes with bleach? In most cases, the bleach does not remove stains, but only spoils the structure of the tissue. And to the spots can add holes and scuffs. And then such a thing can only be thrown away. In addition, this method can not be applied to colored things, they can fade.
To once and for all forget what hard to remove spots, it is enough to use a universal tool. It allows you to remove even old spots that are deeply embedded in the fabric. Ingredients for the preparation of this product can be easily found in any kitchen, and the result will surprise you very much. All you're gonna need is vinegar, baking soda and dishwashing.
How to remove old stains from kitchen towels In order to remove stains from kitchen towels, put them in a pan of water. Then add 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of baking soda. Stir well and add dishwashing fluid. Stir everything thoroughly and put it on the fire, bring it to a boil. Let the towels boil a little in this liquid, then put them in the washing machine and wash them in the usual mode.
After such treatment, there will be no trace of spots, even the oldest ones. Your kitchen towels will be clean as new again. It is safe for most fabrics and can be used to wash any clothes. This is especially true for mothers with children who like to dirty everything around.
You no longer need to spend a lot of money on expensive and inefficient powders and washing gels. This will help you save a decent amount of money!
Peels Tell me, what means do you remove difficult spots from clothes? Share your life hacks in the comments, and let the washing towels be a joy!

Unfortunately, even the most effective washing does not always bring the desired result. You have to spend a lot of time in order to at least slightly return the towels attractive look. But it's very difficult to achieve the ideal. We figured out how to do it easily and easily. Do you think you can wash clothes in a pot?
Ordinary products return things clean, but their appearance is no longer perfect. Difficult spots do not just eat into the fabric, they leave an unpleasant odor that washing powder is not able to remove. It is often the case that a recently purchased towel is no longer usable due to its appearance or smell.

In such cases, many housewives resort to the most cruel means and begin to use bleach. But is it possible to wash clothes with bleach? In most cases, the bleach does not remove stains, but only spoils the structure of the tissue. And to the spots can add holes and scuffs. And then such a thing can only be thrown away. In addition, this method can not be applied to colored things, they can fade.
To once and for all forget what hard to remove spots, it is enough to use a universal tool. It allows you to remove even old spots that are deeply embedded in the fabric. Ingredients for the preparation of this product can be easily found in any kitchen, and the result will surprise you very much. All you're gonna need is vinegar, baking soda and dishwashing.
How to remove old stains from kitchen towels In order to remove stains from kitchen towels, put them in a pan of water. Then add 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of baking soda. Stir well and add dishwashing fluid. Stir everything thoroughly and put it on the fire, bring it to a boil. Let the towels boil a little in this liquid, then put them in the washing machine and wash them in the usual mode.

After such treatment, there will be no trace of spots, even the oldest ones. Your kitchen towels will be clean as new again. It is safe for most fabrics and can be used to wash any clothes. This is especially true for mothers with children who like to dirty everything around.

You no longer need to spend a lot of money on expensive and inefficient powders and washing gels. This will help you save a decent amount of money!

Peels Tell me, what means do you remove difficult spots from clothes? Share your life hacks in the comments, and let the washing towels be a joy!
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