Heels in cracks, rough, how you want to achieve their smoothness and beauty
Very soon, beautiful ladies will bare their legs and begin to wear open sandals. However, before the feet should be properly prepared for the hot season. And for this it is not necessary to run to a beauty salon and spend money on pedicure. I'm going to tell you today. How to make the heels soft and smooth at home. Take care of yourself!
Heels and feet need the same care as other parts of your precious body. If you are used to going to the pedicure in the salon, you know that the legs are given special attention. Experienced craftsmen first conduct preparatory work.
Then steam the legs of the client in a warm bath with the addition of various essential oils. Next in the course is the treatment of nails and feet. The feet are cleaned of calluses and rough skin, as a result of which it becomes soft and smooth. It all sounds just fine. However, agree that now not everyone has free money that you can with a clear conscience spend on your beloved.
I believe that you can take care of your legs at home. Next, I will share a few tricks, thanks to which your heels will always be soft.
Swimming feet in baths The simplest home procedure is foot baths. You can use simple water with the addition of sea salt. However, it is better to take care of the heels of chamomile broth. It has disinfecting properties and perfectly heals all wounds and cracks.
To prepare a chamomile broth, follow the proportions: 1 tbsp. l. dry plant per 1 liter of warm-hot water. Measure the right amount of liquid and boil the broth for 10 minutes. Then he needs time to brew. After straining the liquid and reheat it to the temperature that is right for you. Never put your feet in hot water through force. The temperature should be comfortable.
Steam the legs in such a decoction can be no more than 20-25 minutes. Then, when they dry, the skin needs to be moisturized. Best to use. urea cream. This is a special keratolytic substance that exfoliates old cells from the surface of the skin. Also, this cream perfectly moisturizes and softens even the roughest skin.
I recommend doing the procedure before going to bed. After it, you need to wear light cotton socks so that the legs are warm, and the cream worked even better.
How to replace pumice? The good old assistant in home beauty treatments is pumice. But I do not recommend using it, since this thing has long been a relic of the past. First, it cleanses and polishes the skin unevenly. Secondly, it can accidentally damage the delicate heels of the legs. Why injure yourself when there are more modern methods?
For example, instead of pumice women have long been used special files with a fine abrasive coating. They cleanse the skin more delicately without damaging it. But you need to work exclusively on dry, not steamed legs. Foot scrubs are also sold in stores. With cleansing the skin, they cope with hurrah. Such a tool can be made with your own hands. It is enough to mix a large sea salt with honey.
How to make the heels soft: other tips In your arsenal of home remedies must be moisturizer. Or you can buy a pharmacy bottle with this substance and use it point by point. Glycerin perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin of the legs, while it is used even for the deepest and most painful cracks on the skin. Lubricate your heels with glycerol in the evening, then put on your socks and go to bed. The procedure can be repeated several times a week.
And from South Korea, we have another amazing tool. peeling. They are disposable, and they include components that exfoliate keratinized skin particles. Such socks are not suitable for women with very sensitive and damaged skin. However, they perfectly help to soften too rough heels.
If your skin needs emergency help, use Vaseline. The tool will work as a compress, because of which moisture from the skin will not evaporate. But too often smear the heels with Vaseline is not worth it, because in the future the opposite effect will affect and the skin will dry.
And finally, I'm going to share a folk trick. At night, the heels of the legs can be lubricated with ordinary buttermixed with mint or tea tree essential oil. For 2 tbsp of the product, 10 drops of oil are enough. The mixture is smeared on the roughest parts of the legs or on the entire foot. Then put on cotton socks and go to bed. The result will please the next day.
I heard that the butter trick helps get rid of even the most serious cracks in the legs after 10 procedures. Would you risk it?
Tell me in the comments: how do you cope with dry skin on your heels?

Heels and feet need the same care as other parts of your precious body. If you are used to going to the pedicure in the salon, you know that the legs are given special attention. Experienced craftsmen first conduct preparatory work.

Then steam the legs of the client in a warm bath with the addition of various essential oils. Next in the course is the treatment of nails and feet. The feet are cleaned of calluses and rough skin, as a result of which it becomes soft and smooth. It all sounds just fine. However, agree that now not everyone has free money that you can with a clear conscience spend on your beloved.
I believe that you can take care of your legs at home. Next, I will share a few tricks, thanks to which your heels will always be soft.
Swimming feet in baths The simplest home procedure is foot baths. You can use simple water with the addition of sea salt. However, it is better to take care of the heels of chamomile broth. It has disinfecting properties and perfectly heals all wounds and cracks.
To prepare a chamomile broth, follow the proportions: 1 tbsp. l. dry plant per 1 liter of warm-hot water. Measure the right amount of liquid and boil the broth for 10 minutes. Then he needs time to brew. After straining the liquid and reheat it to the temperature that is right for you. Never put your feet in hot water through force. The temperature should be comfortable.

Steam the legs in such a decoction can be no more than 20-25 minutes. Then, when they dry, the skin needs to be moisturized. Best to use. urea cream. This is a special keratolytic substance that exfoliates old cells from the surface of the skin. Also, this cream perfectly moisturizes and softens even the roughest skin.
I recommend doing the procedure before going to bed. After it, you need to wear light cotton socks so that the legs are warm, and the cream worked even better.
How to replace pumice? The good old assistant in home beauty treatments is pumice. But I do not recommend using it, since this thing has long been a relic of the past. First, it cleanses and polishes the skin unevenly. Secondly, it can accidentally damage the delicate heels of the legs. Why injure yourself when there are more modern methods?

For example, instead of pumice women have long been used special files with a fine abrasive coating. They cleanse the skin more delicately without damaging it. But you need to work exclusively on dry, not steamed legs. Foot scrubs are also sold in stores. With cleansing the skin, they cope with hurrah. Such a tool can be made with your own hands. It is enough to mix a large sea salt with honey.
How to make the heels soft: other tips In your arsenal of home remedies must be moisturizer. Or you can buy a pharmacy bottle with this substance and use it point by point. Glycerin perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin of the legs, while it is used even for the deepest and most painful cracks on the skin. Lubricate your heels with glycerol in the evening, then put on your socks and go to bed. The procedure can be repeated several times a week.
And from South Korea, we have another amazing tool. peeling. They are disposable, and they include components that exfoliate keratinized skin particles. Such socks are not suitable for women with very sensitive and damaged skin. However, they perfectly help to soften too rough heels.

If your skin needs emergency help, use Vaseline. The tool will work as a compress, because of which moisture from the skin will not evaporate. But too often smear the heels with Vaseline is not worth it, because in the future the opposite effect will affect and the skin will dry.
And finally, I'm going to share a folk trick. At night, the heels of the legs can be lubricated with ordinary buttermixed with mint or tea tree essential oil. For 2 tbsp of the product, 10 drops of oil are enough. The mixture is smeared on the roughest parts of the legs or on the entire foot. Then put on cotton socks and go to bed. The result will please the next day.

I heard that the butter trick helps get rid of even the most serious cracks in the legs after 10 procedures. Would you risk it?
Tell me in the comments: how do you cope with dry skin on your heels?
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