"Harlequin" cake and why prudent housewives cook only it
For me, making a cake will always be associated with a holiday. This image was entrenched in childhood, when my mother baked my favorite “Monastic hut” for her birthday. Those days are over, and I can cook this myself for a long time. And yet I prefer the cake from the finished layered dough to all other options. It is much easier and the result is more predictable.
Recently I learned about the wonderful cake "Harlequin". A friend baked it for her parents’ anniversary and in some incredible way, when I came to visit the next day, I got a small piece. Oh, it was something! In this piece I found everything I love so much: crispy puff dough, air bezel, two whole kinds of cream and, of course, a huge amount of nuts!
Test ingredients
Cream ingredients
Ingredients for impregnation and decoration
It remains only to decorate the cake on top with remnants of cream, nuts and meringue. On how to properly prepare meringue, you can learn from our other article. Bon appetit!
Recently I learned about the wonderful cake "Harlequin". A friend baked it for her parents’ anniversary and in some incredible way, when I came to visit the next day, I got a small piece. Oh, it was something! In this piece I found everything I love so much: crispy puff dough, air bezel, two whole kinds of cream and, of course, a huge amount of nuts!

Test ingredients
- 1kg layered yeastless dough
- 2.5 tbsp honey
- 2, 5 tbsp sugar
- 50g butter
- 1 chicken egg
- 250g flour
- pinch
- 1 tsp soda
Cream ingredients
- 0.7 liters of high fat cream
- 150g powdered sugar
- 0.3 kg boiled condensed
- vanillin
Ingredients for impregnation and decoration
- 150g condensed
- 3 tbsp rum
- vanillin
- 200g peanuts
- bezel
- The first thing you need to do is mix the honey dough. To do this, pour sugar, salt, add honey, egg and butter into the pan. Mix the components thoroughly and put them on fire. Wait until the mixture almost boils, and add soda to it, constantly stirring everything. After 40 seconds, add the flour and mix the dough, which must then be divided into three parts.
- While the honey dough rests under the film, you can prepare cakes from layered dough. It must be rolled and cut into 6 equal parts. Bake them for 20 minutes at 190 degrees.
- Now it's honey dough. It needs rolling, too. For convenience, you can do this between two packages. It takes about 10 minutes to bake three cakes at 180 degrees. When cutting the cakes, there will definitely be pieces of dough that also need to be baked.
- It's time to prepare the cream and impregnation. For the second you need to mix condensed, rum and vanillin. This soak will be needed for honey cakes. The cream is whipped in a mixer or blender: in the bowl you need to mix cream, vanillin and powdered sugar. In a third of this cream mix 300 g of boiled condensed, the rest of the cream set aside.
- We can finally start the assembly. The scheme is this: a cake of puff dough, white cream, honey cake, white cream, again puff dough, dark cream, nuts. The order must be repeated until the cakes run out. Put a plate on the last cake and load the whole cake. Send it to the fridge for half an hour.
It remains only to decorate the cake on top with remnants of cream, nuts and meringue. On how to properly prepare meringue, you can learn from our other article. Bon appetit!
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