6 effective natural remedies for getting rid of age spots on the skin
Typically, spots appear on the skin with age or are the result of excessive sun exposure. Very often, these stains become difficult to hide, and this negatively affects our self-esteem.
Usually women face this problem with the onset of menopause. But it happens that the spots appear on the skin and in younger women. This speaks to the premature aging of the skin.
But do not worry, because today there are many ways of dealing with this problem. Thanks to them spots on the skin will become less noticeable, but her tone is more uniform.
There are some interesting alternatives to cosmetic products. They will not bring any harm to your health, as are a combination of various natural ingredients.
These tools lighten the skin and make the spots less noticeable are available to any wallet. And most importantly, that you can use them regularly, because their natural ingredients do not cause side effects.
1. Lemon and parsley
The combination of these two ingredients allows to clean the skin, causing blemishes and other flaws become less noticeable and stop screwing up our beauty.
Contained in the lemon vitamin C regulates the production of melanin, thanks to which our skin becomes more even tone.
As for parsley, this spice has astringent properties and tones the skin perfectly. Parsley helps to restore the natural pH balance of the skin and facilitates deep cleansing.
Contained in Apple cider vinegar acid make age spots less noticeable. It also normalizes the pH balance of our skin, combats excessive sebum and opens clogged pores.
Natural yoghurt has astringent, which allows it to effectively cleanse the skin of dead cells accumulating on its surface.
Carrot promotes rapid healing of wounds, improve the tone of our skin and stimulates its regeneration. This helps to make the spots less noticeable.
Contained in the potato juice starch is also a good natural remedy against age spots.
Onion juice also has a number of antibacterial and astringent properties. It benefits our skin.
Onion juice facilitates the removal of dead cells, smooths wrinkles and folds. He also is a good treatment for acne.
Since this time our goal is to get rid of age spots, in the preparation of this medium we chose to use onion juice along with Apple cider vinegar. With the additional ingredient means it will be even more effective.
Also interesting: a Simple pharmaceutical remedy for wrinkles that works!
This is a natural product — perfect for sensitive skin
6. Turmeric and olive oil
This popular spice helps to whiten the skin. Thanks to her, our skin becomes younger, and fine lines disappear. Turmeric protects our skin from premature aging.
Olive oil, in turn, is an excellent moisturizer, stimulates skin regeneration. The use of this natural remedies brings noticeable results.
Source: steptohealth.ru/pyatna-na-kozhe-6-domashnih-sredstv-dlya-ih-udaleniya/
Usually women face this problem with the onset of menopause. But it happens that the spots appear on the skin and in younger women. This speaks to the premature aging of the skin.
But do not worry, because today there are many ways of dealing with this problem. Thanks to them spots on the skin will become less noticeable, but her tone is more uniform.

There are some interesting alternatives to cosmetic products. They will not bring any harm to your health, as are a combination of various natural ingredients.
These tools lighten the skin and make the spots less noticeable are available to any wallet. And most importantly, that you can use them regularly, because their natural ingredients do not cause side effects.
1. Lemon and parsley
The combination of these two ingredients allows to clean the skin, causing blemishes and other flaws become less noticeable and stop screwing up our beauty.
Contained in the lemon vitamin C regulates the production of melanin, thanks to which our skin becomes more even tone.
As for parsley, this spice has astringent properties and tones the skin perfectly. Parsley helps to restore the natural pH balance of the skin and facilitates deep cleansing.
- 1 lemon
- 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley (20 g)
- Squeeze the juice from the lemon, add two tablespoons of finely chopped parsley and mix well the ingredients.
- Before sleep, evenly apply the product on entire face, wait 30 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
- Conduct the procedure in the evening to protect the skin from sun exposure.
Contained in Apple cider vinegar acid make age spots less noticeable. It also normalizes the pH balance of our skin, combats excessive sebum and opens clogged pores.

- 2 tablespoons Apple cider vinegar (20 ml.)
- 6 tablespoons water (60 ml.)
- Dissolve the required amount of vinegar in water and soak it well in the resulting means of a cotton pad.
- Apply the product on problem areas. Repeat the procedure is recommended at least 3 times a day.
Natural yoghurt has astringent, which allows it to effectively cleanse the skin of dead cells accumulating on its surface.
Carrot promotes rapid healing of wounds, improve the tone of our skin and stimulates its regeneration. This helps to make the spots less noticeable.
- 1 carrot
- 1/2 Cup natural yoghurt
- Wash well the carrots and grind it in a blender with the addition of natural yoghurt.
- Evenly apply the mask on face and wait at least 20 minutes before you wash it off.
Contained in the potato juice starch is also a good natural remedy against age spots.

- 1 potato
- Cleanse potato small size and RUB it on a grater. Get potato juice, passing the potatoes through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.
- Soak in the resulting tool, cotton pads and apply them to problem areas of the skin.
- After 10-15 minutes rinse the skin with cool water.
Onion juice also has a number of antibacterial and astringent properties. It benefits our skin.
Onion juice facilitates the removal of dead cells, smooths wrinkles and folds. He also is a good treatment for acne.
Since this time our goal is to get rid of age spots, in the preparation of this medium we chose to use onion juice along with Apple cider vinegar. With the additional ingredient means it will be even more effective.
- 1 onion
- 2 tablespoons Apple cider vinegar (20 ml.)
- Grind onion in a blender and add the resulting juice 2 tablespoons Apple cider vinegar.
- Well soak it in the prepared means of a piece of cotton wool and apply it to the problem area for 15 minutes.
Also interesting: a Simple pharmaceutical remedy for wrinkles that works!
This is a natural product — perfect for sensitive skin
6. Turmeric and olive oil
This popular spice helps to whiten the skin. Thanks to her, our skin becomes younger, and fine lines disappear. Turmeric protects our skin from premature aging.

Olive oil, in turn, is an excellent moisturizer, stimulates skin regeneration. The use of this natural remedies brings noticeable results.
- 2 tablespoons chopped turmeric (20 g)
- 2 tablespoons olive oil (50 g.)
- Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous paste.
- Apply the mixture on face and wait 40 minutes.
- When the specified time has elapsed, rinse with plenty of water.published
Source: steptohealth.ru/pyatna-na-kozhe-6-domashnih-sredstv-dlya-ih-udaleniya/