Elections. Roizman
"The governor Kuyvashevu 00.30 call from the presidential administration ...»
On Tuesday morning, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev flew to Moscow. The reason for calling the president's administration - a new political reality that has emerged in the region after defeating Yevgeny Roizman in the mayoral election in Yekaterinburg. And not only this: According Znak.com, Moscow became aware of the fact that on election night Sverdlovsk authorities were willing to falsify the election results and were going to cover up their actions by the riot police. A source close to Eugene Kuyvasheva who do not agree with the methods of work of the chief, told Znak.com, what happened on the night of the elections in the administration of the governor, and the mayor of Yekaterinburg TECs.
Will 7 photo
Call-center headquarters Roizman. More than 30 volunteers received information from several hundred observers
Another two or three weeks before polling day Sverdlovsk authorities realized that the gap between the rating of the main candidates, the vice-governor Yakov Silin and social worker Yevgeny Roizman, too high - about 10-12%. Part of it could be cut by "black" campaign of provocation and with the message of "withdrawal" from the election Roizman. But in general, the problem is not solved. Not relying on PR-tools and not having achieved removal Roizman using blackmail, the authorities were preparing to fraud, says a source Znak.com.
Data from the first regions shown - Roizman lead. However, observers began to report that a number of PEC chairpersons behave strangely ...
"Plan A" meant the use of "ghost stations" - about two dozen PECs, which would be voted "employees of enterprises continuous cycle." Land would be, in effect, virtual, they can be used about 60 thousand votes uncontrollable. Due to leakage from the inner circle of the impending Kuyvasheva Eugene we learned at the headquarters Yevgeny Roizman. Head of Staff Aksana Panova inform the federal media, and within a few minutes after the publication in the administration of Governor raging scandal looking "mole", which opened a pre-election plan.
After the publicity of the "Plan A", it was decided to give up, says a source Znak.com. But to cover the gap of 10% is still needed. For this system was set up "offsets." According to the source of our online newspaper, is a group of counterfeiters, which were placed in the vicinity of the TECs (in some cases directly in regional administrations). "There was an agreement with about 200 election commissions that they are not going to take the minutes in TECs, and the" corrector ". Those were procured blank forms protocols signed by members of the Commission - the commission members urged to sign blank forms "for the speed." Correctors have been given already on the system SAS "Elections" vote to replace the protocols so that Silin ahead Roizman. The work is not easy, requires mathematical calculation and great accuracy. Just make a mistake - will receive those same 146%, "- says the source.
It is urgent to hold a press conference
Journalists gathered at the headquarters of Roizman half an hour. The press conference was canceled Silin
Check out this information it is impossible, but it indirectly confirmed detections of blank signed protocols of election commissions.
Observers reported violations
At the headquarters of Roizman expect fraud in one form or another. "We knew that ahead of Silin 10%, and will have" ksivu "- says the Chief of Staff Roizman Aksana Panova. - The first thing we did - immediately, at 20.00, given the results of exit polls and sent it to the federal mass media. So we fixed that we win. " When in the first half an hour after the polls closed message that Roizman leading in exit polls, spared a lot of federal media, Yakov Silin canceled his media briefing. But the press conference held Roizman, publicly announced its imminent victory. This created an information background, which is a serious obstacle fraud.
At the headquarters of each violation recorded and then sent to the bad PEC mobile group
"Then we went to the first data from the sites, and we have seen that our exit polls proved to be true by 99% - said Panov. - We went ahead with a margin of 8-10% in almost all areas. But "their" media began to give other figures. Like, Silin and Roizman are flush, then one will escape forward, then another. " At the same time polls were made in the media about stuffing their own exit polls - «Roizman and Silin scored 30% of the vote" (an official report has not been published, but such data have emerged, for example, Lenta.Ru). There is reason to believe that the stuffing was interested in the administration of Governor Eugene Kuyvasheva. In addition, the second man in the VTsIOM, chairman of VTsIOM Leonid Davydov, a confidant and adviser Kuyvasheva what progubernatorskie repeatedly written media.
Lawyers predicted stuffing
In parallel, began data entry protocols in the SAS "Elections". Source Znak.com argues that 23.30 was introduced to the already 308 minutes - more than half. Authorities in this report only about 3% of the treated papers. "The governor, knowing the real picture, giving Moscow the data that Silin slightly ahead Roizman" - says a source Znak.com. According to him, the governor did so, suggesting that in the end the result will be adjusted.
The number of alarms from the field grew
"At 23.30 input in the selection, stop the CEO - says the source Znak.com. - Was to begin fabrication. By the time Roizman ahead Silin about 5,000 votes. Protocols, negotiated by commissions taken to the "corrector", and it was some time - at least an hour - to work with them. " From the side it would not be noticeable pause input in the SAS "Elections" is not visible to the public. By the hour of the night would go in the "right" protocols.
It is necessary to go to the TECs. The situation is out of control
There had another crash, because of which the problem of Eugene Kuyvasheva may be more serious than it seems at first glance. Information leaked about the upcoming teak, it localized in the headquarters Roizman. The candidate and his mobile team went to the administration building to prevent tampering.
Roizman headquarters appealed to the journalists
23.45 The site Znak.com, where we laid out all online data from PEC, "lay down" and could not be updated. Eugene Kuyvashev Alexander Jacob and Chief of Research Affairs Mikhail Borodin went into administration in Yekaterinburg - personally monitor what is happening. The police chief also raised the alarm MOI personnel and brought to the center of Yekaterinburg trucks with riot police. If proponents of Yevgeny Roizman learned about the fraud and would not agree with the election results, it could take the violent suppression of protests. "Borodin online trying to get in Moscow sanctioned the use of force if necessary to protect" democratic choice of Yekaterinburg "," - says a source Znak.com.
Kuyvashev and Borodin arrived in gorizbirkom. The Governor General and the City Manager of City Hall include the elevator
Head of Staff Roizman Aksana Panova at this time began to publish in his Facebook photos of riot police on the streets of Yekaterinburg and write that the government is trying to "steal the victory." Parallel Aksana called his friends - one close deals with the deputy head of the presidential administration Vyacheslav Volodin, the second - to a man from the inner circle of Vladimir Putin. She asked them as soon as possible to convey to the federal leadership that the Sverdlovsk authorities are preparing to rig the elections and going to nail his "victory" batons. This was done.
Panova calls all the captains of all
Around 00:30 Evgeny Kuyvashevu a call from the president's administration and asked "not to do anything stupid," says a source Znak.com. "Kuyvashev began to say that he does so and is not engaged. "That's not engaged," - asked in the AP. At 00.45 "correctors" were "all clear" and were dismissed to their homes.
In the city center began to pull riot
However, this is still not ended. During the night, several attempts were undertaken to correct the results, but they were chaotic and not well thought out. "There is already an attitude stood leaders TECs and chairman Ilya Zakharov gorizbirkoma" - says a source Znak.com. According to some reports, Eugene Kuyvashev had a private conversation with him, but Zakharov did not succumb to pressure the governor.
Roizman makes a statement about the fraud
About two o'clock in the morning on the tapes of news agencies of the federal suddenly published the "results of exit polls» VTsIOM the same, according to which the elections won Yevgeny Roizman (How does this compare with the first an injection of VTsIOM, not explained). At the same time, federal politicians have begun to talk about "a possible" victory Roizman and give him a flattering characteristics. This was to demonstrate the Sverdlovsk Governor that further attempts to change the situation are not approved by Moscow.
However, the morning team Kuyvasheva last attempt did not give the post of the head of Yekaterinburg Roizman: it was stated that a number of sectors recorded significant violations and election results will be reviewed. Source Znak.com says that the idea came from despair: the difference in the 15 thousand votes would have to cancel at least 10-15% of the sites, that is, in fact, cancel the election results as a whole. This is nonsense.
The first came to congratulate the mayoral candidate of the Communist Party Andrew Alshevsky
A source close to the presidential administration, told Znak.com, that on the night of 8 September 9 Eugene Kuyvashev greatly aggravated their situation. "The defeat in the elections - in itself a problem. But your governor made impermissible things. First, in the early hours Moscow misinformed that wins Silin. Secondly, after being pulled from the AP Kuyvasheva, the governor's administration has tried at least twice to do the adjustment of the outcome. This "going beyond the flags", arbitrariness, - he said. - Kuyvasheva not the first time convict of lying to federal leadership, credibility is very fallen ».
I can not believe that it is not given to steal victory
But perhaps the most serious problem in the other. Elections in Yekaterinburg have shown that the governor does not support the position of not only the people but also the elite. "The fact that the TECs and the electoral commission actually sabotaged falsification, share information with headquarters Roizman, refused to break the law, despite the entreaties and threats, suggests that the governor does not control the situation in the elite. The rule is simple: if the cheating, it should not be noticeable. In the Sverdlovsk region has become a scandalous situation, the public, and leave it without attention will not work ", - says the source Znak.com.
By Staff Roizman citizens began to arrive. On the road, it formed a real cork. Winning.
* * * * *
It seems that nothing is missed.
Check that all, here
I've finished.
On Tuesday morning, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev flew to Moscow. The reason for calling the president's administration - a new political reality that has emerged in the region after defeating Yevgeny Roizman in the mayoral election in Yekaterinburg. And not only this: According Znak.com, Moscow became aware of the fact that on election night Sverdlovsk authorities were willing to falsify the election results and were going to cover up their actions by the riot police. A source close to Eugene Kuyvasheva who do not agree with the methods of work of the chief, told Znak.com, what happened on the night of the elections in the administration of the governor, and the mayor of Yekaterinburg TECs.
Will 7 photo
Call-center headquarters Roizman. More than 30 volunteers received information from several hundred observers

Another two or three weeks before polling day Sverdlovsk authorities realized that the gap between the rating of the main candidates, the vice-governor Yakov Silin and social worker Yevgeny Roizman, too high - about 10-12%. Part of it could be cut by "black" campaign of provocation and with the message of "withdrawal" from the election Roizman. But in general, the problem is not solved. Not relying on PR-tools and not having achieved removal Roizman using blackmail, the authorities were preparing to fraud, says a source Znak.com.
Data from the first regions shown - Roizman lead. However, observers began to report that a number of PEC chairpersons behave strangely ...
"Plan A" meant the use of "ghost stations" - about two dozen PECs, which would be voted "employees of enterprises continuous cycle." Land would be, in effect, virtual, they can be used about 60 thousand votes uncontrollable. Due to leakage from the inner circle of the impending Kuyvasheva Eugene we learned at the headquarters Yevgeny Roizman. Head of Staff Aksana Panova inform the federal media, and within a few minutes after the publication in the administration of Governor raging scandal looking "mole", which opened a pre-election plan.
After the publicity of the "Plan A", it was decided to give up, says a source Znak.com. But to cover the gap of 10% is still needed. For this system was set up "offsets." According to the source of our online newspaper, is a group of counterfeiters, which were placed in the vicinity of the TECs (in some cases directly in regional administrations). "There was an agreement with about 200 election commissions that they are not going to take the minutes in TECs, and the" corrector ". Those were procured blank forms protocols signed by members of the Commission - the commission members urged to sign blank forms "for the speed." Correctors have been given already on the system SAS "Elections" vote to replace the protocols so that Silin ahead Roizman. The work is not easy, requires mathematical calculation and great accuracy. Just make a mistake - will receive those same 146%, "- says the source.
It is urgent to hold a press conference

Journalists gathered at the headquarters of Roizman half an hour. The press conference was canceled Silin
Check out this information it is impossible, but it indirectly confirmed detections of blank signed protocols of election commissions.
Observers reported violations
At the headquarters of Roizman expect fraud in one form or another. "We knew that ahead of Silin 10%, and will have" ksivu "- says the Chief of Staff Roizman Aksana Panova. - The first thing we did - immediately, at 20.00, given the results of exit polls and sent it to the federal mass media. So we fixed that we win. " When in the first half an hour after the polls closed message that Roizman leading in exit polls, spared a lot of federal media, Yakov Silin canceled his media briefing. But the press conference held Roizman, publicly announced its imminent victory. This created an information background, which is a serious obstacle fraud.
At the headquarters of each violation recorded and then sent to the bad PEC mobile group
"Then we went to the first data from the sites, and we have seen that our exit polls proved to be true by 99% - said Panov. - We went ahead with a margin of 8-10% in almost all areas. But "their" media began to give other figures. Like, Silin and Roizman are flush, then one will escape forward, then another. " At the same time polls were made in the media about stuffing their own exit polls - «Roizman and Silin scored 30% of the vote" (an official report has not been published, but such data have emerged, for example, Lenta.Ru). There is reason to believe that the stuffing was interested in the administration of Governor Eugene Kuyvasheva. In addition, the second man in the VTsIOM, chairman of VTsIOM Leonid Davydov, a confidant and adviser Kuyvasheva what progubernatorskie repeatedly written media.

Lawyers predicted stuffing
In parallel, began data entry protocols in the SAS "Elections". Source Znak.com argues that 23.30 was introduced to the already 308 minutes - more than half. Authorities in this report only about 3% of the treated papers. "The governor, knowing the real picture, giving Moscow the data that Silin slightly ahead Roizman" - says a source Znak.com. According to him, the governor did so, suggesting that in the end the result will be adjusted.
The number of alarms from the field grew
"At 23.30 input in the selection, stop the CEO - says the source Znak.com. - Was to begin fabrication. By the time Roizman ahead Silin about 5,000 votes. Protocols, negotiated by commissions taken to the "corrector", and it was some time - at least an hour - to work with them. " From the side it would not be noticeable pause input in the SAS "Elections" is not visible to the public. By the hour of the night would go in the "right" protocols.
It is necessary to go to the TECs. The situation is out of control
There had another crash, because of which the problem of Eugene Kuyvasheva may be more serious than it seems at first glance. Information leaked about the upcoming teak, it localized in the headquarters Roizman. The candidate and his mobile team went to the administration building to prevent tampering.
Roizman headquarters appealed to the journalists
23.45 The site Znak.com, where we laid out all online data from PEC, "lay down" and could not be updated. Eugene Kuyvashev Alexander Jacob and Chief of Research Affairs Mikhail Borodin went into administration in Yekaterinburg - personally monitor what is happening. The police chief also raised the alarm MOI personnel and brought to the center of Yekaterinburg trucks with riot police. If proponents of Yevgeny Roizman learned about the fraud and would not agree with the election results, it could take the violent suppression of protests. "Borodin online trying to get in Moscow sanctioned the use of force if necessary to protect" democratic choice of Yekaterinburg "," - says a source Znak.com.

Kuyvashev and Borodin arrived in gorizbirkom. The Governor General and the City Manager of City Hall include the elevator
Head of Staff Roizman Aksana Panova at this time began to publish in his Facebook photos of riot police on the streets of Yekaterinburg and write that the government is trying to "steal the victory." Parallel Aksana called his friends - one close deals with the deputy head of the presidential administration Vyacheslav Volodin, the second - to a man from the inner circle of Vladimir Putin. She asked them as soon as possible to convey to the federal leadership that the Sverdlovsk authorities are preparing to rig the elections and going to nail his "victory" batons. This was done.
Panova calls all the captains of all
Around 00:30 Evgeny Kuyvashevu a call from the president's administration and asked "not to do anything stupid," says a source Znak.com. "Kuyvashev began to say that he does so and is not engaged. "That's not engaged," - asked in the AP. At 00.45 "correctors" were "all clear" and were dismissed to their homes.

In the city center began to pull riot
However, this is still not ended. During the night, several attempts were undertaken to correct the results, but they were chaotic and not well thought out. "There is already an attitude stood leaders TECs and chairman Ilya Zakharov gorizbirkoma" - says a source Znak.com. According to some reports, Eugene Kuyvashev had a private conversation with him, but Zakharov did not succumb to pressure the governor.
Roizman makes a statement about the fraud
About two o'clock in the morning on the tapes of news agencies of the federal suddenly published the "results of exit polls» VTsIOM the same, according to which the elections won Yevgeny Roizman (How does this compare with the first an injection of VTsIOM, not explained). At the same time, federal politicians have begun to talk about "a possible" victory Roizman and give him a flattering characteristics. This was to demonstrate the Sverdlovsk Governor that further attempts to change the situation are not approved by Moscow.

However, the morning team Kuyvasheva last attempt did not give the post of the head of Yekaterinburg Roizman: it was stated that a number of sectors recorded significant violations and election results will be reviewed. Source Znak.com says that the idea came from despair: the difference in the 15 thousand votes would have to cancel at least 10-15% of the sites, that is, in fact, cancel the election results as a whole. This is nonsense.
The first came to congratulate the mayoral candidate of the Communist Party Andrew Alshevsky
A source close to the presidential administration, told Znak.com, that on the night of 8 September 9 Eugene Kuyvashev greatly aggravated their situation. "The defeat in the elections - in itself a problem. But your governor made impermissible things. First, in the early hours Moscow misinformed that wins Silin. Secondly, after being pulled from the AP Kuyvasheva, the governor's administration has tried at least twice to do the adjustment of the outcome. This "going beyond the flags", arbitrariness, - he said. - Kuyvasheva not the first time convict of lying to federal leadership, credibility is very fallen ».
I can not believe that it is not given to steal victory
But perhaps the most serious problem in the other. Elections in Yekaterinburg have shown that the governor does not support the position of not only the people but also the elite. "The fact that the TECs and the electoral commission actually sabotaged falsification, share information with headquarters Roizman, refused to break the law, despite the entreaties and threats, suggests that the governor does not control the situation in the elite. The rule is simple: if the cheating, it should not be noticeable. In the Sverdlovsk region has become a scandalous situation, the public, and leave it without attention will not work ", - says the source Znak.com.
By Staff Roizman citizens began to arrive. On the road, it formed a real cork. Winning.
* * * * *
It seems that nothing is missed.
Check that all, here
I've finished.
