Cheerful fifth-graders cope with this test in a couple of minutes, try your hand.
Having finished with intensive training at school and institute, a person gradually forgets all the wisdom that he was taught in boring lessons and long lectures. As a result, over time, even the answers to the simplest questions are with great difficulty.
And today's edition. "Site" suggest testifyTo test how well school and university knowledge is stored in memory. High school students give more than half the correct answers. Can you do that?
Pass the erudition and intelligence test
Micrology studies mushrooms, and one kilobyte contains 210 bytes = 1024 bytes. As for the planet with the most moons, in the solar system it is Saturn. Although for a while such a record holder was considered a giant Jupiter. Recently, however, scientists have discovered 20 new moons orbiting Saturn, making it a leader.
The definite article in English is the, and the Roman number LXVIII is 68. As for the answer to question 5, the Constitution does not apply to state symbols, because it is the main law.
In ancient Greek mythology, Hermes was considered the god of trade and theft, and Demeter was the patron saint of agriculture and fertility. As for geography, the highest point of Africa is considered the stratovolcano Kilimanjaro. But among the options listed in the last question, the Arctic cannot be attributed to the continents.
Admit it, How many correct answers Out of 10, you got it. They also shared their thoughts in the comments. And try another erudition test.

And today's edition. "Site" suggest testifyTo test how well school and university knowledge is stored in memory. High school students give more than half the correct answers. Can you do that?
Pass the erudition and intelligence test
- Remember the name of the biology section that studies mushrooms? To the first question was not too difficult, we give answers: histology, mushroomology, mycology.
- Tell me how many bytes one kilobyte contains. We will only suggest that here you will have to work with degrees to accurately calculate.
- Which planet in the solar system has the most satellites? Those of you who were interested in astronomy in school know the answer today.
- Which article in English is called definite. We will not suggest the options here, but only note that there is one definite article and two indefinite ones.
- Which of the above does not apply to the main state symbols: flag, coat of arms, constitution, anthem?
- Remember the Roman numerals? Then tell me what the number is under LXVIII. Let’s just say that it is less than 100, but more than 10.
- What was your attitude to Greek mythology? Can you remember the ancient Greek god of trade, cunning, youth and eloquence? What was the name of this patron of shepherds and travelers?
- What was the name of the Greek goddess of fertility and agriculture? By the way, she is one of the most revered on the entire Olympus.
- What about geography? What is the name of the highest peak of the African continent, which is also called the "Roof of Africa"?
- Which of the above does not apply to continents: Africa, North America, the Arctic, Antarctica, Australia?
Micrology studies mushrooms, and one kilobyte contains 210 bytes = 1024 bytes. As for the planet with the most moons, in the solar system it is Saturn. Although for a while such a record holder was considered a giant Jupiter. Recently, however, scientists have discovered 20 new moons orbiting Saturn, making it a leader.

The definite article in English is the, and the Roman number LXVIII is 68. As for the answer to question 5, the Constitution does not apply to state symbols, because it is the main law.
In ancient Greek mythology, Hermes was considered the god of trade and theft, and Demeter was the patron saint of agriculture and fertility. As for geography, the highest point of Africa is considered the stratovolcano Kilimanjaro. But among the options listed in the last question, the Arctic cannot be attributed to the continents.

Admit it, How many correct answers Out of 10, you got it. They also shared their thoughts in the comments. And try another erudition test.
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