Meringue cake "Anna Pavlova"
4 chicken protein
180 gr. refined sugar + 20 gr. vanilla
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon vinegar
200 ml whipping cream berries and fruits
pinch of salt
In proteins, which should be at room temperature (I hope you have at home is not very cold), add salt and beat until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar, beating speeding. Add starch and vinegar, continuing to whisk. Heat oven to 100 degrees, baking paper sprinkled a very thin layer of corn starch and proteins to lay at the center of a circle with a diameter of 15 cm (one with an eye estimation is not much, this range can be pre-draw). Bake for 2 hours, then turn off the oven and without taking meringue out of the oven, let it cool completely. Meringue should get dry and crunchy on the outside and soft and sticky inside. Chilled cream whisk until thick.
Traditionally used for strawberry Pavlova, but any fruit and vegetables (including canned) - good.
Before serving, put the cream into the center of the meringue on top - berries and / or fruit.