For guests with Ukraine continues the theme of election .....
Yanukovych comes to the district center.
Comes with security guards on the street and met a grandmother Chapala.
Zasmotrevshis on such a prominent guest (not every day you see the Prime Minister in the boondocks), grandma stumbles and falls, while scraping knees.
Seeing the whole situation Yanukovich is coming to the old woman and helps her up with asphalt.
- What are you, mother, not so gently?
Well, because in it there and my share of the blame, here's $ 200 for treatment.
- Oh, my son is the Nasho Well bagato so, that I have such a pittance Well he has never been.
How can I thank you enough?
- For God's sake, do not. I have money in! (Makes the appropriate hand gesture at the throat).
But if you want to make me a small favor.
Come to the polls and put a cross on against my name.
- That you sho, son, I'll just fell to his feet, not on your head!
All this is found on